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UK Globalisation Newswire Archive

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21-06-2004 20:47

banner theatre proving entertainment
B'ham's St Philip's Cathedral’s Boneyard sleepout

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Fairy-Tale about the Upswing

21-06-2004 17:45

"A worldwide upswing of normal duration is only conceivable if demand is lasting.. Neoliberal policy lowers individual real income, increases mass unemployment and reduces mass demand.. In 2002 the US balance of payments deficit amounted to five percent of the GDP. The need for a constant influx of foreign capital is gigantic, $2.3 million a minute.." The truth will set us free but the truth is a process, not a cudgel orfairy-tale

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Indymedia cinema

21-06-2004 11:48

Spotlighting the World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF) on their 60th anniversary, a special London Indymedia Cinema screening will commence at 9 pm this Thursday 24th of June at the Other Cinema, Soho, with film makers' Q and A and a speaker from the Bretton Woods Project.

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We are all contestants

20-06-2004 15:45

We are all contestants
We are...

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Smoking Crusade is about MONEY, not Health

20-06-2004 00:13

The so-called "smoking" bans as pushed by the Corporatocracy are about what may be the biggest evasion of Corporate Liability of all time. The elements of truth, about harms of "smoking", hide information about WHY typical smoking products are so harmful, and how this involves Big Oil, Pharms, Pesticides, Chlorine, and so on.

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Brunswick Georgia G-8 Arrestees Begin Hunger Strike

19-06-2004 09:10

There are still 10 people in the Glynn County Jail in Brunswick, Georgia, 9 males and one female. Four of the Brunswick Ten have begun a hunger strike and are demanding that the charges for all 15 arrested on Thursday's walk to Sea Island be dropped.

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19-06-2004 08:03


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Crap arrest of the week candidate

18-06-2004 19:00

This guy has been arrested on june the 16th during the 'Greenwash or Us' Street Party for "not moving" and/or for "asking why". You can see how the two cops arresting him are not giving answers to those asking why was that guy been arrested.
One of the agent is covering his badges when the camera approaches him and he says: "Get out of my face!" while another cop approach the guy who's filming telling him :"hey, uv been warned ok!?"... apparently the "get out of my face" has now became a police warning... the filming guy was then told that he was obstructing their duty (wonder why was covering his badges then!).
The guy was finally "gently" handcuffed and taken away...

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Picket Disney's Corporate Party - Winter Gardens, Sunday 7pm

18-06-2004 13:43

Disney's record of employing sweatshop labour in countries like Haiti and China is extreme and brutal. This is your opportunity to put pressure on Disney to give their workers decent rights, decent working conditions and decent pay. In 1996, Disney's CEO Michael Eisner paid himself $200 million in salary and share options - over 300,000 times what he paid workers in Honduras for making Pocahontas t-shirts.

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Global Justice Consultation

18-06-2004 13:39

Debate and vote on 10 proposals presented by different organizations during the World Social Forum to restrain the current neoliberal economic globalisation!

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Activist Armada: Pirates of the G8

18-06-2004 11:19

On Wednesday June 9th, 10 Pirates did the unthinkable: they set sail toward Sea Island against all odds. Determined to make their message heard these activists brought their banner and their voices to the summit doors ignoring the weather, the darkness, and the warnings of danger.

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G8 counter summit in Mali

18-06-2004 07:18

forum in Siby in 2003
For the third time already, a counter summit from below took place on the african continent in Mali at the start of june simultaneously with the meeting of the states presidents of the industrial nations, this time it was in Kita, 180 km away from Bamako. (before in Siby).

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J18 1999 Carnival Against Capitalism 5th anniversary

18-06-2004 02:04

Assemble Liverpool Street Station
Pix from J18 1999 Carnival Against Capitalism, City of London

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Marx Reloaded: Reflections on the 155th Anniversary of the Communist Manifesto

17-06-2004 16:45

"As predicted, free enterprise and competition have led to a concentration of capital and monopolization of the productive forces. Instead of increasing investments.., plants are closed, production sites shifted abroad, men and women dismissed to increase profit rates and state fees only paid by the lower classes.. A globalization of the capitalist model cannot be organized justly because a wild tiger cannot become a vegetarian.."

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Brave New World of Work: The Political Economy of Insecurity

16-06-2004 16:36

"The utopia of the free market has an unintentional upshot: the Brazilianization of the West.. What is most remarkable is the new similarity of the development profiles of paid labor in the so-called first and third world, the incursion of the precarious, intermittent, fluffy and unsanctioned in the western bulwarks of the full employment society.." Ulrich Beck is a professor of sociology in Munich and author of `TheRiskSociety

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Good morning from Baghdad and beyond

16-06-2004 14:59

Good morning from Baghdad,

All oil exports from Iraq have been stopped. The “official” death count of U.S. troops has gone up to 835. Main stream press reports now openly admit that the majority of Iraqis want the U.S. out now. Failure, as it turns out is not only an option, it is the only option for imperialism in Iraq.

But beware. Bush and the neocons are now turning their sights on Venezuela. There they will employ “all means” to destroy that nation’s democracy and steal it’s natural resources. If they succeed they may well sack the entire planet. No serious progressive person of any stripe can afford to stand by on this one. Be informed and be active on this critical issue. Neither John Kerry or the NYTimes will ever help us out here.

After the Iraq war report please read the excellent piece from zmag on the situation is Venezuela and it’s significance. And be the media. Please share this news as widely as possible. Peace. Jamie

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DoSummat: Dissent!

16-06-2004 11:45

DoSummat is the Manchester contact for the Dissent Network and we've had a busy few months.

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Every Day is July 9: Untill Victory!

16-06-2004 05:13

Iran's Summer Persecution

June 15, 2004
The National Interest
Nir Boms and Reza Bulorchi

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16-06-2004 05:09

Negotiating Human Rights in Tehran?

June 15, 2004
Intellectual Conservative
Nooredin Abedian

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Special 60th anniversary screening of critical films on the World Bank and IMF

15-06-2004 20:32

2 Trevors
Spotlighting the World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF) on their 60th anniversary, a London Indymedia Cinema screening at The Other Cinema in Soho with film makers' Q & A and a speaker from the Bretton Woods Project.