Cultural Inversions and Criminal Leadership
finch | 06.04.2007 13:20 | Analysis | Other Press | Terror War | World
Imagine coalition leaders recoiling in horror at the prospect of facing the truth that it is they who are the most criminally liable and culpable terrorists in the world today! Former Secretary General of the UN, Kofi Annan, stated that in order to effectively combat terrorism a universal definition of ‘terrorism’ would be imperative. A ratified definition would eliminate politically motivated, arbitrary definitions made by various groups/States for the principal purpose of servng their own interests. In the absence of a universal definition the legal system and International criminal courts are ‘hamstrung’ or worse, subject to manipulation by powerful (criminal) interests.
History records the USA and its few allies as the most ‘energetic’ forces of opposition to Annan’s proposal. Is it therefore any wonder that it is precisely these nations that are responsible for the most horrendous civilian death toll in the world today – 655,000 innocent deaths resulting from the invasion and continued occupation of Iraq?
Kofi Annan’s failure to garner support for his very sensible and practical proposition does not reflect a personal failure; it indicates the failure of what we now laughingly call ‘civilisation’. Annan’s gesture should not be viewed as foolish or naive; in the circumstances his proposal was doomed to failure, however, it served to identify the real terrorists by its ‘failure’. Few in the world today are in any doubt as to the identities of the most criminally liable terrorists; the fundamental identifier of terrorist activity (civilian death toll) clearly identifies the culpable. Whether or not the classic indicator is ratified is immaterial, the obvious is difficult to deny. The culpability of Bush, Blair and Howard as leaders of the invasive coalition forces is irrefutable. [The LAW and civilisation are mocked by these nefarious individuals.]
In view of the reality of terrorism in the world today the recent David Hicks case became an excursion into the realm of the absurd. An organisation (Bush’s America) responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians – notwithstanding the initial illegal pre-emptive invasion – accused a person who hadn’t murdered a soul, of terrorism! The Hicks case as was anticipated, only served to incriminate the accusers and highlight the injustices of their criminal activities. The legal representatives of the ‘American Taliban’, John Walker Lindh, wasted no time citing the gaping chasm between the sentences delivered to Hicks and to Lindh. The Hicks case was sure to trigger outrage in the community and expose the failings of an ‘improvise as you go’ unjust military tribunal.
Coalition leaders have avoided scrutiny to date principally due to the ‘disinclination’ of their friends in the mass media to publish incriminating material; however, public awareness, served by other sources, has increased dramatically.
A precedent was set rather stupidly by the U.S. and NATO during the Balkan conflict. A leader of State (Milosevic) was indicted on war crimes, which allowed for future prosecutions of a similar nature. Whatever applies to one State leader in an International legal arena MUST apply to all leaders of State -- if the Law is to be anything other than the ass it is today!
Any first year law student would inform you that it is simply impossible to successfully prosecute a case without clear legal definitions. In respect of what constitutes and identifies terrorism or a terrorist, the books remain open. Any legal representative worthy of the name would not hesitate to challenge on the basis of arbitrary definitions.
The Hicks ‘trial’ was a FARCE from beginning to end, any conditions imposed by an illegal, criminal court would not apply in any civilised nation. Hicks should therefore be immediately released upon landing in Australia. Instituting proceedings against the real terrorists, Bush, Blair and Howard should begin in earnest.
Those guilty of mass murder MUST be brought to trial.
Allowing sociopaths and criminals to roam freely is the height of folly BUT allowing sociopaths and criminals to lead nations is completely INSANE!
Kofi Annan’s failure to garner support for his very sensible and practical proposition does not reflect a personal failure; it indicates the failure of what we now laughingly call ‘civilisation’. Annan’s gesture should not be viewed as foolish or naive; in the circumstances his proposal was doomed to failure, however, it served to identify the real terrorists by its ‘failure’. Few in the world today are in any doubt as to the identities of the most criminally liable terrorists; the fundamental identifier of terrorist activity (civilian death toll) clearly identifies the culpable. Whether or not the classic indicator is ratified is immaterial, the obvious is difficult to deny. The culpability of Bush, Blair and Howard as leaders of the invasive coalition forces is irrefutable. [The LAW and civilisation are mocked by these nefarious individuals.]
In view of the reality of terrorism in the world today the recent David Hicks case became an excursion into the realm of the absurd. An organisation (Bush’s America) responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians – notwithstanding the initial illegal pre-emptive invasion – accused a person who hadn’t murdered a soul, of terrorism! The Hicks case as was anticipated, only served to incriminate the accusers and highlight the injustices of their criminal activities. The legal representatives of the ‘American Taliban’, John Walker Lindh, wasted no time citing the gaping chasm between the sentences delivered to Hicks and to Lindh. The Hicks case was sure to trigger outrage in the community and expose the failings of an ‘improvise as you go’ unjust military tribunal.
Coalition leaders have avoided scrutiny to date principally due to the ‘disinclination’ of their friends in the mass media to publish incriminating material; however, public awareness, served by other sources, has increased dramatically.
A precedent was set rather stupidly by the U.S. and NATO during the Balkan conflict. A leader of State (Milosevic) was indicted on war crimes, which allowed for future prosecutions of a similar nature. Whatever applies to one State leader in an International legal arena MUST apply to all leaders of State -- if the Law is to be anything other than the ass it is today!
Any first year law student would inform you that it is simply impossible to successfully prosecute a case without clear legal definitions. In respect of what constitutes and identifies terrorism or a terrorist, the books remain open. Any legal representative worthy of the name would not hesitate to challenge on the basis of arbitrary definitions.
The Hicks ‘trial’ was a FARCE from beginning to end, any conditions imposed by an illegal, criminal court would not apply in any civilised nation. Hicks should therefore be immediately released upon landing in Australia. Instituting proceedings against the real terrorists, Bush, Blair and Howard should begin in earnest.
Those guilty of mass murder MUST be brought to trial.
Allowing sociopaths and criminals to roam freely is the height of folly BUT allowing sociopaths and criminals to lead nations is completely INSANE!

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