UK Globalisation Newswire Archive
The Bankers Own The Earth [Revised]
04-11-2005 23:40
Capitalism is organized crime and has nothing to do with "free markets" and everything to do with illegitimate debt-slavery. It is by design that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, not by accident. Capitalism is a bankrupt and broken concept that must be replaced with an entirely new ethic based on the principles of fair trade and economic justice.400th Bonfire night
04-11-2005 16:45
![map of the field](/icon/2005/11/327258.jpg)
Remember remember the 5th of november
parliment just voted in ID cards
Dont forget your wood
bring the wood of your favorite tree. Oak, beech, hornbeam. ash, willow, pine, hawthorn, maple, plain, sycamore, holly,
Election Repression in Azerbaijan: BP profits
04-11-2005 15:30
![Azeri armoured vehicles and police jeeps line up in a show of force](/icon/2005/11/327243.jpg)
Beyond Greed & Scarcity
03-11-2005 23:51
Finance expert Bernard Lietaer explains why capitalism is one gigantic race to the bottom for us all (except the bankers).“DROP THE G8 CHARGES” DEMANDS DEFENDANTS SOLIDARITY GROUP
03-11-2005 17:09
The July 2005 Solidarity Group, a support group for people arrested at the G8, has denounced the police publication of “Wanted” photos of anti G8 demonstrators. The Group states that they will support all facing charges arising from the G8 demonstrations, and calls for all charges to be dropped. Scotland against Criminalising Communities, a grass-roots organisation campaigning against the “anti-terrorism” laws, is supporting the stand of the July 2005 Solidarity Group.CIA Holds Terror Suspects in Secret Prisons
03-11-2005 16:29
![Salt Pit](/icon/2005/11/327167.jpg)
Starbucks- not in our neighbourhood
03-11-2005 12:02
![speckled eggs are nice](/icon/2005/11/327160.jpg)
Money Versus Wealth
03-11-2005 01:20
David Korten provides some details as to why capitalism is a broken concept and we need fair trade and economic democracy now.Mass Lobby of MPs For 'Trade Justice not Free Trade' (report and pics)
02-11-2005 17:40
They assembled in regional groups, snaking from parliament over the bridge and right along the other side of the thames back up to parliament bridge.
SchNEWS on Freedom to Protest conference + Civil Liberties
02-11-2005 10:01
Blair on climate change
02-11-2005 09:06
Tony has said it. Action on climate change is impossible due to competition between nations. See![](/img/extlink.gif)
Time for SP to move up a gear.
Confessions of an Economic Hitman [Interview]
01-11-2005 22:33
"They play a game as old as empire, but one that has taken on new and terrifying dimensions during this time of globalization."European Caravan Aganist Fence of Deat-- No One is IIllegal
01-11-2005 18:21
The coming days 4,5 and 6 of November departs to Ceuta the European Caravan against the Fence of death to protest against recent and current events on the fence-border between Spain and Morocco in the enclave of Ceuta.Call for action. (info from indy estrecho)
Anti Americas Summit: Social movements in Argentina: the other face of the denie
01-11-2005 08:03
George Bush manages the state of the militarily more powerful nation. Inversely proportional to its endebles fiscal and commercial. The war is a sign of weakness of Capitalism, not of its strength.United States economy is mortally employee of the flows of plusvalor of the living work that sails in the financial transactions like dead work. This is the profane reason of IV the Summit of the Américas in Sea of the Silver: to advance with the Area of Free Commerce of Américas (ALCA).
New Atlantic Initiative takes over Polish army
01-11-2005 00:02
of the Polish army has now been transferred to us (US) by Polish voters.
On behalf of our patrons Margaret Thatcher and Henry Kissinger, we
gratefully accept this donation to the US military-industrial complex.
(Executive Director, Radek Sikorski - new Polish Minister of War)
The Distilled Evil
31-10-2005 21:48
An oldie but goodie from the early years of the IMC International site. Happy Halloween.Cervical Cancer Vaccine as a social issue
31-10-2005 18:05
reposting from portland imc metro.. ongoing issues..Weekend flights to double at Farnborough Airport?
31-10-2005 14:32
![airbus A340 landing at Farnborough July 2002](/icon/2005/10/326947.jpg)
Urgent: Narmada Dam Threat-Solidarity Action Needed
31-10-2005 14:30
Urgent: Indian Government threatens to raise the damCall for International Solidarity Actions: 27th Nov. 05
Halloween Anti-Arms Trade Actions - London & Brighton
31-10-2005 14:22
![another satisfied customer](/icon/2005/10/326943.jpg)