UK Globalisation Newswire Archive
Bristol G8 Dissent! update
22-10-2004 20:32
From 1 January 2005 for one year, Britain will be the 'host' nation of the G8 (group of eight major industrial democracies - not necessarily the 8 richest, nor most democratic). 'Dissent! a network of resistance against the G8' held a stall at last weekends ESF conference, as well as a day long series of packed out workshops on Friday 15 October at the Beyond ESF event. At the Bristol Dissent meeting on 26 October, Bristolians who attended the workshops will report back on the discussions and progress of the :: George Orwell was right
22-10-2004 19:09
......Continous Control.................."NO to this Constitutional Treaty of the EU!"
22-10-2004 16:14
Declaration to sign (also final declaration of the 3 rd Peace Conference 2004 in Hanover)On October 29th 2004, the draft for the EU-constitution is supposed to be signed by the heads of state of the EU member states. After that, the ratification process will start in each single member state of the EU. The present German Federal Government e.g. has already expressed its intention to make this process as short as possible.
U.S. Victory Parade for Tweedledum or Tweedledummer: Sat 6th Nov, 2pm, P Gs
22-10-2004 10:53
U.S. Victory Parade for Tweedledum or Tweedledummer: Sat 6th Nov, 2pm, Peace Gardens, Sheffield.Whether it’s Tweedledum or Tweedledummer that ends up in the Oval Office, come and join the Victory Parade!
Critique and Analysis of The European Social Forum (on openDemocracy)
22-10-2004 09:38
Good article on the ESF published on - an online global magazine of politics and culture. See the link to the full article below with internal links and more links to further writings on the social forums.Nestlé to be exposed at public meeting in Edinburgh 23 October
22-10-2004 07:17
Free public meeting Teviot Row House, Bristo Square, Edinburgh.23 October: 12:30 - 17:30. Including exhibition and workshops.
The Story of Evil – Continued…
21-10-2004 00:09
![US Has 100 Torture Centers - One has your name on it!](/icon/2004/10/299713.jpg)
Pictures of solidarity protest in front of US embassy, London, 12th of October,
20-10-2004 20:51
Criticism of the Social State is Irrational
20-10-2004 16:59
"Paul A Samuelson, one of the most important economists of the 20th century, worries about the state of the US economy. He fears falling wages..`We in the US are on the way to a plutocratic democracy. Neither Bush nor Kerry can stop outsourcing'."Great success of London ESF
20-10-2004 15:53
SOMETHING EXTRAORDINARY happened during the long weekend of 15-17 October. The beautiful, crazy, creative chaos of a great social forum—which I have witnessed in Porto Alegre, Florence, Paris and Mumbai—came to rainy, grey north London.Dissent Newsletter now on line
20-10-2004 13:41
Dissent, a network of resistance to the G8 @ Gleneagles, Perthshire 2005, summer newsletter is now available. Please download and distribute.ESF Outcomes: We should go deeper, to find more links between movements
20-10-2004 07:47
Four years after the initial World Social Forum (WSF) in Porto Alegre, a frame has been built to facilitate discussion, debate and exchanges, on how to build a better world. A series of meetings were held in order to explore what we can expect from this experience. The first event, titled “Future and perspectives for the ESF - WSF”, was held on Friday 14th of October 2004 in the Alexandra Palace of the English capital.Photos of Indymedia "block" and ESF demo - London 17 Oct
19-10-2004 22:33
![FBI wanted for data theft - Server seizure sucks!](/icon/2004/10/299622.jpg)
The Trots will destroy ESF
19-10-2004 19:38
In the West, whenever an industrial dispute or popular protest erupts, one thing can be counted on – Trotskyist groups will descend to ‘organize’ the struggle. Then, when all is done, the comrades pack up their papers, posters and pamphlets and move on to the next picket line or rally. Disillusioned workers are left behind as groups like Britain’s Socialist Workers Party (SWP), Resistance in Australia and others breeze in on the latest ‘Protest of the Month’.Photos from the anti-war march at the end of the ESF.
19-10-2004 11:11
![Crowd gathering in Russell Square](/icon/2004/10/299561.jpg)
The forth coming G8 in the UK
19-10-2004 10:54
We need to be on our guard.ESF Actions Video
19-10-2004 09:25
This video shows some of the street theatre that was being performed on Oxford Street in London during the ESF.Ken Livingstone's Special Advisor Accuses White Anarchists of Racial Violence!
19-10-2004 03:43
Ken Livingstone's GLA Special Advisor on equality and policing, Lee Jasper, has accused the people who occupied the stage where the Mayor was due to speak at the ESF on Saturday, of being... 'white anarchists' who used violence to stop black people discussing how to fight racism and fascism!! He also claims that the intervention, or 'storming of the palace', had nothing to do with how the event was organised, despite problems in the organising process being a key point of many of the speakers who participated.Below is the letter which has appeared in the Guardian Letters Page (19th October) and a few comments:
NATO train blocked in Valencia (Spain)
18-10-2004 23:03