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Radical resistance to the COP15 conference.

lumsk | 04.02.2009 16:22 | COP15 Climate Summit 2009 | Climate Chaos | Globalisation

A call out to all those that wish to see an end to capitalist controled climate conferences whose only point of reference is the dollars that they can make and not the CO2 that they must reduce.

Those in power talk about the climate issue; they use their promises of carbon capture, reduction and trading, to fog our minds about the real root causes of the troubles that we all face, economic, social and the climate.
As many know and are experiencing, we are already in the middle of a social war. The big COP15 propaganda show is to be expected “We will save the world”… their inevitable claim. To counter the feel good rhetoric that will spawn forth from this climate conference in Copenhagen in early December 2009, with the heads of state pretending that they totally represent humanity and reason, it is time for some clear proposals to be made by the radical forces, a time to explain ourselves, our motivations, our passions, our will for an existence without the intimidations and fabrications of a state controlled society that perpetuates misery and suffering on a majority in the forms of war, social deprivation and impending climate catastrophe whilst a few make decisions regarding airport expansion, building coal fired power stations and battles in the middle east for control of dwindling oil supplies. Often our mobilisations and actions from the streets deny the opportunity for lengthy explanations. Our central message is seen and heard and clearly understood as the uncompromised NO to the system.
However it would be good to meet and exchange some ideas about how we can spread our thoughts, our desires, our resistance and ourselves. There is a desire far and wide for this to happen.
It is time to state why we are going to attack the representatives of governments in Copenhagen at the COP15. We know it’s just another spectacle. The questions why we will break through the lines of their police in order to get to them; why we will refuse to discuss with warmongering governments and the embedded media; why we will refuse to side with bought out NGOs and all the soft steering controllers who claim to be part of a radical left movement; why we will refuse all governments and governance and not just de-legitimise the present ones. It is time to state why we think that insurrection is needed to actually begin the change everybody is talking about and society is so desperate for.

It is clear that more has to be shaken than just our holiday habits to sustain the world of living beings for times to come and not just to prolong the power of governments, corporations and companies for a little while longer whilst they continue to bleed us. These governments, corporations and companies who have throughout the history of the self-declared civilized world, have been the ones responsible for the wars and the destruction and who continue to kill off the planet for money. Once power is taken away from these monopolists, we can hopefully start to learn again and finally overcome the colonial mindset that so often limits our thinking to paternalistic bullshit. Acting together in fundamental opposition to those in power we might get a first glimpse of the richness and opportunities possible when ideas, experiences and concepts are shared amongst people from all over the world.
By ridding ourselves of those who claim to be representing us we will take back control of our lives and our world.

Although the meetings in Copenhagen in November present an opportunity for radical groups to meet and to discuss, we must surely be preparing ourselves long before. Formulating of a plan of action, a strategy of no longer being the splinter in the side of the state but to be a force that brings the change we all crave.

On with the international brigades, social war not climate chaos!



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  1. solidarity — gato