UK Globalisation Newswire Archive
G8 police repression already started
30-06-2005 12:40
Police repression has already begun in the run up to the G8 summit protests.Every child matters..........
30-06-2005 11:09
I went to a meeting at St Thomas Hospital on the implementation of the national Service Framework (NSF) for Children on the 8th of June 2005.The Black Bloc are in Edinburgh!!!!!
30-06-2005 00:50
![THE BLACK BLOC WITH WHEELIE BIN!!](/icon/2005/06/315224.jpg)
This still was taken from 'Black Sun Over Genoa' which is showing at the Edinburgh festival theatre from tommorow for 3 days before moving to Glasgow. There will be a full review appearing on this newswire very soon. In the meantime I'm happy to report that it's worth seeing and it's only a fiver if you are in town for the G8 marches.
Stirling Eco Camp Convergence on TV
29-06-2005 22:55
Anti G8 activists invite media into camp29 June 2005 17:58
G8-debtrelease: the rips and rapes.
29-06-2005 20:24
a summary of arguments to act up against this PR-stunt, that in fact is a swindle.Corporate Watch blog during the G8
29-06-2005 20:13
Corporate Watch will be publishing regular anlysis and comment on corporate G8 subjects on our blogconstructive elements threaten MPH
29-06-2005 17:55
![Bucky Bloc](/icon/2005/06/315199.jpg)
To sHell or to Connaught!
29-06-2005 14:45
![Local Area](/icon/2005/06/315184.jpg)
Bush: USS Titanic stays the course...
29-06-2005 14:41
About the gangsters that seize Indymedia servers: The US cabal's presidential 'front man' offered no shift of course: "We have a clear path forward,'' he said, sounding like the SS Titanic's captain, ignoring the many icebergs surrounding him.Worker's rights campaigners slam Fila
29-06-2005 13:14
![Activists ask attention for garment workers...](/icon/2005/06/315176.jpg)
world’s top talents, some outfitted in gear from sportswear giant Fila.
But while Grand Slam tennis calls for fair play, off the grass courts
Fila is anything but fair.
The Crusade against legal liars in Scotland
29-06-2005 02:36
The struggle of ordinary people against the litany of deceit within the legal profession in Scotland has ruined many a person and made many legal firms and lawyers rich - who have the protection of their own lobby groups, their friends within the financial industry (many famous UK Banks and Insurers) ...G8A Offered New March Route for 1st Day of G8 Summit
29-06-2005 01:43
Following talks with police, the local authorities have offered G8Alternatives an alternative march route for their planned demonstration at Gleneagles on the first day of the G8 Summit.The route would be from Tullibardine to Auchterarder, rather than than marching past gleneagles hotel itself.
See map:
7 people arrested in Barcelona (Spanish state) during a manifestation
29-06-2005 01:25
![Freedom all prisoners!!!](/icon/2005/06/315150.jpg)
Dissent Brighton + Labofii in Guardian
29-06-2005 00:51
Directing destinyGiving more power to the G8 nations will not eradicate poverty, say Adam Jones and Lisa Michael. Distinct, autonomous grassroots alternatives to capitalism will
Wednesday June 29, 2005
The Guardian
Manchester STOP BUSH Demo Weds 6th July
28-06-2005 23:35
Stop this mad man and save the planet - Wednesday 6th JulyProtest the day George W Bush arrives in Scotland for the G8
If you can't make the Gleneagles Demo or a Live8 concert or screening
Don't miss out - come and join this solidarity protest
28-06-2005 17:10
Oxfordshire residents went to Campsfield House Removal Centre near Kidlington today to offer support for the detainees who are on hunger strike over conditions inside and are grieving the suicide of one Zimbabwean man yesterday morning. They will go there again tomorrow.Interview with Da Bush Docta
28-06-2005 15:45
Victor Rhea was able to catch up with Da Bush Docta and talk to him about the current status of the anti-globalisation mobilisation happening in Scotland and prep for the G8. Here's the transcript from that interview (Da Bush Docta refuses to be recorded).---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------