UK Globalisation Newswire Archive
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the report on the right to protest on radio 4
08-05-2009 05:59
the report on the right to protest on radio 4only on for another week,
the idiot who runs nectu is there, funny enough does not support use of section 44 on protesters, also the idiot lawyer who is employed by corporates against protesters for crap injunctions which injunct a few names people and then anyone who looks at pieces of paper.
needless to say the coppers do not view environmental protesters as much of a worry but more worrying the the barrister twat who is now openly going after protesters. seems like some should be going after the barrister twat.
have a listen.
'Capital Growth' a series of Mayday art interventions
07-05-2009 20:15
![Canary Wharf photographer Kristian Buus](/icon/2009/05/429615.jpg)
May Day 2009 Article
05-05-2009 18:19
On the need for workers to take up the struggle against the rich and for a new societySecond Tamil Hunger Strike, Day 3, London - pictures.
05-05-2009 09:33
![The four Hunger Strikers.](/icon/2009/05/429322.jpg)
Reel News film night report back
04-05-2009 20:18
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Time's Up! Read it now for free.
03-05-2009 22:47
Neoliberal capitalist globalization=economic Anglo white supremacy
01-05-2009 15:28
Neoliberal capitalist globalization has been nothing more than the Anglo-Saxon U.S./U.K. telling the rest of the world: "Our way or the highway because our Anglo way superior to all others".TIME FOR THE WORLD TO REJECT ANGLO-SAXON CRACKANOMICS!
National Day of Action Against Topshop. Today!
01-05-2009 08:51
Get Involved! Please call Topshop's ('Sweatshop') customer services department today and ask to make a complaint about Topshop's failure to join the Ethical Trading Initiative.Demand decent wages and working conditions for the workers produce Topshop clothes on International Labour Day
The number to call is 0845 121 4519
Reclaim the heights. Bury the G8!
01-05-2009 03:55
Post Abruzzo sustainable relief by The Diggers 2.0.APPEAL TO THE GLOBAL MULTITUDES
Seize this chance to build sustainable autonomous community structures
McDonalds Protester Found "Not Guilty"!
30-04-2009 20:27
An activist from Animal Rights Cambridge arrested under Section 5 of the Public Order Act for a protest inside the McDonalds restaurant in Cambridge in June 2008 was found 'not guilty' today (30th April 09) .See
Myth of Sectarianism in the 'New Middle East'
30-04-2009 19:47
In the Middle East, we are now witness to a post-sectarian phase; the unity and solidarity that exists between its' peoples - in identifying the key challenges that face this region - is palpable in whichever direction you turn. Western discourse on the Middle East however, remains fixated on talk of civil wars, sectarian strife and religious tension.Tamil Hunger Strike Day 23, London - pictures.
29-04-2009 20:40
![Monitoring Mr Subramaniyan's heart rate.](/icon/2009/04/428956.jpg)
The Nakba - Palestine 1948
29-04-2009 19:29
Documentaries about the Conflict in PalestineNSPM Peace Conference '09 - Capitalism & Conflict
29-04-2009 17:30
![Peace Conference '09](/icon/2009/04/428941.jpg)
George Bernard Shaw
UK and IMF complicit in the Tamil Genocide?
28-04-2009 17:41
Following the 750bn IMF Emergency funding received at the recent G20 leader's Summit in London, the first real test to any improvement in the abysmal human rights record of the International Monetary Fund has been fortified by a 'letter before (legal) action' to the British Government.This follows similar legal measures taken in the U.S on the Treasury and representative to the IMF.
Miliband visits Sri Lanka on Wed as a legal challenge UK government over IMF funding is mounted.
Capitalism and Public health
28-04-2009 14:17
The industrial production of disease in a globalised economy is the result of competing economic priorities. Efforts toward the privatisation of Water in Mexico and the Industrial Waste Habits of Multinational Swine Producers join up with cheap air travel to promote global ill health.Paulo Coelho t-shirts from Mango
27-04-2009 14:35
![MNG launch with Paulo Coelho](/icon/2009/04/428667.jpg)
Climate Activists ‘Do A Banksy’ On 27 Tesco Branches
27-04-2009 03:57
Britain's Secretive Police Force: Politicising the Policing of Public Expression
26-04-2009 00:40
What's the relationship between the recent 'authoritarian' crack-down on "protesters" in Britain, the current economic crisis, the debate on growth, the economy, climate change and resource depletion? Perhaps not that obvious?... A new report from the Free Range Network ties these issues together to try and find a deeper motivation behind the recent authoritarian shift against protest and dissent in Britain -- yes, the threads are there if you look for them!