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Preparing for Cheney

finch | 22.02.2007 04:26 | Analysis | Other Press | Terror War | World

See how Australian conservatives run! “No Australian should be surprised. In fact I would like to think they would support it ... The people who murdered 100 Australians in Bali trained in this place with these people and that's why we're there." The statement by the Australian Defence Minister Brendan Nelson is his latest despicable attempt to garner support and justify increased Australian military involvement in Afghanistan – the truth is the Howard government is at the beck and call of the Americans, that is why ‘we’ are in Afghanistan, Mr. Nelson. Defence Minister Nelson, in preparation for Dick Cheney’s arrival in Sydney tonight, has resorted to flagrant LIES and K-Mart political strategies to demonstrate to Cheney that Australian conservatives are able emulators of their master’s cheap tricks and lying political methods.

The connection between Jemaah Islamiyah (Bali) and the Taliban is even more tenuous than Cheney’s infamous fabricated ‘connection’ between Saddam Hussein and al-Qaeda! The Australian Defence Minister seems oblivious to the fact that Cheney’s credibility is less than zero. But the real issue for servile Australian conservatives is how far they are able to bend over for their American bosses.

The popular sentiment to Cheney’s visit and a more accurate Aussie response is Cheney go home and take the servile, gutless Howard government with you! However, Australian conservatives have proven they are not deterred by public opinion and will not let the truth interfere with their loving relationship with the neo-cons. Demonstrating their servility and love for their American neo-conservative masters is absolutely obligatory as is joining America in the gutter of world politics. It should not be forgotten that unlike the majority of Australians, the earring wearing motorbike riding, Brendan Nelson is a classic compensatory personality – an essential requirement for a Ministerial role in the Howard lackey government!

Also eager to demonstrate his support for his American overlords is the cream puff Foreign Minister from South Australia, Alexander Downer, who strained to ‘correct’ the media description of Blair’s troop withdrawal as a “reduction”. The fact remains Mr Downer that British (and now Danish) troops are leaving while America finds it necessary to increase troop numbers by 21,000! But let’s pretend that syntax makes all the difference – IRAQ IS A DISASTER OF MONUMENTAL PROPORTIONS AND IS DETERIORATING ON A DAILY BASIS – do you think REALITY lends greater credence to the syntax and emphasis of the above statement, Mr Downer?

One more time for the benefit of Australian conservatives who are predisposed to denial and fantasy:

The invasion and subsequent plunder of Iraq has been exposed as a criminal enterprise. There were no WMD or connections to terrorist groups nor did Iraq have any military designs on the UK, U.S. or Australia. The responsibility for the horrendous civilian death toll must be borne by the invading forces – there is no avoiding these historical facts!

The coalition of invaders are therefore war criminals and must be held accountable for their crimes against humanity – what part of this reality do you and your conservatives not understand Mr. Downer?

Dick Cheney should be arrested as soon as he touches Australian soil – local and international Law is served and the Australian and International community is justified.

The message for conservatives is CLEAR, your days are numbered!


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