UK Globalisation Newswire Archive
Radical Theory Forum today @I4A London
18-06-2005 10:48
The Radical Theory Forum will host a series of daytime workshops/discussions followed by a party with film screenings, art, and damn good music.2nd Leaked G8 Climate Declaration Draft going Backwards (download here)
17-06-2005 13:06
Following the leaking of an initial G8 climate position paper (see![](/img/extlink.gif)
Press Reports 7 G8 Arrests in Sheffield Thurs 16th June
17-06-2005 12:49
Corporate media report 7 arrests last night during the Sheffield Anti-G8 protests. Protestors were surrounded by hundreds of police and held for several hours. This follows three arrests on wednesday night.Activist Training - G8 Preparation
17-06-2005 11:15
The lovely lovely people from Liverpool Social Forum have organised an activist training day in preparation for the G8 protests in Scotland. Everyone is welcome to share and learn The Crown (the pub) upstairs, Liverpool City Centre, Wednesday 22nd June from 6.30PM (don’t worry if you are forced to turn up late).Suprise Attack from the Rebel Alliance
17-06-2005 09:16
![Samba in front of the Marriott Hotel](/icon/2005/06/314159.jpg)
Unofficial Protestors
17-06-2005 00:26
![Banner drop at convergence centre](/icon/2005/06/314107.jpg)
16-06-2005 23:47
A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, China, Cuba, and Russia.Public Forum: Only the communist revolution can make poverty history
16-06-2005 23:00
Only the communist revolution can make poverty historySaturday 9th July
2.00pm until 5.00pm
Birmingham Friends of the Earth Warehouse
54a Allison Street, Digbeth, Birmingham
Genova, two accused Cop/Doctors both get promoted.
16-06-2005 22:51
In the run up to the G8 in Scotland news comes up from the previous G8which was held in Genova, South America. I was there and that's what it seemed like to me. The two Doctor Alessandro Perugini(Bolzaneto) and Doctor Vincenzo Canterin(Diaz School), both described as police functionaries. The news comes from the Committee for truth and Justice.
Photos of demo at Scottish Parliament on Thursday 16th June with short report.
16-06-2005 22:06
![You can't gag us!](/icon/2005/06/313984.jpg)
Sony Corporation Attacks Family Run Businesses
16-06-2005 19:52
Sony has issued High Court proceedings against a handful of family run independent businesses selling it's new gadget the 'PSP'. Sony say these businesses are infringeing its trade mark. Some say they don't own the trade mark for PSP. Either way, Sony are using a sledgehammer to crack a nut, and the nuts are making some noise!G8 in Oxford events
16-06-2005 19:22
G8 Bribery
16-06-2005 18:27
The mainstream media’s response to the announcement that the G8 had agreed to cancel $40 billion dollars in debt for eighteen countries in third world, mainly African, was of sheer awe at the magnanimous generosity of the leaders of the world’s richest nations, who had found it in their loving, Christian hearts to offer a favor to the childish and confused citizens of Africa.Carnival for Full Enjoyment - Edinburgh 4 July (update)
16-06-2005 15:55
![Carnival for Full Enjoyment Street Party](/icon/2005/06/313854.jpg)
G8 Accommodation in Edinburgh + Glasgow Plus InfoPoint Locations
16-06-2005 15:38
Short update on accommodation situation in Edinburgh and Glasgow for the G8 Summit mobilisations:There will be additional InfoPoints at Edinburgh University running from 29th June to 7th July - more details and info on timetables for workshops, film screenings and entertainments out soon.
INTERVIEW: Christian firebrand Aoun eyes Lebanon's presidency
16-06-2005 15:13
![General aoun](/icon/2005/06/313838.jpg)
G8 Rural Convergence Campsite Update - It's On!!
16-06-2005 15:08
After several negotiations with land owners over the last months have fallen through (due to police pressure many believe) a site has now been offered and the rural convergence campsite will go ahead.The message is for people to come! - see update below.