UK Globalisation Newswire Archive
Shortlist of G8 climate criminals for Friday's tour
14-10-2004 09:32
A highly incomplete shortlist (eg. where the hell are the banks?) of London-based companies & institutions profiting nicely from climate chaos and everyday exploitation - by G8 country. (Write to LRT if you might be up for helping turn this into a printed briefing/map in early 2005.)Barclays is connected to an anti-Kerry smear Campaign in the US.
13-10-2004 21:03
Barclays is connected to an anti-Kerry smear Campaign in the US. Please help apply pressue in the UK and Europe.ESF: Join the anticapitalist Block!
13-10-2004 12:53
1. Call out for an Anticapitalist Block in the international Demonstration at The ESF2. Interesting workshops and seminars in London.
Cambridge Forum - The Rise and Rise of Corporate Power
11-10-2004 21:48
The speakers will probably include aBrazilian activist, and there will be a report on the European Social Forum
in London which is taking place the weekend before.
World Food Day @ ESF (Saturday 16th October)
11-10-2004 19:37
![World Food Day @ ESF](/icon/2004/10/298911.jpg)
World Food Day (16th October) events @ ESF will champion the demands of smallholder farmers organisations and CSOs for international recognition of the right to Food Sovereignty. They will challenge WTO and TNC dominance of the global food system that feeds corporations not people. See
Anti-G8 Meetings at (Beyond) ESF
11-10-2004 15:16
Day of Dissent! at Beyond ESF: Friday 15th October, Middlesex University, White Hart Lane Campus (opposite White Hart Lane train station). FREE EVENT, AUTONOMOUS FROM THE 'OFFICIAL' ESFSwiss Prosecutor Behind Theft of UK IMC Server Identified
11-10-2004 03:45
An english translation of a Swiss news report which identifies the Swiss prosecutor who requested the seizure of Indymedia's servers. Someone should sue this free-speech-hating thug. The claim that the name and address of the police officers pictured had been posted on Nantes IMC is a flat-out lie. Anyone can check the original article in Google's cache from Nantes IMC and see that no personal information was posted there: only pictures of the undercover Swiss pigs.Starbucks to shut down website.
10-10-2004 22:24
The night of the packs : an international underground party the 10.30.04
10-10-2004 18:23
To denounce these intolerable pressures, we declare the weekend of October 30th will be « the night of the packs ».
Gtr Manc'r Transport info to Demo 17th Oct. Time to Go- Bush Out - Troops out
10-10-2004 16:51
Greater Manchester transport information to the Demo which concludes the European Social Forum. Departing times for each coach pick-up point are approx. Please arrive early, Ring the contact numbers for your area. Book your coach seat now to avoid disappoint, as they say. £10 unwaged, £15 waged £20 solidarity price.Beyond PGA:
09-10-2004 15:54
Beyond PGA:Days & Nights of Communist ideas and action
A short analysis of the socio-political role of the PGA
Our consensus analysis decided that the PGA is incapable of achieving revolutionary change as this is something which can only be acheived by the working class at a global level. We speak for our group and no-one else.
These texts express our position following the workshops at the recent european Conference of Peoples' Global Action at Resnik.
At first we must understand Peoples Global Action (PGA) - and subsequently Peoples Global Action in Europe Process (PGA-e)) - as institutions which parallel the development of capitalist institutions of governance.
Over the last 30 years, capital expanded both horizontally (over the whole planet) and vertically (the commodification of everyday life i.e. leisure). New institutions were created to manage the dynamics of the world markets, such as the World Bank, the Group of 8 (G8), the World Trade Organisation (WTO) etc. The PGA was originally created as an "opposition" to such institutions, and more specifically as an "opposition" to the World Trade Organisation whose 2nd WTO ministerial conference took place in Geneva in May 1998. The PGA-e is the child of the PGA.
Canary Wharf Group Trying to Ban Demo During ESF
09-10-2004 00:54
PA news via Scotsman reports that Canary Wharf Group have gone to Hight Court to stop the cleaners solidarity demo next friday during the european social forum:after ISF (irish social forum)- develop the network - (alt) ESF live feed
08-10-2004 12:20
local social fora will continue to happen but can we develop a global network with todays continoully growing technology more of the planets people can participate in the global social forathe ESF happens the week after the ISF and for various reasons* an alternative ESF festival has been created at the same time.
we here in dublin might be participating in these processes without having to travel to london
irish media activists will participate in the (alt) ESF and attempts have been made for those unable to get to london from dublin, or wherever in the world, who still want to be filled in or even participate in the social forum process, to be able to do so
heres whats going on
An Open Letter to the National Union of Students
08-10-2004 09:23
The NUS-NEC have demanded the withdrawal of Muslim academic Tariq Ramadan from the forthcoming European Social Forum. There are around 90,000 Muslim students in the UK but the decision was made without consulting any Muslim organisation.CIVILISE THE CITY II
08-10-2004 08:05
The Chap's second annual protest agasint vulgarity will convert a major public square in London into a "Doffing Zone" for the day.STOP PRESS: Millennium Dome to be used for ESF Accomodation!
08-10-2004 00:37
Quite how the Guardian gets this scoop before the information is made public through the ESF organising email lists and committees is beyond me (ah no hold on, they're a "media partner").Anyway this is truly quite astounding! Looks like £10 for three nights. This should sort out all of the ESF accomodation crisis on one fell sweep, amazing!
Chiapas The Resistance - Caracol 1 La Realidad
07-10-2004 15:19
On the occasion of its 20th anniversary the Mexican daily paper La Jornada has published a special supplement entitled Chiapas : The Resistance. Written by Gloria Munoz Ramirez, this collection of articles takes us on a journey through the different Caracoles (zapatista centres) in each of the five zones of the Zapatista resistance. The ongoing projects are evaluated and the political context analysed. We learn of the dreams which have become reality, and the dreams which are still to be realised.Taken from Indymedia Chiapas -
IMC + Camden Centre 4 Day Media Programme for ESF
07-10-2004 15:15
Four day programme at Camden Centre + IMC info and other spacesMore workshops yet to be added - will repost when finalised this weekend.
Chiapas The Resistance - Caracol 2 Oventic
07-10-2004 15:15
A report by Gloria Munoz Ramirez in the Mexican daily newspaper La Jornada on the situation of the zapatista movement in the Highlands of Chiapas. Taken from Indymedia Chiapas September 2004 and translated by Edinburgh-Chiapas Solidarity Group.Chiapas The Resistance - Caracol 3 La Garrucha
07-10-2004 15:11
A report by Gloria Munoz Ramirez in the Mexican daily newspaper La Jornada on the situation of the zapatista movement in the Tzeltal Lacandona jungle zone of Chiapas. Taken from Indymedia Chiapas September 2004 and translated by Edinburgh-Chiapas Solidarity Group.