Bangladeshi Textile Workers Speak in Leeds
Mike Fenwick | 24.11.2008 15:15 | Climate Chaos | Globalisation | Workers' Movements
Paid as little as 14p an hour, working up to 18 hour days, the garment workers of Bangladesh are not only some of the most exploited workers on the planet - they are also some of the most militant activists and trade unionists in the world.
Come and hear them tell their courageous story of how the forces of workers solidarity are winning the battle against the sweatshop bosses and the military government of Bangladesh. Thursday 4th Dec 7pm at the Playhouse.
Come and hear them tell their courageous story of how the forces of workers solidarity are winning the battle against the sweatshop bosses and the military government of Bangladesh. Thursday 4th Dec 7pm at the Playhouse.
From No Sweat: campaign against sweatshop labour
Bangladeshi Textile Workers Speak in Leeds
Paid as little as 14p an hour, working up to 18 hour days, the garment workers of Bangladesh are not only some of the most exploited workers on the planet - they are also some of the most militant activists and trade unionists in the world.
Come and hear them tell their courageous story of how the forces of workers solidarity are winning the battle against the sweatshop bosses and the military government of Bangladesh.
Speakers include:
Shahida Sarkar is the President of the National Garment Workers Federation. After losing her father in her late teens, she was forced to move to the capital and seek work in the garment industry. She soon began organising in her workplace and rose through the ranks of this grassroots trade union
Adiba Begum has worked in the garment industry since she was just 13. She was widowed and left with two children when her husband was killed in a factory fire. She was paid no compensation.
Khorshed Alam is a labour rights activist who has done numerous investigations for international NGOs on labour rights issues in Bangladesh. He is director of the Alternative Movement for Resources and Freedom Society. Also worked on the impact of Climate Change in Bangaldesh Also with NGOs including Friends of the Earth International (FOEI) 2001 and involvement in the Greenpeace campaign in Bangladesh on toxic fertilizer, waste dumping and environmental issues.
The Bangladeshi workers movement is at the frontline of the struggle against sweatshop exploitation and climate change. This tour is taking the struggle right to the front door of the multi-nationals that profit from sweatshop labour at the Primark AGM and we are bringing the voice of the Bangladeshi workers’ movement to the Climate Change Demonstration in London. It is a chance for students and labour movement activists in the UK to develop some real grassroots links with the Bangladeshi labour movement. As the world lurches towards economic and environmental crisis, the need for international workers’ solidarity becomes
ever more important. Join us for the tour and get involved!
Leeds Date
Thursday 4th December
Public Meeting - 19:00 - 21:00 Priestley Room
West Yorkshire Playhouse
Playhouse Square
Quarry Hill
Travel info:
contact for more details
Bangladeshi Textile Workers Speak in Leeds
Paid as little as 14p an hour, working up to 18 hour days, the garment workers of Bangladesh are not only some of the most exploited workers on the planet - they are also some of the most militant activists and trade unionists in the world.
Come and hear them tell their courageous story of how the forces of workers solidarity are winning the battle against the sweatshop bosses and the military government of Bangladesh.
Speakers include:
Shahida Sarkar is the President of the National Garment Workers Federation. After losing her father in her late teens, she was forced to move to the capital and seek work in the garment industry. She soon began organising in her workplace and rose through the ranks of this grassroots trade union
Adiba Begum has worked in the garment industry since she was just 13. She was widowed and left with two children when her husband was killed in a factory fire. She was paid no compensation.
Khorshed Alam is a labour rights activist who has done numerous investigations for international NGOs on labour rights issues in Bangladesh. He is director of the Alternative Movement for Resources and Freedom Society. Also worked on the impact of Climate Change in Bangaldesh Also with NGOs including Friends of the Earth International (FOEI) 2001 and involvement in the Greenpeace campaign in Bangladesh on toxic fertilizer, waste dumping and environmental issues.
The Bangladeshi workers movement is at the frontline of the struggle against sweatshop exploitation and climate change. This tour is taking the struggle right to the front door of the multi-nationals that profit from sweatshop labour at the Primark AGM and we are bringing the voice of the Bangladeshi workers’ movement to the Climate Change Demonstration in London. It is a chance for students and labour movement activists in the UK to develop some real grassroots links with the Bangladeshi labour movement. As the world lurches towards economic and environmental crisis, the need for international workers’ solidarity becomes
ever more important. Join us for the tour and get involved!
Leeds Date
Thursday 4th December
Public Meeting - 19:00 - 21:00 Priestley Room
West Yorkshire Playhouse
Playhouse Square
Quarry Hill
Travel info:


Mike Fenwick