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UK Globalisation Newswire Archive

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16-06-2006 11:38

Corporations like to gloat that one of the great achievements of capitalism has been its ability to feed 6 billion of us. Back in the heady 60s the world’s agriculture underwent the so-called “Green Revolution”- a massive expansion in the use and abuse of fertilisers, pesticides and mechanised, petrol fuelled intensive agriculture designed to meet the problem of global population growth.

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G8 2005 - One Year On and We Are Failing the World - Reports

16-06-2006 09:38

Some recent articles and reports one year on from the Gleneagles G8 (from NEF, Oxfam, WDM etc)....

While there was immediate criticism from many NGOs after the final G8 2005 communique, the situation now, just a few weeks before the St Petersburg G8 Summit in Russia, is just as depressing.

Some movement yes, but nothing like what's needed.

As to climate change and energy, well, there's plenty of reasons to be protesting against the G8.

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Camp for Climate Action - London Neighbourhood Meeting

15-06-2006 13:01

Camp for Climate Action - London Neighbourhood Meeting
Tuesday, 20 June, 7.00 PM @ The Square (20-22 Russell Square, WC1)

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Art Not Oil: workshops & events at the 491 Gallery

15-06-2006 09:22

Art Not Oil at the 491 Gallery, 491 Grove Green Road, E11 4AA (next to Leytonstone tube station)

Exhibition runs 12-7pm daily until June 24th.

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Perrier Comedy Award ends as Nestle bows to boycott pressure

14-06-2006 22:40

A boycott of the Nestlé Perrier Award at the Edinburgh Fringe was launched in 2001. Today Nestlé announced it was no longer sponsoring the Award and the organiser announced a new sponsor. The demonstration outside the event was part of the protest calendar, but good riddance to Nestlé.

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Perfect Storm In George Bush jnr's (World) Tea-Cup

14-06-2006 22:28

George Bush is partly to blame for the troubles in every region the IISS (International Institute for Strategic Studies) report cited as “engaged in brutal combat” in which simultaneous global turning points could initiate an international crisis. I believe all these regions have become trouble spots largely because of the war on terror, and/or George Bush Jnr’s “Axis of Evil” announcements. I will prove my thesis without mentioning the war in Afghanistan or Iraq, because we all know the roles Bush and Blair played in those “trouble spots.”

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Why the Dollar Bubble is about to Burst

14-06-2006 15:28

London - 24 May, 2006

The Voice (issue 264 - 11th May) ran an article beginning, "Iran has really gone and done it now. No, they haven't sent their first nuclear sub in to the Persian Gulf. They are about to launch something much more deadly -- next week the Iran Bourse will open to trade oil, not in dollars but in euros." This apparently insignificant event has consequences far greater for the US people, indeed all for us all, than is imaginable.

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Network Against the G8 -- 2006 -- English info bulletin #2

14-06-2006 13:27

Now in english....


This bulletin is prepared by some members of Moscow group of Network Against G8 (SPB8). It is result of common discussions in inter-regional meeting of 28th of May 2006 between St. Petersburg group of Network Against G8, St. Petersburg League of Anarchists, Punk Revival, FrontAIDS, Indymedia, Indyvideo, Legal-team, Medical group, AFA St. Petersburg and individual activists, but bulletin does not necessarily reflect opinions of all members of the network. We will publish new issues as soon as there is something to tell. Please distribute it widely!

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City Mine(d) Urban Forum 18 June

14-06-2006 08:07

City Mine(d) invites you to Generalized Empowerment, an investigation in Urban Interventions in London, Brussels and Barcelona with keynote speaker: Saskia Sassen

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How English inner city councils are causing poverty and destitution in 2006

13-06-2006 20:48

Gordon Brown's hype of 'Islamic banking' and his claim that he is Islamic-banking-friendly, should be seen in context: Most of today’s inner city poor need not be in poverty. They are being pushed into poverty by Labour councils in the main. Most of the poor in East London are Muslim. So is there a problem of connection here?

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Racism and Imperial Nostalgia at the BBC: an open letter to Andrew Marr

13-06-2006 16:57


Open Letter to Andrew Marr, Presenter, Start the Week on Radio 4, the BBC

Dear Andrew,

This is an open letter that I am going to ask the people--many of whom are
prominent academics-- I have copied in to circulate as widely as possible,
to draw the attention of people to the egregious manner in which you dealt
with the follow-up this morning's show on 'The Legacy of Empire'. I am
appalled and shocked at your biased introduction to the evening phone-in.
You use dismissive words like 'blarney', 'aggressive', and 'too much heat'
to describe an impassioned discussion of a painful and traumatic legacy
that didn't fit the genteel upper-class British converation over 'tea and
cucumber sandwiches'model. This then set the tenor for the phone-in that

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Haiti’s membership of CARICOM

13-06-2006 13:21

We welcome the granting of full and final accession of Haiti to membership of CARICOM, and the fact that the election of a President and parliament opens the way for Haiti's re-engagement with other Caribbean states. Haiti has suffered from a long and dire political and economic crisis, and there is now a rare opportunity for Caribbean neighbours to support progressive and constructive change in Haiti.

We believe that this opportunity should not be squandered and call on the CARICOM Secretariat and CARICOM member states to commit to a specific package of support for the country. With this in mind, we present the following recommendations on areas where we believe CARICOM could provide support to Haiti:

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If life was Photoshop...

11-06-2006 03:13

Photoshop: Making dreams come true...
Copyleft artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff.

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an Indymedia film festival

10-06-2006 18:12

While the 8 richest countries continue to promote nuclear and oil-dependent 'Energy Security' and increasingly repressive global governance, Indymedia presents a film festival to inspire resistance to the G8 agenda:

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10-06-2006 11:46


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Dead? Who created the story of Al Zarqawi?

09-06-2006 11:22

It's probably a surprise for many, but this most sought after terrorist, al Zarqawi, was never on the FBI's list of the '10 Most wanted'. Nor on the FBI's list of 'most wanted terrorists'. ('Links' below) - With a reward of $25 million - like Osama bin Laden - on his head? Didn't they want him?

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Crossrail - The Mayor's Millennium Dome for taxpayers

09-06-2006 08:30

The Mayor has given no guarantee for his recent claim that the City will put 3 per cent on business rates for Crossrail. Previously the Mayor and Crossrail chairman waited until the Government brought the Crossrail Bill to Parliament to back out paying for the scheme leaving taxpayers to pay for the next 30 years. Crossrail will be the millennium dome of public transport projects. Read on to find out more...

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Islamic Extremist Terrorism: America's Frankenstein

08-06-2006 21:54

I was a firm believer in the war on terror, its aims, resolution never to bow down and eventually its ultimate success. This article would have reflected that, but while trawling through reams and reams of official government releases in order to write said article, I found evidence that starting in 1979 the American Government, headed up then by President Carter had begun a policy of funding Islamic terrorists to fight the soviets in Afghanistan. As well as extensive evidence that this policy was not only expanded in Afghanistan but also other groups opposing communism were funded in other countries. Eventually my own views were changed and this article will now show, that since 1979 successive American Presidents selectively or intentionally ignorant attitude toward unintended consequences of foreign policy decisions, has figured largely in the scourge of Islamic extremist terrorism the world now faces.

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War On Terror: Only when It Affects Us!

07-06-2006 22:21

Is it any wonder the hotbed of anti-western feeling in the Islamic world is resulting in more and more terrorism? When time and again mainly America, but also other western countries display a willingness to go further than, or create new laws when it comes to attacking and/or occupying oil bearing countries, ejecting Muslim clerics alleged to have incited or glorified terrorism, or imprisoning alleged terrorists for years without charge, and (in the sham War on Terror) invading the countries where they helped Islamic terror to flourish when the terrorists aims no longer coincide with U.S oil interests

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Art Not Oil sheds light and dark on BP Portrait Award, London, June-July 2006

07-06-2006 22:14

* for creativity, climate justice and an end to oily sponsorship of the arts *