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UK Globalisation Newswire Archive

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Clinton: Latin America should think twice about establishing links with Iran

14-12-2009 16:01

President Obama's Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech in Oslo, 10 December 2009
In his Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech, US President Barack Obama reiterated his habitual threats against Iran as well as the Afghan resistance against the US occupation.

The following day, it was his foreign minister Hillary Clinton’s turn to tell the Latin American countries to toe the line…

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Shell Get Iraq Oil Rights

11-12-2009 10:41

Well Well Well, after all the years waiting and exploring and holding out their blood stained hands filled with blood stained cash, climate crims Shell have won the rights to retrieve, store and sell oil from a massive Iraqi oil field. Makes you wonder again about the reasons for war eh?

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Exxon Man Spotted at Copenhagen

11-12-2009 10:10

With the world watching, well, those who give a toss, anyway, it's all going down in Copenhagen at the mo.....Exxon were sure to send their "man on the ground"'s an article i fished off the net about how the oil barons are making themselves heard......

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Will you walk out of the Climate Talks?

10-12-2009 15:17

A 1 page leaflet from Climate Justice Action encouraging people to walk out of the climate talks on December 16th during the Reclaim Power action.

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100 Iranian Intellectuals called for Protest Movement’s Victim Families Invitati

10-12-2009 14:14

Neda statue
A group of Iranians that includes writers, artists, journalists, humanitarians, and political and social activists living in exile request that the Norwegian Nobel Committee for Peace Prize invite to the ceremony the mothers, or another immediate family member of those killed in recent protests in Iran.
The Open Letter signed in last November as a symbolic act to support Iranian protesters.

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Is Channel 4 of Silvio Berlusconi?

09-12-2009 16:59

Silvio Berlusconi has build his media imperium using the publicity market.
If you control the publicity market, you control indirectly all newspapers, tv stations ,internet providers...
Did you know that the European variant of his publicity firm ‘Publitalia‘ is
Publierope ( and that it takes care for the publicity on Channel 4?

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People For Ethical Treatment Of Animals Designated Terrorists

09-12-2009 15:12

US government internal anti-terror pamphlet designated PETA a special interest domestic terrorist group...

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Urgent Communique From Athens Anarchists

09-12-2009 12:22

armed greek police officer
Since police in Greece shot and killed a 15 year old libertarian named alexis grigoropoulos last december the 6th, anarchists and other activists have waged a total war of revenge and plotting to overthrow capitalist and junta rule around their neighborhoods, with bomb, gun and riot attacks on police at every available opportunity.

Below is a translation of a message urgently posted on Indymedia to highlight the after effects of that continued resistance, based on the memorial march on the 6/12/09 that police attacked and tried to stop.

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100 Ways To Undermine The Industrial Machine (collated version)

09-12-2009 11:42

This article appears in two parts on The Earth Blog, and an ongoing request is on for further ideas that can be added to the list - submissions can be made to

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Climate and Capitalism in Copenhagen

08-12-2009 23:24

Beginning in the second week of December, representatives to the United Nations Climate Conference in Copenhagen will wrestle with the challenge of climate change. This week, influential actors in the World Trade Organization Seventh Ministerial Conference taking place in Geneva are trying to push for a conclusion to the nine-year-old Doha Round of trade negotiations.

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U.S., NATO War In Afghanistan: Fifty or more countries in a single war theater

08-12-2009 18:48

B-52 jets carpet-bombing Afghanistan
Over the past ten years citizens of the United States and other Western nations, and unfortunately most of the world, have become accustomed to Washington and its military allies in Europe and those appointed as armed outposts on the periphery of the "Euro-Atlantic community" engaging in armed aggression around the world.

The bombing and the ground combat operations in Afghanistan continue since October 2001 and both will be intensified to record levels in short order. The combined U.S. and NATO forces in the country would represent a staggering number, in excess of 150,000 soldiers.

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Welcome to Honduras

08-12-2009 17:09

This summer a one little talked about Central American country made big headlines. Once for the military coup that sparked mass condemnation throughout the globe and then for its national football team who qualified for the FIFA world cup. The country has a booming tourist industry catering for over a million tourists a year, but is also the third poorest state in the western hemisphere and has two of the world’s biggest gangs waging a bloody war on its streets. Welcome to Honduras.

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Urgent: Rebellion in Congo

08-12-2009 07:21

Belgian Paratroopers to crush rising Congo rebellion?

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The Fight against BNP/EDL/NF...Learn from the ALF

07-12-2009 20:00

As dozens of people access this indymedia function to address their ideas and concerns, some of them have argued about discussing tactics for the future, particularly to do with the EDL marches around the UK. The following text is a sample of how Animal Liberationists have faired when they have taken the fight underground. Please Enjoy.

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Climate Justice Chronicle - free newspaper in Copenhagen

07-12-2009 17:28

The Climate Justice Chronicle is being published every other day during the Copenhagen climate talks.

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Nestle KitKat to be Fairtrade - except bars involving child slavery

07-12-2009 03:37

The Guardian newspaper (7 December 2009) has reported that Nestlé is to have four-finger KitKat chocolate bars certified by the Fairtrade Foundation in the UK.
Two-finger bars and other chocolate outside the scheme will continue to involve child slavery, according to critics.

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report from anarchists in nottingham who fought fash today....

05-12-2009 21:26

Today the EDL demo'd and anarchists were out to find them and clash with them...
Having avoided being kettled throughout the day, a small group of dedicated anti-fascists roamed looking for the enemy....breaking away from the castle kettle, near the robin hood statue, they headed for the square to meet up with others who were routed by cops.....

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pics from start of climate swoop in trafalgar square

05-12-2009 18:45

tripod by nelson's column
the climate camp swoop successfully took over trafalgar square from around 5 this evening. here are a few pics from the early stages of the camp. the campers initially intend to remain there fro 48 hours. at present, police have no immediate plans to remove them.

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Af-Pak War Racket: The Obama Illusion Comes Crashing Down

05-12-2009 16:13

As Obama announced plans for escalating the war effort, it has become clear that the Obama Illusion has taken yet another horrifying turn.

Barack Obama, the anti-war candidate, has proven to be a perfect decoy for the military industrial complex.

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Stormin the Dáil

05-12-2009 13:57

When they try to introduce "the Budget from hell" this Wednesday let's make their life hell. There should be non-stop pickets and protests outside the Dáil from midnight Wednesday the 9th to midnight Thursday the 10th.