Sydney Activist | 30.05.2004 01:31 | Analysis | Anti-militarism | Globalisation
Crazed rantings about the state of the world; in particular my thoughts about the increasing amount of anti-American sentiment now spreading across the planet.
I'm not sure if any of you in the US have noticed, but anti-American sentiment is spreading thick and fast amongst the people of the planet. It feels like it's out of control, spiralling faster and faster in a frenzied whirlpool while the American leadership seems to do everything it possibly can to make the situation worse.
Whilst mostly innocent Iraqi kids are being tortured to death by US troops, soldiers of fortunes and their allies, I took a peep at FoxNews to find Bush congratulating troops from past wars for "saving the world" from fascism.
Whilst Diebold close-sources it's proven-to-be-rigged voting machines, it gives money to the Bush team's further convincing the people of the world that there is no way to beat back Bush's America except through violent means.
With the cat out of the bag about Bush/Cheney/Rumseld telling blatant lies in order to go to war against Iraq, they've found another scapegoat in Chalabai and can be seen to wash the blood of their hands. Oh yes, Chalabai will be blamed, Iran will be blamed and will probably be attacked next. This is a war for "full spectrum dominance".
It seems almost deliberate that the world's media is slowly releasing a couple of pictures of US torturers every day (less than this in the United States). That way the hatred for the US is allowed to build up and up. It's crazy but it's there. The world's media outlets won't let this rest and it feels like chilli peppers being rubbed into an open wound. Two Australians were detained by the US in Cuba and one of them is said to have been tortured by US troops.
The people of the world (e.g. in iran/palestine/iraq/afghanistan) have been trying to hold up white flags and say "we don't want no fight" but the flags have been hidden from the US citizens who are fed a few sounds bytes of people expressing their utter outrage. Well of course the white flags will come down. As much as the people want to be left alone, they're not going to idly sit back and watch their worlds be destroyed by the US military but don't you dare be a fucker and feign that they started it. Do some research on US foreign policy over the past 59 years.
Nobody outside America believes those incidents of torture in Iraq were one-off ignorant soldiers acting alone. Near everybody outside America knows that the planes that flew into the world trade centre had a proverbial "US Foreign policy: Return To sender" written down the side. Your president is a very dangerous psychotic corrupt oil baron. And gods help us, his main rival is busy trying to prove he is a better war-hero.
I'm depressed and ranting.
Sydney Activist
Sydney Activist
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