JJ | 10.09.2004 12:29 | European Social Forum | Free Spaces | Globalisation | Social Struggles | London
THE LABORATORY OF INSURRECTIONARY IMAGINATION, part of the autonomous spaces of the European Social Forum in London (14th-17th October) - will be briging creative activists, artists, pranksters and tricksters together to carry out actions and skill share.
Part of the autonomous spaces of the European Social Forum October 14-17th 2004 London (

"The more imagination is liberated & shared, the more useful the medium."
Hakim Bey - Immediatism
The Laboratory of Insurrectionary Imagination (Lab of ii) will bring together creative activists, , interventionists, situationists, guerrilla communicators, tactical media makers, pranksters and everyone whose activities fall outside of and in between the spaces of culture and politics; whose actions exist between resistance and creativity.
We aim to create a self-organised space where we can skill share and debate through a series of practice led actions and workshops. We want to create a convivial space of exchange and reciprocity, a space where we learn from each other while doing. We are calling on all those interested in proposing a project for one of the three days (15th-17th) to send us proposals before the deadline of Monday 27th September (so we can plan a timetable and put together a programme). Please send the proposal to the e-list (see below). The Lab of ii is particularly interested in projects that involve group and/or public participation (rather than solo works) and are direct interventions in public and/or corporate spaces. What we would really like are actions that all groups taking part in the Lab can participate in.
What will a typical day at the lab look like?
The day will start with a Breakfast Briefing at 10.30am where groups/individuals who have proposed an action/project for the day will eat a delicious breakfast and brief and/or run a workshops with the laboratory on their tactics, past projects, ideas etc. and specifics about the day's action.
This will be followed by a short warm up (we don't want any broken bones!) facilitated by members of the Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army. We will then go and fill the streets with acts of insurrectionary imagination.
Ideally most actions will be over by mid afternoon so that participants can get involved in other aspects of the ESF. On some evenings there will be Lab of ii screenings in other autonomous spaces.
We hope that the space will be open for the rest of the day to facilitate any groups who wish to meet or develop projects, make things etc..
On the final evening (17th) we may hold a Feast of the insurrectionary Imagination to celebrate the Lab and its participants.
Where is it going to be taking place?
Unfortunately we just lost the space that we intended to hold it in. We are therefore desperate to find an appropriate replacement. If anyone has any ideas please contact us asap. We hope to confirm a new space asap.
What does the proposal have to contain?
Your proposal should contain: 1) a brief description of the project, including a short paragraph that can be used in our publicity (if you have an image that we could use for publicity please send in high resolution). 2) How many people are needed to carry it out 3) What kind of timescale and what kind of spaces the action will take place in? 4) Any special needs you might have.
What resources can the Lab provide?
We can only provide space, logistical support and breakfast (on a donation basis). We can't buy materials etc. for you or pay for anything. However we hope that groups can share resources and needs with each other, preferably via the e-list in advance of the event. E.g If a group from Berlin needs to source 300 toy tanks, someone in London could find a toy wholesaler and give them the address.
What are the forms of communication?
We have regular open meetings in London, the next meeting will take place September 13th at 7pm on the 5th floor of the Royal Festival Hall, South Bank, SE 1.
The main virtual tool is the e - list - subscribe on

We also have a web site:

and a wikki:

Of course these are just proposals made by the small facilitating group. The form of the Lab and all other issues are open to discussion and change via the email list, the open meetings (in London) and at the first spokes council of the Lab of ii which will take place after the Introductory Tea Party at 3pm on Thursday the 14th of October.
We look forward to insurrecting and imagining together
The "small facilitating group" xx
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