David Hicks receives Sentence
dingo | 31.03.2007 04:54 | Analysis | Other Press | Terror War | World
Notice the use of language -- Australian news radio (12 noon) today broadcast that “convicted terrorist, David Hicks, receives nine month sentence...” – shame on ABC news radio, one can only wonder whether the choice of wording reflected the fundamentalist conservative, evangelical christian values of the Howard-loving producer, who will remain nameless in this report. Unlike American loving evangelical christians, most Australians accept “convictions” as a result of fair trials and due legal process NOT sordid kangaroo court 'determinations'.
A very convenient for Howard, 12-month “gag order” was also placed on Hicks, soon to return to Australia to serve his sentence. But the most revealing and outrageous aspect of the flagrantly illegal proceedings is the statement Hicks was no doubt coerced into signing indicating that he was “not abused” while in detention in the world’s most notorious illegal torture centre -- give us all a break! The USA may as well fly the Swastika on Capital Hill today. The bovine U.S. population and sheeple throughout the world may be servile and passive but they are not completely stupid.
Reality is always plain and the Truth is simplicity itself; Hicks at no stage during his misguided adventures caused injury or death to any human being. In contrast the forces that convicted Hicks (Bush, Blair and Howard) are responsible for the deaths of over half-a-million innocent civilians in Iraq; the consequences of a now fully exposed illegal invasion – yes, the sky is still blue and the real criminals remain stained with the blood of innocents.
The aspiring U.S. lackey Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd, had a golden opportunity to take the initiative and define himself as a citizen of a sovereign and independent nation; however, today he stated that in relation to the Hicks decision he would comply with the “Law” – what fuckin’ Law, Kevin, you pissweak, pursed, little coward? The difference between Howard and Rudd is that Howard sucks harder; nevertheless both ‘men’ are on their knees – I am loath to mention the cauliflower ears!
Postscript to Hicks:
No apology required by this writer and many other Australians, mate. You have already paid dearly for your misadventures. I hope you were aware of the frantic desperation of the powers to have you plea. They now feel justified and you have set a precedent, which allows them to continue their criminal proceedings at Torture Bay. But like you we are all human, all too human! Regardless of all other factors you have displayed the fighting, battler spirit of a true Australian against the odds. In this regard you are in good company!
Reality is always plain and the Truth is simplicity itself; Hicks at no stage during his misguided adventures caused injury or death to any human being. In contrast the forces that convicted Hicks (Bush, Blair and Howard) are responsible for the deaths of over half-a-million innocent civilians in Iraq; the consequences of a now fully exposed illegal invasion – yes, the sky is still blue and the real criminals remain stained with the blood of innocents.
The aspiring U.S. lackey Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd, had a golden opportunity to take the initiative and define himself as a citizen of a sovereign and independent nation; however, today he stated that in relation to the Hicks decision he would comply with the “Law” – what fuckin’ Law, Kevin, you pissweak, pursed, little coward? The difference between Howard and Rudd is that Howard sucks harder; nevertheless both ‘men’ are on their knees – I am loath to mention the cauliflower ears!
Postscript to Hicks:
No apology required by this writer and many other Australians, mate. You have already paid dearly for your misadventures. I hope you were aware of the frantic desperation of the powers to have you plea. They now feel justified and you have set a precedent, which allows them to continue their criminal proceedings at Torture Bay. But like you we are all human, all too human! Regardless of all other factors you have displayed the fighting, battler spirit of a true Australian against the odds. In this regard you are in good company!
