European Caravan Aganist Fence of Deat-- No One is IIllegal
sara | 01.11.2005 18:21 | Globalisation | Migration | Repression
The coming days 4,5 and 6 of November departs to Ceuta the European Caravan against the Fence of death to protest against recent and current events on the fence-border between Spain and Morocco in the enclave of Ceuta.
Call for action. (info from indy estrecho)
Call for action. (info from indy estrecho)
The coming days 4,5 and 6 of November departs to Ceuta the European Caravan against the Fence of death.
"Social groups and selforganized spaces, social communicators, european citizens born here and there, neighbourhood associations, assemblies and migrant forums have decided to go form different European places in a caravan towards the fences in Ceuta, so that our "basta" is
heard in a loud voice. Towards the fences as the scene of a crime perpetrated in the name of the European democracies. Towards the fences as a symbol of a border regime that is not only made up of physical barriers and surveillance areas more and more militarized, but also of a system to
access to the rights that creates "first class" citizens and "second class" ones (as well as "non-citizens"), provoking authentic labour and social "apartheids" that cut off and precarize the social bond and fill it with fear towards the others.
We invite you all, men and women from the different european cities, to join us in ths journey. Because today more than ever, in the face of the cruelty, against the proliferation of barriers and the inclusion/exclusion
systems in the really existing Europe, producing the common means raising our voices to say "basta" to the fence of death and to everything it symbolizes: not in our name. And it also means producing an alliance with
those trying to go through it, defending their right to the existence, that is also ours... in a better world."
* More info:
** Buses and ferries departures and itineraries:
*** General coordination / Málaga : // 628088938
*** From Madrid : y //
915273449 (de 10 a 14h)
*** From Coruña : // 685170012
*** From Barcelona : // 652715583
*** From Sevilla : // 685303623
*** From Granada : // 658302059
** Communication and press :
*** General coordination / Málaga : // 626317001
// 952214129
*** Sevilla : // 649142511
*** Madrid : and //
*** Barcelona : // 600029417
*** Galiza : // 685170012
*** Reference web site:
*European callout:
The 4, 5 and 6th of November, 2005
The fact tha many people die at the borders, unfortunately, means today nothing new, and even less at the southernmost European border that which separates Spain and Morocco: we just have to think about the great
quantity of remains of "pateras" (boats) found adrift throughout the years. Neither are anything new, the illegal deportations of immigrants (often asylum seekers whose claims were never admitted) to Algeria or other hrid countries. And it is no news eihter that people try to cross the borders: in fact, more than an insurmountable barrier, the borders work as dry docks, with their complexe floodgates system that determines who will pass and how, at which price or in exchange for what.
Jumping the fences that separate the colonial settlements of Ceuta and Melilla from the Moroccan territory has been for many years an entry way in Europe for those who cannot or don´t want the falsified visas.
What is so different about the images from Ceuta and Melilla that we´ve been watching throughout the past weeks? The cruelty that has reached the broder regime: for the first time, the security forces (who cares under which flag, after all the degree of «cooperation» gets higher and higher
now) have shot people dead while they were trying to jump over the border fence. For the first time, the deportations ended in the very middle of the desert, far from any village or city and, therefore, from any supply of water and food. The quantity of people trying to cross the border made it different
too. Maybe because of the Integral Surveillance System at the Straits of Gibraltar (SIVE), that obliges people to find alternative routes? or because of a raise in the prices charged by people smugglers? or because
the jump means not having to come to terms with those "mafias"? . Does it have somenthing to do with the increase of police cooperation between Spain and Morocco and the resulting intensification in the pressure put by moroccon authorities on those in transit through Morocco aiming for the north?. These all are important factors that, among another, oblige us to question about the reasons why the southern border is the most militarized one of European borders.
There are still more different points this time: while those images made their way in our everyday spaces (on TV, on the radio), it was more and more unbearable for us to look in another direction, as so many times before. That´s why in different european places, concentrations, demonstrations and night meetings were held to say "basta": stop the
killings, stop the homicide deportations, stop the blows and vexations, stop the expenses to militarize the borders.
"Social groups and selforganized spaces, social communicators, european citizens born here and there, neighbourhood associations, assemblies and migrant forums have decided to go form different European places in a caravan towards the fences in Ceuta, so that our "basta" is
heard in a loud voice. Towards the fences as the scene of a crime perpetrated in the name of the European democracies. Towards the fences as a symbol of a border regime that is not only made up of physical barriers and surveillance areas more and more militarized, but also of a system to
access to the rights that creates "first class" citizens and "second class" ones (as well as "non-citizens"), provoking authentic labour and social "apartheids" that cut off and precarize the social bond and fill it with fear towards the others.
We invite you all, men and women from the different european cities, to join us in ths journey. Because today more than ever, in the face of the cruelty, against the proliferation of barriers and the inclusion/exclusion
systems in the really existing Europe, producing the common means raising our voices to say "basta" to the fence of death and to everything it symbolizes: not in our name. And it also means producing an alliance with
those trying to go through it, defending their right to the existence, that is also ours... in a better world."
* More info:
** Buses and ferries departures and itineraries:
*** General coordination / Málaga :

*** From Madrid :

915273449 (de 10 a 14h)
*** From Coruña :

*** From Barcelona :

*** From Sevilla :

*** From Granada :

** Communication and press :
*** General coordination / Málaga :

// 952214129
*** Sevilla :

*** Madrid :

*** Barcelona :

*** Galiza :

*** Reference web site:

*European callout:
The 4, 5 and 6th of November, 2005
The fact tha many people die at the borders, unfortunately, means today nothing new, and even less at the southernmost European border that which separates Spain and Morocco: we just have to think about the great
quantity of remains of "pateras" (boats) found adrift throughout the years. Neither are anything new, the illegal deportations of immigrants (often asylum seekers whose claims were never admitted) to Algeria or other hrid countries. And it is no news eihter that people try to cross the borders: in fact, more than an insurmountable barrier, the borders work as dry docks, with their complexe floodgates system that determines who will pass and how, at which price or in exchange for what.
Jumping the fences that separate the colonial settlements of Ceuta and Melilla from the Moroccan territory has been for many years an entry way in Europe for those who cannot or don´t want the falsified visas.
What is so different about the images from Ceuta and Melilla that we´ve been watching throughout the past weeks? The cruelty that has reached the broder regime: for the first time, the security forces (who cares under which flag, after all the degree of «cooperation» gets higher and higher
now) have shot people dead while they were trying to jump over the border fence. For the first time, the deportations ended in the very middle of the desert, far from any village or city and, therefore, from any supply of water and food. The quantity of people trying to cross the border made it different
too. Maybe because of the Integral Surveillance System at the Straits of Gibraltar (SIVE), that obliges people to find alternative routes? or because of a raise in the prices charged by people smugglers? or because
the jump means not having to come to terms with those "mafias"? . Does it have somenthing to do with the increase of police cooperation between Spain and Morocco and the resulting intensification in the pressure put by moroccon authorities on those in transit through Morocco aiming for the north?. These all are important factors that, among another, oblige us to question about the reasons why the southern border is the most militarized one of European borders.
There are still more different points this time: while those images made their way in our everyday spaces (on TV, on the radio), it was more and more unbearable for us to look in another direction, as so many times before. That´s why in different european places, concentrations, demonstrations and night meetings were held to say "basta": stop the
killings, stop the homicide deportations, stop the blows and vexations, stop the expenses to militarize the borders.