UK Globalisation Newswire Archive
Put the Fun Between Your Legs
01-05-2004 16:04
![Just Do It!](/icon/2004/05/290400.jpg)
NoBorder Dublin Action
01-05-2004 12:23
About 100 people took the streets of dublin today to protest about the EU's immigration policy, and in favour of open borders.Torture Ban in Iran: "Mullahs' PR Ploy is Dead on Arrival
01-05-2004 04:48
Dublin Critical Mass Success! (pics)
30-04-2004 19:28
Is China weeks away from 'Great Depression'?
30-04-2004 17:34
29-04-2004 23:30
A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files- broadcast quality (13.3MB) and quick download (3.3MB). With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, Spain, Russia, China, and Cuba.Dissent! Oxford meeting
29-04-2004 21:32
The next Dissent!Oxford meeting is to be on Wednesday the 5th May at 7.30pm, hopefully at OCSET (or another venue will be announced).There are a number of things to discuss including the Dissent!Oxford group, a potential bid for £10,000 to fund a social/info space to help build energy in oxford for the mobilisation around the UK G8 meeting 2005 as well as potential actions around the G8 2004 (beginning of June)...and any other matters?.
All welcome
Warsaw: Demonstration against European Economic summit
29-04-2004 20:19
![people in the streets](/icon/2004/04/290164.jpg)
Solidarity funds needed!
29-04-2004 17:04
Funds needed to assist all Mayday prisoners or those prosecuted for political actionEuropean Regions say NO to GMO
29-04-2004 16:44
Assembly of Regions in support of Network of GM free Regions. Support for europeanwide interregionl cmpaignIraq Procurement Protest 27 April 2004
28-04-2004 23:30
![Pig Mask](/icon/2004/04/290087.jpg)
WITS students arrested today!
28-04-2004 12:34
At least six Wits University students have been arrested this morning aspart of the South African police's response to a spontaneous students
uprising which broke out on Monday as a result of a decision by the
university management to cut financial aid by half.
Gala Dinner Protest at Iraqi Procurements 2004
28-04-2004 01:42
A Spirited and Defiant Protest was held outside the Iraqi Procurement 2004 Galla Dinner on Tuesday evening. There were three people arrested as the crowd raised their voices against the corporate carve up of iraq.Bush trying to use the WTO to force GM food on Europe - petition
27-04-2004 16:20
George Bush is using the World Trade OrganisationWTO) to force-feed you genetically modified food! You
can help stop them:BITE BACK!
Berlin 1st May: Stop the Nazi Demo
27-04-2004 09:51
Blockade and disrupt the Nazi demo in Berlin, meet 10:30am Strausberger Platz, Friedrichshain.Revolutionary 1st May Demonstration, 4pm Potsdamer Platz.
Smash fascism! Smash Capitalism!
THE WORLD FORUM ON AGRARIAN REFORM (WFAR). Valencia, Spain, November 2004
27-04-2004 09:37
The World Forum on Agrarian Reform (WFAR)New challenges for land management and access to
natural resources in the 21st century
The issue of agrarian reform seems to have lost importance in recent decades - after occupying a prominent position during most of the 20th century in the social struggles of peasants' movements, on the agendas of international organisations and in the development policies of many countries. This has happened despite major social tensions linked to poverty, hunger and the struggle for land and water which now face humanity with the risk of future conflicts greater than those occuring now. The major global challenges arising out of neo-liberal globalisation call for new policies for access to and management of land. Also needed is a new reflection about the agrarian reform issue leading to new approaches which can reduce inequalities and guarantee the fundamental human rights of all the world's inhabitants.
Scope and focus of the WFAR
WFAR identifies itself as a space for dialogue, exchange of experiences and reflection, as well as for the construction of processes and proposals, where agrarian and social organisations, experts, NGOs and governmental organisations from various continents will address the question of land, positing the influence of agrarian reforms in social and economic processes aimed at attaining food sovereignty, the fulfilment of human rights and the creation of conditions necessary for world sustainable development.
WFAR's main objectvies are to:
- Help situate the land question on the priority agenda of world social movements.
- Contribute to developing a new paradigm for agrarian reform in the 21st century and demonstrate that these policies are justified both for reasons of social justice and for economic reasons as well as to debate the new approaches to land policies required within the present context .
- Strengthen social processes and alliances between various sectors seeking to bring about new policies for access to land and natural resources management.
WFAR will endeavour to answer the question: what new approaches are needed for agrarian reform under present conditions? To arrive at the answer, the following major themes will be addressed:
> The analysis of 20th century agrarian reform experiences, their social, political and economic context, of successes, failures counter-reforms, derived from a range of cases selected as a function of their contemporary relevance.
> The need for agrarian reforms and suitable tools for their implementation at the dawn of the 21st century. A detailed examination will be made of existing relationships between the land issue, food sovereignty, sustainable development and ecological balance.
The event
The four-day WFAR will take place in Valencia, Spain at the end of November 2004.
The programme will comprise lectures, seminars and workshops. Spaces will also be available for self-organised activities related to Forum issues.
WFAR participants will include farmers', indigenous peoples' and fisherfolks' organisations, experts, researchers and non-governmental organisations. Also invited will be consumer and environmental organisations, international institutions and development co-operation agencies.
The WFAR International Executive Committee (IEC) is responsible for decisions about the programme and its implementation. The IEC will be assisted by an executive secretariat elected from its members.
WFAR is set in the dynamic of thematic fora arising out of the spirit of the Porto Alegre World Social Forum and adopts it's Charter of Principles.
An Exhibition of Resistance to BP and Big Oil, London, June 15th-21st 2004
25-04-2004 21:51
To celebrate the beginning of the end of BP’s sponsorship of the National Portrait Award, we (London Rising Tide) invite you to help put together An Exhibition of Resistance to BP and Big Oil, from June 15th-21st 2004.Call Out For Action in Solidarity with 2004 G8 Summit June 8th-10th
25-04-2004 14:14
On June 8th – 10th 2004 the G8 Summit will be staged on Sea Island, 80 miles south of Savannah in the United States. This location has been specifically chosen by the G8 because it is impossible for protestors to access and therefore groups in the United States have put out a call for decentralised actions