UK Other Press Newswire Archive
ereland's Hare Coursing fraternity SHAMED!
30-09-2015 15:15

Arms fair's cyber security breached
19-09-2015 13:41

Anarchists calling themselves the 'Information Liberation Front' (ILF) have leaked documents [ 1 | 2 ] to the Indymedia UK website, which show that they were able to gain access to Hacking Team's company EZONE account on the DSEI arms fair's website and register a fake exhibitor at the fair. DSEI is one of the world's biggest arms fairs and is taking place in London's Docklands today. Hacking Team is a cyber surveillance company, which is exhibiting at the fair.
Media Activism In A Time Of Hope - An Appeal For Support
17-09-2015 11:23
It is normally impossible for us to regard the leader of a major British or American political party without cringing at their compromised, corporatised, plastic personalities.
Recommended by Forbes
31-08-2015 10:30

And for how long will that madness of yours mock us?
How long a huge amount of paid out mass media would continue spinning us a line? If it comes to entertaining us, Internet-laymen with biased pieces, do it with more competence and large-scale.
Tower Hamlets Mayor John Biggs in the spotlight over Cleansing
28-08-2015 06:57
Tower Hamlets Mayor John Biggs in the spotlight over CleansingConcerns over the safety of missing Sussex whistleblower
08-08-2015 18:58
East Sussex Social Services Concerns over the safety of missing Elderly Abuse Victim East Sussex Social Services missing since 22 MayDavid “JOE” Neilson
7/7 led to wars & loss of freedoms ... but do we know what really happened that
04-08-2015 10:20

Press Release
31-07-2015 07:09

ERTA is concerned about it's impact blighting the realignment route for a railway and being a drain on existing smaller shops in the area.
Establishment Judge heads UK abuse enquiry
14-07-2015 04:54

Rachel Dolezal case proves 'melting pot' to be false
30-06-2015 10:10

The link to the original,

Printable version of The Acorn
26-05-2015 11:44

Limestone county man arrested for having sex with dog.
16-05-2015 04:47

Governments Negotiate UN Agreement on Global Development
13-05-2015 17:22
The United Nations, International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank and finance ministries are meeting in New York to finalize an agreement for the Financing for Development Conference (FfD) to be held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, in July.A call for the self-representations of autonomous projects
05-05-2015 20:39
call out for infosharingTower Hamlets - Water Lily Mile End Road E1 BBC John Ware 'escapes' accusers
03-05-2015 15:06
BBC Panorama presenter John Ware escaped with minor bruising - to his self respect after he was abruptly verbally attacked by a group which charged him with being a UKIPMore and more planning application in Stokes croft
30-04-2015 13:01
seen that there is a new planning granted for a restraunt at the jamaica street artists buildingTower Hamlets- No crime generally! Very strange
22-04-2015 11:39
Tower Hamlets is one of the London Boroughs where the allegedly £28M Moped gang is being pursued by the PoliceGrenada Reaches Debt Deal as Caribbean Mired in Debt Problems
10-04-2015 16:47
Grenada Could Influence Global Debt NegotiationsIs UK investigative journalism dying or can the internet deliver?
09-04-2015 21:56