UK Other Press Newswire Archive
An Insult to Intelligence
14-04-2007 18:54
Islam Online reported on the 7/4/2007 that: "Iraqis who once celebrated and even participated in pulling down Saddam Hussein's statue four years ago when US tanks rolled into Baghdad in a heart-breaking scene for many Arabs and Muslims are now lamenting the good old days under the late president."Singo furious over Broadcast Regulator’s ruling on Alan Jones
13-04-2007 03:39
One could almost feel sorry for highflying, right wing, media types who derive a living from exploiting the lowest aspects of human nature. But there is ‘no love lost’ around here and I imagine anywhere else. Media moguls are getting a taste of life at the receiving end, perhaps they may think twice before making IRRESPONSIBLE racist, vilifying comments at the expense of those in the least position to defend themselves. The results of negative media hype and racist remarks include foul abuse levelled at you, your wife and kids in public; being spat on for no reason other than your skin colour or religion, and the ugly culmination of all racist behaviour, the race riot (Cronulla, 2005). Are we sorry the purveyors of social division and slur are experiencing frustration at the lack of recourse and remedial action available to them – not on your life?Free Alan Johnston
13-04-2007 00:22

The New Bristle - it's shit-brown (not pro-Brown)
10-04-2007 20:40

We'll be celebrating publication by hosting the weekly vegan cafe at Kebele social centre (

Ahmadinejad cartoons in the British press
08-04-2007 23:03

Demolition Derby
06-04-2007 18:20
Sham consultations, compulsory purchases, mass demolitions and the displacement of entire communities. Call this a housing policy? A look at the government's Pathfinder initiative.First published in Red Pepper April 2007.
Toxteth people fear "legalised theft" of homes
06-04-2007 18:10
Residents of the Granby Triangle fear they will be forced to sell up to Lovell - the council's chosen developer for £27m urban renewal scheme - whether their homes are down for demolition or not. First published in the Big Issue (1/4/07)Cultural Inversions and Criminal Leadership
06-04-2007 13:20
Imagine coalition leaders recoiling in horror at the prospect of facing the truth that it is they who are the most criminally liable and culpable terrorists in the world today! Former Secretary General of the UN, Kofi Annan, stated that in order to effectively combat terrorism a universal definition of ‘terrorism’ would be imperative. A ratified definition would eliminate politically motivated, arbitrary definitions made by various groups/States for the principal purpose of servng their own interests. In the absence of a universal definition the legal system and International criminal courts are ‘hamstrung’ or worse, subject to manipulation by powerful (criminal) interests.M For Media Malarkey - SchNEWS Alternative Media Gathering 2007
05-04-2007 21:15
Callout for all to come down to Brighton for...M For Media Malarkey - the SchNEWS Alternative Media Gathering 2007
'Anarchist Blogger' finally freed
05-04-2007 18:43
There has been some really good reporting here on Josh Wolf, the 'anarchist blogger' . He went to prison rather than submit video of an 'anachist rally' to a federal judge in the July '05 G8 clashes in California. I just thought it was worth mentioning to all the previous posters that he has finally been released after spending more time inside than any other journalist.Vote Nobody at the Welsh Assembly elections
04-04-2007 18:21

Anarchist website exposes huge Tory scandal
03-04-2007 11:43
Investigative journalism at its best with political conviction and hard factsManipulating the Oz Masses
02-04-2007 07:10
It’s confirmed, total panic grips Howard government over Hicks scandal! The novice Environment Minister, Malcolm Turnbull, has weighed in on the Hicks debate with a wild accusation inferring that Hicks was “.. seeking to destroy our civilisation.” -- what next? Turnbull's statement follows hot on the heels of the stratospheric logic (see link) displayed by the Federal Treasurer in his effort to save the government -- who's next?Hicks case becomes Quicksand for Oz Government
01-04-2007 14:05
When things are a bit slow we can always rely on the Australian conservative government to entertain us -- their now very desperate (divorced from reality) attempts to come out of the Hicks “saga” smelling roses are entertaining if nothing else. The impossibility of the Howard government looking good over any issue relating to Hicks hasn’t dampened the enthusiasm of the Federal Treasurer, Peter Costello. The Treasurer has very unwisely waded into the debate with characteristic miscalculated comments regarding Hicks. Try as Costello might to incriminate Hicks and brand him a murderer, the facts speak for themselves.Ken’s Spy in the Sky: Behind the smoke and mirrors
01-04-2007 09:24
Last week Ken Livingstone was reported to have agreed to spend £12 million pounds on ‘a spy in the sky’ that will have the ability to track motorists. The truth is that the UK has already signed up for a road charging and satellite tracking scheme via an EU directive.David Hicks receives Sentence
31-03-2007 04:54
Notice the use of language -- Australian news radio (12 noon) today broadcast that “convicted terrorist, David Hicks, receives nine month sentence...” – shame on ABC news radio, one can only wonder whether the choice of wording reflected the fundamentalist conservative, evangelical christian values of the Howard-loving producer, who will remain nameless in this report. Unlike American loving evangelical christians, most Australians accept “convictions” as a result of fair trials and due legal process NOT sordid kangaroo court 'determinations'.Do you expect yourself to fail trying?
30-03-2007 19:30
IDEA: Let’s get our show up and running, by allowing openpublic investigations To be conducted internationally, with
open line challenges, so we can publicly isolate each and
every bushmobster personally responsible for 911, and then,
all of everything else still left outstanding murdering
ourselves. Whatdoyahsay??
Call for articles for new newspaper
30-03-2007 15:31
Contribute to RUMBLE, Britain's latest radical newspaperAmerican Justice: Hicks Tortured, Rumsfeld Exonerated!
29-03-2007 17:20
The now infamous Donald Rumsfeld has avoided legal responsibility for the extremely controversial ruling he made in December 2002, which effectively allowed the U.S. military to utilise torture methods against their perceived or imagined enemies. An American court ruled that Rumsfeld had no case to answer due principally to the fact that as Secretary of Defence he was IMMUNE from the charges! One Law for you and another for me! If the public ever wondered why Bush, Blair and Howard appear unconcerned over the prospect of war crimes charges, perhaps the Rumsfeld decision sheds some light on the matter.Hey, reporter - REMEMBER peace works, despite warspin pay-offs. Unratchet !
29-03-2007 15:54
The BIG news, for the uk - for the world, in fact, is the under reporting of the "gritty miracle" of the N.I. peace process -far from as "grubby" as the "Indy" (29/4/7) paints it . . . . but if you are in that minderbinder, war racketeer-spiv industry, perhaps the threat of a good example. The intriguing "LITTLE" gaps or odd spasms in the Shatt al-arab tale are luminous, though. Very "con venient" for warbux, less for people. . . .