UK Globalisation Newswire Archive
Cubans are coming to Manchester!
18-01-2008 11:49
![rebel music night poster](/icon/2008/01/389700.jpg)
Google is making money by creeping porn sites into search results
17-01-2008 18:15
Google is making money by creeping porn sites into search resultsVideo of Matias, a Mapuche killed by the police
16-01-2008 22:52
His compañeros and compañeras decided not to leave the body in the hands of the police and they carry him away with them.....
From this corner of europe we want to sand a strong hug to the family and his friends.
And our most deep admiration for Matias, a Mapuche fighter who gave his life for the rights of his people.
Supersize My Pay activist speaks in UK as part of anti-sweatshop week of action
15-01-2008 16:16
The No Sweat campaigns third week of anti-sweatshop action will be taking place 11-18 February 2008, including a speaker from the Supersize My Pay campaign which has organised thousands of young fast food workers in New Zealand.WWF : Buy Yourself A New Corporate Image
15-01-2008 14:34
The Seduction of Capitalism is a Brain Function?
15-01-2008 10:44
Previous research has examined how advertising and marketing affects behaviour, but this is the first study to demonstrate the direct effect on the brain.Out of My Tree
14-01-2008 18:29
![Still in my tree :-)](/icon/2008/01/389509.jpg)
Two more factories occupied in Serbia - a letter of support
14-01-2008 18:03
In the town of Zrenjanin, in Serbia, an interesting development is happening following a long term struggle of the Jugoremedija factory which following occupations and direct actions is now under self managment. Two other factories in the town have now followed suit and the workers have started occupying their workplaces. These are rare but inspiring examples of resistance to the devastations of privatisation and the tentacles of neo liberalism in the east. Below is a letter of support.Resist, Rebel and Revolt!
13-01-2008 17:31
All places where the elite caste talk, control and package the news, are monopolized and not accessible by university workers.It is time for the revolt!
liber tea, egali tea, fraterni tea, eterni tea etc
13-01-2008 14:59
Anyone for Tea with Queen?Agent Orange
11-01-2008 06:58
Last night I attended a screening of the film "The Last Ghost of War" at IIT Chennai, India, followed by a discussion with Dr Simone Nhu-Mai of the Vietnam Agent Orange Victims Association (VAVA). The film and discussion highlighted the horrific legacy that continues to be felt in Vietnam (in addition to Laos and Cambodia, as well as among war veterans from the US, Australia, Canada, New Zealand and South Korea) due to the spraying of herbicides, including the defoliant Agent Orange.In defense of academic freedom
10-01-2008 18:57
Following Rammell's speech on Academic Freedom, UCU-UNCENSORED rejects the government and Rammell's words and assertions full of sophism and rhetoric. Here we present a video-interview on Academic Freedom taken just two days before Rammell's speech.Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
LARC's monthly film night kicks off with 'Bamako', 8pm, Wed Jan 1
09-01-2008 22:49
please pass the word along...-----------------
To inaugurate LARC’s new monthly film night, we’ll be showing ‘Bamako’ at 8pm, with tea and cake available from 7.30. Entrance free, though donations always appreciated.
European Social Forum 2008- Another Europe Begins Here
09-01-2008 16:43
![esf 2008](/icon/2008/01/389053.jpg)
Welcome to Malmö 2008 for the next European Social Forum!
Does CrossRail hole plot-backer UK minister Bassam have the honesty?
09-01-2008 14:25
On Monday 7 January 2008, a transport minister in the 'house of lords' in London spoke by recognizing the role inn the UK of European convention for the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms. He refrained from using the full title of the conventions. But his words in fact referred to the constitutional framework that exists in practice under the UK's treaty obligations [dating back to 1950]. So does the minister himself practise his apparent affiliation to the conventions? Not really, if the evidence of his behaviour in promoting the crossrail hole plots is anything to go by.Full article | 1 addition | 2 comments
Nafeez Ahmed: The Hidden Holocaust - Our Civilizational Crisis
07-01-2008 20:26
![The Hidden Holocaust](/icon/2007/11/385331.jpg)
Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed speaking on The Hidden Holocaust — Our Civilizational Crisis at a public meeting held on 20th November 2007 at Imperial College, London.
See also the notice of the meeting and the first three parts of a four part write-up of the talk:
On the Anti-Democratic Character of Neoliberalism
07-01-2008 11:59
Privatization, deregulation and cuts in social spending is the trinity of the free market, Naomi Klein explains. The conscious production of unemployment is anti-democratic. The conscious worsening of the income- and assets-distribution is anti-democratic. In a democracy, the massive plundering of public assets is absolutely intolerable,McDonald's celebrates 25 years in Lincoln
07-01-2008 11:43
On Saturday, McDonald's celebrated 25 years of serving junk food in Lincoln.Crash 2008: ¡Que no sigan robando!
06-01-2008 16:31
![La economía de la conspiración](/icon/2008/01/388883.jpg)
Porque mira, puede que Trichet, gobernador “TODOPODEROSO” del Banco Central Europeo, equivoque los objetivos que no es combatir la inflación (como pretenden neocons y especuladores) sino contribuir a un sistema económico eficiente y estable donde la banca no viva de la especulación monumental y sea un servicio fiable para la economía productiva y el progreso. Es decir, no solo basta con coordinarse los bancos Centrales sino que también tienen que participar los gobiernos coordinadamente con medidas fiscales incluso sobre el tráfico de capitales y los paraísos fiscales (que deberíamos llamar repito “cuevas de ladrones”). No puede ser posible que Trichet con el objetivo-pretexto de combatir la inflación lo único que consiga sea ahogar más a la economía, las empresas y las familias trabajadoras a la vez que permite que los que especulen y roban se sigan llenando los bolsillos. Sorry for Spanish.
Shadows of a gloomy future for the elite caste
05-01-2008 13:43
The Minister of State for Lifelong Learning, Further and Higher Education, Bill Rammell, 27th November 2007 has given a speech on Academic Freedom and extremism in British Higher Education.Since then he is looking for allies; for people who want to reinterpret freedoms "in the context of the new challenges and threats that face our society". In reality, with just this sentence he narrows down the scope for debate, framing it as a mere reinterpretation of the word freedom in the context of external threats and imagined dangers from an hypothetical external environment.