UK Other Press Newswire Archive
NWASDG Organising Meeting, Saturday 24th March 2007, 2.00pm.
12-03-2007 11:06
There will be an organising meeting at the Friends Meeting House, 6 Mount Street, Manchester, from 2.00pm to 4pm. This meeting is for all who want to help defend asylum seekers and refugees against Britain's racist laws. Everyone is welcome.Kirklees Unity link up with Golcar Together
12-03-2007 10:58

Bush, ‘political cadaver’ -- It’s all but (over)
11-03-2007 12:14
There is something politically odd about Bush’s tour of various Latin American countries. South American nations were ‘lost’ to the U.S. some time ago – the price paid for America’s fixation in the Middle East. Bush is loathed internationally but is particularly despised in Latin America. The Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez accurately called Bush a “political cadaver” and led 20,000 Argentinian supporters in the chant, “gringo go home”, during his counter-tour of the region.‘Turkey is under the threat of Iran’s missiles’ claims US Ambassador to NATO
09-03-2007 00:05

Help us to rebuild Sheffield Girls College Bagh,KASHMIR
08-03-2007 11:19

Bagh was one the most hit area that took the lives of 300 young children and 60% of the area is still under rubble.
Anti-deportation stall on Wednesday 14th March 2007, 12pm
06-03-2007 13:45

Timor-Leste: Bungle in the Jungle
05-03-2007 22:29
Prior to the leadership of John Howard and his defence minister, Brendan (studs) Nelson, the Australian Defence Forces always did Australia proud. The reputation of the ADF preceded them in any theatre of war. Aussie fighters were once considered highly specialised and skilled, so it is with a sad heart and severe disappointment that I report the raid on Alfredo Reinado’s hide-out resulted in the needless deaths of four Timorese and a ‘rebel leader’ who easily escaped to the mountains. No one is actually sure Reinado was present at the time of the attack!Honours inquiry police: Downing St/BBC leak "an attempt to wreck investigation"
04-03-2007 21:19
DETECTIVES involved in the cash-for-honours inquiry believe Downing Street is trying to wreck their investigation by leaking top secret evidence.Full article | 2 additions | 1 comment
Hicks Update: Determined to Fight
04-03-2007 02:32
An Australian son abandoned by the nation and his government has decided to fight the fabricated charges brought against him by the criminal Bush regime. You bloody little bewdy! Against all odds and after years of psychological and physical torture Hicks proves his mettle. The murdering yanks and the slimy Howard government COULDN’T BREAK OUR LITTLE AUSSIE FIGHTER! One can only imagine the forlorn faces of the Howard servile government who no doubt desperately hoped that Hicks would break and accept a plea bargain in time for the elections. The Hicks case as previously stated has all the ingredients to bring down the servile government of John ‘deputy-sheriff’ Howard.Hicks, Howard and Rogue USA
03-03-2007 02:02
Anyone familiar with the criminal tactics of thoroughly corrupt State Institutions would not be surprised to learn of the plea bargain offered Guantanamo Bay detainee, David Hicks. After five years of torture and various other forms of physical and psychological abuse, the U.S. has offered a deal that would see Hicks released from Guantanamo but not necessarily from continued incarceration.Close Down Dallas Court Reporting Centre! Monday 26 March 2007, 12pm
01-03-2007 14:55
No to state racism! Defend all asylum seekers! No to deportations! No to the racist Labour government!The next protest in the series of monthly protests at Dallas Court Reporting Centre, South Langworthy Road, Salford Quays (nearest Tram stop Broadway), will be held on Monday 26 March 2007 at 12pm - 2pm. People are kidnapped daily at Dallas Court and taken to detention centres, and racially abused and insulted by racist staff. All are urged to attend and support these protests against the oppression of asylum seekers by this racist Labour government. NWASDG has been organising these protests since May 2006. Get involved!
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NWASDG Organising Meeting, Saturday 10 March 2007, 2.00pm.
01-03-2007 14:51
There will be an organising meeting at the Friends Meeting House, 6 Mount Street, Manchester, from 2.00pm. This meeting is for all who want to help defend asylum seekers and refugees against Britain's racist laws. Everyone is welcome.Anti-deportation stall on Saturday 3 March 2007, 12-2pm
01-03-2007 14:48
Anti-racist activists from NWASDG and Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! will be holding another anti-deportation stall on Saturday 3 March 2007, 12-2pm, on Market Street, Manchester. You are invited to attend and take an active part.BBC 9/11 Screw Up
01-03-2007 14:06

CNN, BBC 24 Reports Prove Media Prior Knowledge
BBC claims to have lost its 9/11 Tapes
No mainstream media reports
Roasting the Beeb
28-02-2007 19:51
The BBC's Head of News admits that they lost the tapes of the broadcast that predicted the collapse of WTC7. This is probably one story that the BBC will *not* be reporting on anytime soon.When Superpowers go Rogue
26-02-2007 08:19
History records instances of powerful, belligerent nations invading and annexing weaker nations in their bid for world domination and plunder. Various pretexts are utilised to justify these attacks/invasions, the most familiar and infamous are the USS Liberty attack, the Tonkin Gulf incident and more recently the imaginary WMD 'threat'. These examples have one thing in common; they are all orchestrated in order to harness the public as a manageable resource to be used and abused by prevailing powers and to justify an otherwise illegal invasion or military aggression. Nations bent on world domination are extremely predictable; world domination is the folly of a powerful military and inept leadership – history is familiar with a multitude of conquering clowns known to us today as mass murderers.The BBC Joins The Ranks Of The Untrustworthy United States Media
24-02-2007 22:52
With the airing on BBC2 of “911: The Conspiracy Files,” one must ask the question will the BBC be joining the United States mainstream media in its failure to provide “truth in reporting?” Several of the guest make excellent points that seem to be completely disregarded by the producers of this program. There were many questions that could have been asked and observations that could have been made. In the end, however, we were left with more questions than answers.Preparing for Cheney
22-02-2007 04:26
See how Australian conservatives run! “No Australian should be surprised. In fact I would like to think they would support it ... The people who murdered 100 Australians in Bali trained in this place with these people and that's why we're there." The statement by the Australian Defence Minister Brendan Nelson is his latest despicable attempt to garner support and justify increased Australian military involvement in Afghanistan – the truth is the Howard government is at the beck and call of the Americans, that is why ‘we’ are in Afghanistan, Mr. Nelson. Defence Minister Nelson, in preparation for Dick Cheney’s arrival in Sydney tonight, has resorted to flagrant LIES and K-Mart political strategies to demonstrate to Cheney that Australian conservatives are able emulators of their master’s cheap tricks and lying political methods.BBC reports on US military plans to strike Iran
21-02-2007 12:03
Despite its menacing naval build up in the Persian Gulf, the US has repeatedly denied any plans for war against Iran. Last Thursday Defence Secretary Robert Gates brazenly told a Pentagon press conference: “For the umpteenth time, we are not looking for an excuse to go to war with Iran. We are not planning a war with Iran.” The statement is another of the Bush administration’s lies.