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UK Globalisation Newswire Archive

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Memories of Slaughter

12-09-2004 18:09

Massacres for cheap BP Oil
In 1988, soon after signing a ceasefire with Iraq, the Iranian government decided to crush all political opposition and purge its prisons of troublesome elements. Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini issued a secret ruling advising the execution of "fighters against God" and all leftists as "apostates from Islam."

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10-09-2004 12:29

THE LABORATORY OF INSURRECTIONARY IMAGINATION, part of the autonomous spaces of the European Social Forum in London (14th-17th October) - will be briging creative activists, artists, pranksters and tricksters together to carry out actions and skill share.

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more than 30 000 petitioners detained in China

10-09-2004 08:43

The Human rights group "Human Rights in China (HRIC)" reports that an unknown number of petitioners, estimated around 36 000 - are removed from Bejing, held in (a) "detention camp"(s) and many brutally beaten and abused.
Many of the petitions are focusing on violation of labour rights, land rights, and other human rights issues. Many were urging the release of Ye Guozhu -- a leading activist who was recently arrested for applying to organise a 10,000-strong rally in Beijing. Other petition issues are also the forced eviction of parts of Bejing ahead of the Olympic Games.
"The right to petition is guaranteed in Chinas constitution, with no exceptions made for major events," says HRIC president.

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Nationwide protests AGAINST the Project for the New American Century

10-09-2004 04:51


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A new website against bilateral free trade and investment agreements

09-09-2004 17:11

We would like to invite you to participate in a new collaborative website to support the struggle against bilateral free trade and investment agreements:

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ESF Autonomous Spaces + Initiatives Update

08-09-2004 16:34

Autonomous Spaces During the ESF in London, 13-17th October 2004.

We want to create open spaces for networking, exchanges, celebration, thinking, and action. We believe our ways of organising and acting should reflect our political visions, unlike the UK ESF organising process which has not reflected the values and charters to which it aspires.

Some of us believe that it is possible to rebuild the ESF to make it closer to the ideals it claims, others wish to go further and say that it only represents a space for the co-option of struggles, and as such, should be opposed. However we are all united in our diversity, and in our desire to act together in ways that respect these differences.

There are now several self organised and autonomous spaces - they range from legally hired venues to squatted social centres.We invite you to participate in the autonomous spaces, to help shape them, to organise workshops, discussions, creative interventions, and practical alternatives.


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True Olympics: Olympian Seeking to Renounce U.S. nationality!

08-09-2004 16:06

One Olympian's quest not over, former Olympic athlete, Nathaniel Lincoln Mills, has been seeking to denationalize, describes nation-state system an "uneccessary form of segregation, disrupting natural connections between members of our one human family." U.S. State Department wrestling with case, denying to honor U.S. & human right to renounce, fearing Mills would become "stateless". Mills now in London, after traveling from home in Washington, DC to Athens, Greece during Olympic Games to renounce.

Full article - New website on bilateral free trade/investment agreements

08-09-2004 15:58

A collaborative website to support struggles against bilateral free trade and investment agreements has been launched at

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08-09-2004 11:50

A reception to launch the UK tour of SINTRAEMCALI President, Luis Hernandez, will be held next Friday evening at the Union Tavern.

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Limits to Ignorance: the challenge of informed humanity

08-09-2004 10:53

The Annual Conference of the Club of Rome, staged in Helsinki on the 11th and 12th of October, will focus on human inability to respond to the pressing issues we are facing today, such as grave environmental risks, population explosion, and conflicts between cultures. The main questions are: Why? What is wrong with us? What is it with us? Are we all in a state of collective denial?

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Media Coverage of the ESF

07-09-2004 18:44

This is a page to collect media articles about the European Social Forum in London October 2004.

Below is one of the first - a guardian article. There have already been articles in the Evening Standard, the Tribune and a phone in debate on bbc london.

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Israel-Palestine: Appeal from Greek comrades for an international anarchist day

07-09-2004 14:44

Israel-Palestine: Appeal from Greek comrades for an international anarchist day of action. Greece, Spain, Mexico, Peru, Costa Rica, Venezuela, Brasil and Australia are already on the move!

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Sowing Seeds of Dissent

06-09-2004 13:54

Seeds are the very beginning of the food chain, we are losing genetic diversity in our domesticated seeds and handing control to global corporations. He who controls the seeds controls life itself.

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What's Really Happening in Venezuela? - Screening Sept 12th

01-09-2004 09:38


oxford indymedia SCREENING - Sunday September 12th, 7.30pm, Asian Cultural Centre, Manzil Way, off Cowley Road, Oxford.

A screening of Calle y Media Collective's scintillating film:


Countering the mainstream media's depiction of President Hugo Chavez as an authoritarian nationalist, this film shows the Bolivarian revolution as democratic and coming from below, directed and controlled by the Venezuelan popular movements. Come and see this powerful film to understand why the recent referendum on Chavez' presidency was won, and how Venezuela suggests a model for the Americas and the rest of the world.


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Major UK NGO's Criticise ESF Organising Process + SWP / SA

01-09-2004 09:03

A coalition of 10 British NGOs including the major ones like Oxfam, Jubilee and Greenpeace have written a letter complaining about the UK European Social Forum organising process and saying it has been characterised by a lack of transparency and openness. Finaly this can officialy end the myth peddled by the authoritarian left that those who have been critical of the UK ESF process are simply wreckers, splitters or crazy anarchists who don't represent anyone!

While the NGOs don't mention them by name, they're criticising the SWP (Socialist Workers Party) and SA (Socialist Action) for dominating a meeting to decide speakers names through weight of numbers. This is a significant moment. Reports from the meeting also revealed what appeared to be willful miscounting of votes and other undemocractic behaviour. The letter has been published ahead of the european esf assembly meeting in brussels this coming weekend.

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Actions Against the Labour Party Conference, 26th-29th September 2004

31-08-2004 10:14

The succesful 'Stop the City' protests on the first day of the Iraq war 2003
A summary of the announced counter-events to the Labour Party Conference in Brighton, between the 26th and 29th of September 2004. Get down here!

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Chavéz, Chevron and Microsoft

31-08-2004 09:20

Despite all the expectations to deepen the Bolivarian process, the president Hugo Chavés Frias, made 2 partnership with the multinational companies Chevron-Texaco and Microsoft. Both agreements were signed before the referedum took place, but were as deliberately mugged by the progressive media and ignored by the conservative media.

One of them is a binacional gasoduto, sponsor by the Venezuela government and the Colombia government and coordinated by the American multinational Chevron-Texaco. Acording to Chavéz it´s a “direct way out of this giant asian market”. To construct the gasoduto, Venezuela volunteer to enter in the Plan Pueblo Panamá, a collection of infrastructure with the objective to respond to the American multinationals needs.

Parallel to that, the Venezuela´s government, via the education ministry, signed with Microsoft a contract to provide software to the schools across the country, contradicting the incentive policy of free software, which the government had adopted until Felipe Péres left the Planification and Development Ministry. According to Richard Stallman, the founder of the GNU movement (free software): “The Venezuela´s government just made a critical error, which consequences will give control of computing to a global corporation: make a contract with Microsoft to use the program in the schools.”

The silence and the non-resistence of the popular movements just amplified this situation, disarticulated by the expectations of the left government speech. In case Chavéz continue with immune posture before popular movements, we will see those movements fight against the local bourgeoisie just to let a free way to the global bourgeoisie, which has no problem to negotiate with the “bolivarian revolution”.

Links :
Indymedia Brazil [pt]
Rebeldia magazine [es]
Venezuela: gasoduto binacional e Chevron Texaco [pt]
Mais do que nenhum lugar, as escolas devem usar software livre [pt]

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indymedia stuff in dublin art gallery-art and activist feedback session-and more

29-08-2004 13:36

Audio red archive-open exhibition- art and politics
links to our mayday 04 stuff, demo and centre- irelands first
proposals for "global net project" for esf and beyond
communication actions

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BOLIVIA: farmers occupy oilfield

29-08-2004 13:25 (La Paz, 16th of august 2004) - In the early morning of 16th of august hundreds of farmers and communards of El Chore in the northeast of Bolivia occupied the facilities of the multinational company British Petroleum and paralyzed the oil production. The occupation of the oil field marks the beginning of a new wave of protests, which develop in the rural area of Bolivia: further actions are carried out in the south of the country, where the gas export to Argentina is threatened to get interrrupted, while marches to La Paz are prepared by landless farmers from different regions . after La Paz.