BBC 9/11 Screw Up
911blogger | 01.03.2007 14:06 | Other Press | Terror War | World
CNN, BBC 24 Reports Prove Media Prior Knowledge
BBC claims to have lost its 9/11 Tapes
No mainstream media reports
CNN, BBC 24 Reports Prove Media Prior Knowledge
BBC claims to have lost its 9/11 Tapes
No mainstream media reports
BBC World News started reporting that 7 World Trade Center had collapsed about 23 minutes before the building actually came down, as video of the news network's live broadcast on September 11th shows.
The skyscraper also known as the Salomon Brothers Building was still standing and clearly visible over the shoulder of a BBC reporter in New York, even as the network provided accurate, past-tense details of its collapse. Jane Standley's live report was interrupted about five minutes before WTC 7 actually came down at 5:20pm EDT. A video clip establishing this anomaly was discovered on the news service.
Numerous uploads of footage of the media fraud were deleted by YouTube and VideoGoogle.
The ensuing controversy has prompted a swift, unusually angry response from the BBC, which however has failed to address the substantive issue: Apparently the network's personnel were unfamiliar with WTC 7, which is excusable. They were however reporting information culled from a source with advance knowledge of the building's collapse. Who was that source?
The answer may be essential to settling the long-standing dispute over whether the third skyscraper to fall on 9/11, which was not struck by an airplane, was demolished using explosives, or collapsed entirely due to structural damage and fire.
The BBC Responds to the Controversy
Yesterday the head of BBC World News issued the following response to the controversy via his blog at theeditors/2007/02/part_of_the_conspiracy.html
Part of the conspiracy? - here parts of the statement:
4. We no longer have the original tapes of our 9/11 coverage (for reasons of cock-up, not conspiracy). So if someone has got a recording of our output, I'd love to get hold of it. We do have the tapes for our sister channel News 24, but they don't help clear up the issue one way or another.
Richard Porter is head of news, BBC World
The skyscraper also known as the Salomon Brothers Building was still standing and clearly visible over the shoulder of a BBC reporter in New York, even as the network provided accurate, past-tense details of its collapse. Jane Standley's live report was interrupted about five minutes before WTC 7 actually came down at 5:20pm EDT. A video clip establishing this anomaly was discovered on the news service.
Numerous uploads of footage of the media fraud were deleted by YouTube and VideoGoogle.
The ensuing controversy has prompted a swift, unusually angry response from the BBC, which however has failed to address the substantive issue: Apparently the network's personnel were unfamiliar with WTC 7, which is excusable. They were however reporting information culled from a source with advance knowledge of the building's collapse. Who was that source?
The answer may be essential to settling the long-standing dispute over whether the third skyscraper to fall on 9/11, which was not struck by an airplane, was demolished using explosives, or collapsed entirely due to structural damage and fire.
The BBC Responds to the Controversy
Yesterday the head of BBC World News issued the following response to the controversy via his blog at

Part of the conspiracy? - here parts of the statement:
4. We no longer have the original tapes of our 9/11 coverage (for reasons of cock-up, not conspiracy). So if someone has got a recording of our output, I'd love to get hold of it. We do have the tapes for our sister channel News 24, but they don't help clear up the issue one way or another.
Richard Porter is head of news, BBC World

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