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UK Workers' Movements Newswire Archive

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Southampton’s Unions reject Council cutback plans and promise to fight back

23-01-2011 15:49

Southampton’s main public sector unions have rejected the Council’s proposed changes to their working conditions (to include redundancies and large pay cuts) at a packed membership meeting this past Thursday, and have promised to fight against their implementation.

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The Second National Troll A Tory Day - 24/01/11

23-01-2011 15:17

The first National Troll A Tory Day on the 15th December led to an outpouring of righteous anger, much of it on the facebook pages of Nick Clegg and David Cameron. Spread the word now and let's make this one bigger!

As part of the National Day of Cuts Against Benefit Claimants on the 24th January 2011 Tories and their Lib Dem lackys will be told exactly what the nation feels about their sham coalition.

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Phuck The Scum State Wankers Club I'm Voting Horse Outside

23-01-2011 00:42

In our pup tent we can suck down home brews
And remember money broker Cowen--
And his no-down loan that brought the bad news
That sent us to the street in our home town

Later on we inquire
How our dream so backfired
We followed the rules
We're feelin' like fools
Living in a wanker wonderland

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National Day of Protest Against Benefit Cuts - 24/01 - latest news

22-01-2011 13:00

The poster reads: “60,000 Reichs Marks is the cost to the people’s community for this hereditary disabled over a lifetime; People’s comrade, that comes from YOUR gold. Read ‘New People’ – The monthly periodical of the Political Office of the National Socialist German Workers’s Party.”

“The cost of disability benefits is simply UNSUSTAINABLE” – Maria Miller, Minister for Disabled People in an interview with the tabloid press in November 2010.

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Rail unions collaborate in London Underground job losses

21-01-2011 15:54

London Underground (LU) is pressing ahead with its axing of 800 jobs, with no opposition from the Rail Maritime and Transport union (RMT) and Transport and Salaried Staff Association (TSSA).

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Everyone To Southwark Town Hall - Anti-Cuts, 25th Jan, 3pm

20-01-2011 20:11

Tuesday 25th JANUARY 3pm – Protest at Southwark Council meeting re: cuts
Assemble 3 pm at Southwark Town Hall, Peckham Road SE15 (Junction of Havil St and Peckham Rd)

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Cardiff Rally Against The Cuts

19-01-2011 15:16

Thursday 3rd February - 7:00pm
Transport House, Cathedral Road (opposite Westgate Pub)
Cardiff, CF11 9SB

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march and rally in Carlisle against the cuts

19-01-2011 15:10

Please come along to the march & rally on Sat 22nd Jan.

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Full Unemployment Cinema Education Special - Jan 30th, London

19-01-2011 14:23

"Down with teachers! Up with revolution!” EDUCATION FILM SPECIAL

Sunday 30th January 2011, 6PM
at Colourama
52-56 Lancaster Street,

Free Entry!!


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Reluctant Heinz Strikers Accept De Facto Wage Cut

19-01-2011 12:33

Workers at the Heinz factory in Kitt Green, Wigan have voted to accept a revised pay and conditions offer, bringing to an end a dispute that had lasted months, and prevented the production of millions of cans.

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Preston Against Cuts: 100 rally on Flagmarket

16-01-2011 23:41

100 people rallied against the Condem coalition cuts on Preston Flagmarket yesterday. 'This could be the start of something big'

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Callout for Operation Dual Power/March 26 Direct Action planning

16-01-2011 22:43

Liberate flyer
The TUC are calling a huge "March for the Alternative" for March 26th. But what is their alternative? If you want to be heard rather than hearded that day, then join thousand of people in reclaiming national and local government buildings, media, banks, courts, police stations, and libraries, and turning them into People's Assemblies. An interactive direct action target map will be widely circulated before and on the day. Be part of the planning process. Join us on January 23rd in London.

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Tunisia: 23 years of autocratic rule

16-01-2011 14:28

routed Bin Ali and ABBAS
GAZA - Fatah, PLO backtrack on statement praising popular revolution in Tunisia ..... The Fatah-controlled Palestinian liberation organization (PLO) attempted to disavow earlier remarks in which it welcomed the overthrow of the Tunisian president after it issued a statement in this regard. Senior Fatah and PLO official Ahmed Abdelrahman said the PLO's executive committee did not issue any statement about the situation in Tunisia and did not hold any meeting during the last two days.

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Workers Film and Video site

15-01-2011 20:23

Good films , archive footage about key events in working-class history
from the time of the French Revolution.

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Bath Bomb #36 Out Now

14-01-2011 23:22

In This Issue:
Senseless Violence! Bah Humburg! No Ifs, Some Cuts! E.M.A. - No Way! Doling Out Abuse! Wikileaky Roofs! The Leaning Spa Of Bath! Charlie & Camilla Hitty Stick Makeover! Palestine! 'Prince' Andrew Opens His Big Mouth! The Usual Suspects! Pixelated Graphics! Gratuitous References To Burning – Without A White Hood! 100% Recycled Taglines

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Tunisian Uprising Wins Concessions From US-Backed Elite

14-01-2011 17:15

US-backed Tunisian dictator Zine El Abidine Ben Ali is making concession after concession to a spontaneously created protest movement, in a desperate attempt to cling onto power in the North African country. Solidarity protests have been held in neighbouring Algeria, and support for the Tunisian 'bread intifada' is growing throughout the Arab nations. It seems likely that such demonstrations will spread internationally, amongst equally impoverished populations.

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Solidarity demo for the Thessaloniki 4 – London friday 14.01.11

13-01-2011 18:36

Map of the embassy

14:00 Friday January 14, 2011

Greek Embassy, London
1A Holland Park,
London W11 3TP
Nearest tube: Lancaster Gate, Central Line

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Right to Work has called for a protest this Friday at the Royal Bank of Scotland

13-01-2011 11:03

In London, Right to Work has called for a protest this Friday at the Royal Bank of Scotland building, 280 Bishopsgate EC2M 4RB from 4pm.

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Upcoming Anti-cuts events in Swindon

13-01-2011 09:06

Last night, a very large meeting saw the birth of Swindon-Anti-Cuts Campaign. We already have several events in the pipeline -