UK Other Press Newswire Archive
£1.85m overseas aid spent on Pope visit
03-02-2011 07:51
20% of taxpayer funding for ex-nazi's visit came from fund protected from cuts and intended for the most needy in the world, such as those in countries torn apart by ratzinger's anti-condom good news.Egyptian Church Support Regime
02-02-2011 21:31
Of interest: a letter from the head of the Chruch of Egypt (Bishop Mouneer) to UK Bishops seemingly in support of the Egyptian regime... to quote:"We appreciate your prayers for:
· The end of demonstrations, especially in view of the changes that President Mubarak announced. This will bring Egypt back to normal and the curfew will be ended."
Palestine Today 02 02 2011
02-02-2011 15:48

Mexican Government successfully sheds the US Dollar from its economy
02-02-2011 15:27
As more countries around the world lose confidence in the USA Dollar, Mexico has taken successful steps of ridding its general economy of the USA DollarWhite Coat - The Media's Moral Creepback
02-02-2011 15:05
It’s not hard to spot the scientists in commercial advertising: they’re the ones wearing white coats. Whether hawking toothpaste, skin cream, or even cigarettes, the white coat vouches for the presence of a highly-trained, disinterested expert ensuring product safety and effectiveness.
New powers for police to hack your PC
02-02-2011 00:49
Civil liberties groups raise alarm over extension of surveillance without warrant[Not to be confused with GCHQ's extensive tapping of emails and other internet traffic, for which no warrant is required]
Palestine Today 02 01 2011
01-02-2011 16:15

Palestine Today 01 31 2011
31-01-2011 15:26

Egypt: Cue the dirty tricks, false flags to discredit pro-democracy movement
30-01-2011 14:55

‘Looters smash ancient treasures’, ‘Looters decapitate mummies’, ‘Looters rip off heads of artifacts’ etc., read a rash of headlines, following the apparent breaking into the country’s national museum, which is said to house the world’s biggest of Pharaonic antiquities.
However, it has since emerged, although with much less headline coverage, that some of the would-be looters apprehended by protesters outside the museum were identified as working for the state’s interior ministry.
The incident may be just a foretaste of a wider range of propaganda stunts or false flags, including atrocities and fatalities, that the Mubarak regime will enact in order to discredit the protest movement sweeping that nation.
Afghanistan 29 Jan 2011 Protest against recent executions in Iran
30-01-2011 13:44

This Week in Palestine week 4 2011
28-01-2011 17:27

Get 'Racial Volunteer Force' channels taken down
28-01-2011 01:42
RVF Blogspot and Youtube pages. Please report them and get them taken down.Palestine Today 01 27 2011
27-01-2011 16:33

document of shame
27-01-2011 14:17
the story of the missing kids
Prescott: "I just don't trust the Metropolitan Police to conduct a proper inquir
27-01-2011 09:10
Join the club, John!Palestine Today 01 26 2011
26-01-2011 17:17

Channel 4 news report on ClownCop 'Lynn Watson' - aka Officer A
25-01-2011 19:01
7.10 pm tonight, Channel 4 news report on Lynn Watson as a rebel clown occupying LeedsPalestine Today 01 25 2011
25-01-2011 16:24

Censorship amid controversy over police on indymedia
25-01-2011 01:41
Last week the respected alternative news project SchNEWS published a story revealing long term malicious use of indymedia by elements within the states police apparatus. The piece was base on the so-called 303 Gateway article written collaboratively by a number of indymedia admins and proposed in secret as a feature for the UK site over six months ago. The proposal was blocked by London and Northern IMC. They claim they failed to get agreement on amendments aimed at distancing themselves from admissions within the article that indymedia admins had in fact had access to IP logs despite having repeatedly said the opposite in the past. Both London and Northern said that they would have no objection to the article being published as a feature on Indymedia UK if it was made clear within the article that the IP logging was a feature found within the MIR content management system used by IMC UK and its regional sites Birmingham, Cambridge, Liverpool, Oxford, Sheffield and South Coast, not those using alternative CMS such as Bristol, London, Northern, Nottingham and Scotland. However it seem tonight that their claim has be proven a lie...The draft article stated, "what has never been openly stated before is that the CMS system we use has a number of anti-abuse measures which include the ability to monitor for particular IP addresses and log their behaviour." The draft goes on to say, "site admins believed that they would never be able to gain the trust of posters, if the range of anti-abuse measures were made public. As is often the case, once a body has failed to be completely open about something, it becomes 'the elephant in the room' and so a situation was created where the new and current admins were actively blocked from bringing these measures into the open. The stalemate continued until now, with site admins proposing a new approach of coming clean about the measures that are in place, and others in the collective blocking this."
Prophetically, that stalemate over coming clean about the IP logging meant that no consensus was possible on publishing the article. There was no way that the information about the governments disinfo campaign could be published without revealing that indymedia had been lying about IP logs. Apparently some suggested it could be published via a different alt media outlet while leaving out the info about indymedia but the story would have been weak without the evidence gathered by indymedia admins.
The impasse remained but then the draft article was leaked by a disgruntled admin using the name 'indyleaks'. The posts were repeatedly hidden from the indymedia sites it was posted to and a filter set up on IMC UK to automatically hide it whenever posted.
There remains no consensus about publishing the article which includes a frank admission that indymedia has misled its user since 2003. However the lack of consensus is now a moot point since SchNEWS has ran the story and Birmingham IMC has published the 303 gateway article as a feature on it's own site.

Both the story about the government running a disinfo campaign via indymedia, and the story that indymedia UK has been hiding the truth about IP logging for all these years, that is big news for activists at a time when trust is already in short supply.
As the article says "continuing to gloss over the reality in a misleading way was detrimental to Indymedia UK, and that there was no small likelihood that at some stage we could be outed." Now that the truth is out, lets hope indymedia can recover from the damage to its credibility and move on to become more open and honest with its users.
Shells survey worked Stopped
24-01-2011 18:17