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UK Globalisation Newswire Archive

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Obama’s $825 Billion Stimulus Plan Offers Too Little, Too Late

04-02-2009 20:05

Within the past two years, Democrats in Washington DC have spent more than $1.5 trillion to help rescue the struggling U.S. economy out of the worst recession since the Great Depression; now, both Houses of Congress are fast-tracking a stimulus package for President Barack Obama that will likely cost the nation more than $1 trillion. Socialists nationwide are rejecting this new call for deficit spending and are calling for programs that will meet the short and long term needs of the nation and create immediate employment for the millions of working people that are unemployed or under-employed.

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Radical resistance to the COP15 conference.

04-02-2009 16:22

A call out to all those that wish to see an end to capitalist controled climate conferences whose only point of reference is the dollars that they can make and not the CO2 that they must reduce.

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British orkers are missing the point

03-02-2009 20:29

An important rticle from Italy

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Wildcat strikes in Newark

03-02-2009 18:10

The recent wave of wildcat strikes in the construction industry has sparked a walkout at Staythorpe power station in Newark. Workers walked out yesterday and are still on strike.

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'Campaign to Save Tara' umbrella group should cease trading

03-02-2009 17:21

Campaign to Save Tara was founded in January 2007, as an umbrella group for all Tara Campaigners. It was legally wound up by a vote of its members in December 2007, after a Standards in Public Office investigation. However, recent actions show that certain former members are still trading and accepting donations under the CST name.

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The People vs The Banksters: A Mass snowball fight in the City

02-02-2009 19:23

They play with our money we play in the snow!

Rumours are abounding about a mass snow ball fight between The People and The Banksters in the City of London tommorow.

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Support The EDO 9

02-02-2009 15:26


Nine activists were arrested at a Brighton weapons factory in the early hours of January 17th

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A better translation of the recent Icelandic anarchist communique!

31-01-2009 21:26

Natoinal Theatre 21 Jan
The Icelandic Government has collapsed and some people talk about a revolution. In a way it is true. Ordinary people overthrew this neoliberal government by writing articles, holding speeches, noise demonstrations, bonfires, car horns, direct action, civil disobedience and minor sabotage.

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Statement from Icelandic Anarchists

30-01-2009 19:12

A statement from the Icelandic anarchist collective on the recent collapse of the Icelandic government. The original article can be found, with images, here:

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An interview with Werner Bonefeld on the economic crisis

30-01-2009 16:38

Werner Bonefeld teaches Politics at York. He recently published Subverting the Present - Imagining the Future with Autonomedia. This interview is also available here

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BNP activists agitating at wildcat strikes

30-01-2009 13:33

The BNP have been joining wildcat strikers according to news reports, the bnp will use any chance to spread their message of hate.

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The Other Davos: Nestlé baby food pushing, trade union busting and spying exposé

30-01-2009 10:35

While political and business leaders gather in Davos, Switzerland, for the World Economic Forum campaigning Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) are gathering in Zurich to expose malpractice by Swiss food giant, Nestlé.

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Wildcat resistance to globalisation in Britain

30-01-2009 09:39

GRASSROOTS workers' resistance to neo-liberal globalisation is kicking off in Britain, with a wave of wildcat strikes breaking out.

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'Crisis' General Strike in France, Paris some rioting.

30-01-2009 00:09

PARIS (AFP) — More than a million French workers took to the streets Thursday to voice anger and fear of job losses during a one-day strike over President Nicolas Sarkozy's handling of the economic crisis. Billed as a "Black Thursday," the nationwide day of action caused less transport disruption than expected but the strike was well supported, with a quarter of France's five million public sector workers downing tools.

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An alternative to the current economic crisis

28-01-2009 19:03

A Public meeting and discussion with co-authors Caroline Lucas (South East Region MEP and Leader of the Green Party) and Colin Hines (Co-Director of Forum for the Future and former Head of Greenpeace International's Economics Unit).
Thursday January 29, 7.30pm - Assembly Rooms, Oxford Town Hall

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The Landless Workers Movement and the American "bubble"...

28-01-2009 17:47

The next elections and our national history can both charge you for some unfortunate incidents, President: I am sure the ministers of the Supreme did not know that "Raposa-Serra-do-sol" is a rich mineral province, full of rare, expensive and strategic metals and Certainly neither they knew it was full of foreigners or they wouldn't have granted it to our noble brothers of the forest. There are similar attempts in progress, Mr. President, this time involving major public companies, which delivered to individuals, further impede the lives of our people.

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The Landless Workers Movement and the American "bubble"...

28-01-2009 17:44

The next elections and our national history can both charge you for some unfortunate incidents, President: I am sure the ministers of the Supreme did not know that "Raposa-Serra-do-sol" is a rich mineral province, full of rare, expensive and strategic metals and Certainly neither they knew it was full of foreigners or they wouldn't have granted it to our noble brothers of the forest. There are similar attempts in progress, Mr. President, this time involving major public companies, which delivered to individuals, further impede the lives of our people.

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The Landless Workers Movement and the American "bubble"...

28-01-2009 17:42

The next elections and our national history can both charge you for some unfortunate incidents, President: I am sure the ministers of the Supreme did not know that "Raposa-Serra-do-sol" is a rich mineral province, full of rare, expensive and strategic metals and Certainly neither they knew it was full of foreigners or they wouldn't have granted it to our noble brothers of the forest. There are similar attempts in progress, Mr. President, this time involving major public companies, which delivered to individuals, further impede the lives of our people.

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The Landless Workers Movement and the American "bubble"...

28-01-2009 17:32

The next elections and our national history can both charge you for some unfortunate incidents, President: I am sure the ministers of the Supreme did not know that "Raposa-Serra-do-sol" is a rich mineral province, full of rare, expensive and strategic metals and Certainly neither they knew it was full of foreigners or they wouldn't have granted it to our noble brothers of the forest. There are similar attempts in progress, Mr. President, this time involving major public companies, which delivered to individuals, further impede the lives of our people.

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The Landless Workers Movement and the American "bubble"...

28-01-2009 17:28

The next elections and our national history can both charge you for some unfortunate incidents, President: I am sure the ministers of the Supreme did not know that "Raposa-Serra-do-sol" is a rich mineral province, full of rare, expensive and strategic metals and Certainly neither they knew it was full of foreigners or they wouldn't have granted it to our noble brothers of the forest. There are similar attempts in progress, Mr. President, this time involving major public companies, which delivered to individuals, further impede the lives of our people.