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schnews website down after revealing further dastardly acpo tactics

reader | 22.01.2011 01:45 | Indymedia | Other Press | South Coast

shortly after revealing that not only is taxpayers money being spent to razz around europe sleeping with as many people as possible, but more mundanely they are paid to post false comments on indymedia...professional troll division...

yes, some clever imc geeks apparently managed to find out that many trolling comments had as a source government servers (including a couple actually signed acpo) from which they reasonably suggested was in fact everyone's favourite private ltd company/unaccountable police force.

soon after publication, the site went down. coincidence ? quite likely ! but also possible that the boys and girls from acpo/co11/ had something to do with it. maybe.

a slightly different version of the story will appear as a feature soon(ish).

