UK Other Press Newswire Archive
Palestine Today 01 24 2011
24-01-2011 15:20

GMB Members Fight Plans To Cut Wages At South East Coast Ambulance Service
24-01-2011 13:24
GMB consider that paramedics, technicians and other ambulance workers provide a vitally important service to the public and they should be paid properly for doing soFull article | 1 addition | 80 comments
Police dirty tactics and indymedias dirty laundry
23-01-2011 19:00
The shit hit the fan when Schnews published it's story on how a shadowy police unit has spent years planting false stories and sowing discontent among activist groups using the comments sections of campaign blogs and IMC UK. It instantly became impossible for indymedia admins to continue to claim that they did not have any access to IP logs on the IMC UK site. Airing indymedias dirty laundry could not have come at a worse time with all the distrust generated by the recent outing of a number of deep infiltration undercover cops within activist circles.just a thought ...
22-01-2011 02:59
Who were these people - who was this woman? Winston Green in the 70s.schnews website down after revealing further dastardly acpo tactics
22-01-2011 01:45
shortly after revealing that not only is taxpayers money being spent to razz around europe sleeping with as many people as possible, but more mundanely they are paid to post false comments on indymedia...professional troll division...INTER-NETCU: Government Agency Caught Infiltrating Activist Media Outlet
21-01-2011 20:45

Chilcot, Coulson, corrupt cops and Rupert Murdoch
21-01-2011 17:23
What I learned from the TV news channels todayThis Week in Palestine week 3 2011
21-01-2011 16:59

Stroud Views & Burblings Issue 2
21-01-2011 12:44

Palestine Today 01 20 2011
20-01-2011 16:12

Full article | 1 addition | 151 comments
Kennedy Mania in the Mainstream Media
19-01-2011 19:01

The media has gone into a feeding frenzy over what was described by Newsnight as the "deepening controversy over police agents". Yet still none of them are putting together the evidence that political policing has been used to trash the 'right to protest' in this country,of which the use of undercover coppers is only a small part, with FIT Teams, kettling and general harrassment of protestors being other major parts of the ongoing police strategy. Perhaps this is because these same journos are part of the media circus that allows the cops to get away with it as we march towards water cannon and a police state.
However, the long term infiltration of environmental and direct action groups in the UK by PC Mark Kennedy for a seven year period, must be causing some discomfort for the cops, as his antics in the UK and ,according to the Guardian another 22 countries, are beginning to be unravelled.
Today's Independent claims that Kennedy, who is missing but believed to be in the USA, has called in publicity Guru Max Clifford as he "prepares to sell his story". The report further notes that Nottingham Police have launched an internal inquiry into the mess, which will run alongside a limited IPCC inquiry which 'Amerdeep Somal, of the IPCC, said will focus on the alleged failure of Nottinghamshire Police to disclose relevant material to prosecutors.'
Palestine Today 01 19 2011
19-01-2011 15:53

Palestine Today 11 18 2010
18-01-2011 16:46

Palestine Today 11 17 2010
17-01-2011 16:58

The Mark Kennedy story just confirms what we knew all along
16-01-2011 21:09
Nearly two years on from the furore over the G20 protests, what many long suspected has finally been confirmed: the police are infiltrating the climate movement. Most of what I'd want to say about the unfolding saga of undercover cop Mark Kennedy is summed up by this very good piece in the New Internationalist, written by Danny Chivers, one of the defendants at the Ratcliffe trial. But, as someone who spent a lot of time in my old job trying to highlight the police's unacceptable attitude to the environmental movement, here for what it's worth is my two pence...
Kennedy and Nick Stern
16-01-2011 18:11
Who is Nick Stern? He holds the copyright of a picture taken when Kennedy was undercover and also the recent pictures where he looks a bit more like a copper.Mark Kennedy is planning to sue the state
16-01-2011 11:19
Sources close to exposed undercover police officer PC Mark Stone have revealed that he is currently laying the ground work to bring a case against his former employers for neglecting their duty of care towards his mental and physical wellbeing.Wiki-No-Leaks
16-01-2011 11:01
An article on the Observer web this morning reveals Swiss banking whistleblower docs will not be made public by WikileaksKennedy/Stone talks to Mail on Sunday
15-01-2011 22:42
Kennedy/Stone interviewed by the Mail on Sunday