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United States Federal IRS TAX Property Liens Underwater

20-10-2008 04:13

IRS TAX Collection CRISIS Averted

The major Federal tax enforcement and collection system in the United States is in jeopardy. Billions of dollars in IRS property liens are "underwater". IRS property lien collection payments and wage garnishments, based on a persons employment and property ownership, is in a catastrophic state of failure. The United States Federal Government has averted this failure by buying the mortgages and banks that hold these liens and write the paychecks.

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Death to the crisis !

19-10-2008 17:54

It seems that almost everyone is now convinced that the magic word for this “hard times” is crisis.

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McCruelty: “We’re not lov’in it” – Cambridge

18-10-2008 16:52

Late World Day Against McDonalds thing

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4 November:Vigil Outside US Embassy:Liberty and Justice for All...

17-10-2008 16:37

Forty years ago, protests were held outside the US Embassy against the Vietnam War. In 2008, on the day of the US presidential elections, the London Guantánamo Campaign is calling on whoever wins the election to change the record...enough of torture, illegal wars and the abuse of human rights and human beings. No more excuses, shut down Guantánamo

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Commercial Pollution In Schools: How The Supermarkets Are Winning

17-10-2008 11:51

The Unsuitablog has published a series of articles analysing the way that school supermarket voucher schemes work; how the supermarkets are infiltrating the education system in a deeply pervasive manner; the different greenwashing methods the supermarkets are using; the incredible financial benefit that the supermarkets are gaining from the way "rewards" are given out. This is a serious case of childhood commercial exploitation that no one seems to be taking seriously -- because we all seem to love these schemes.

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Bush: "This sucker could go down." If only!

16-10-2008 14:43

What strange times we are living in. George Bush is being called a 'socialist' and is forced to intensify a sense of panic concerning the state of the 'economy' in order to convince fellow republicans and the public of the virtues of state intervention in the financial system. Surely this isn't how capitalism works.

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World Food Day

16-10-2008 01:56

October 16th, World Food Day is also the 23rd International Day of Action Against McDonalds, once again to be marked by Veggies in Nottingham, this year with a Vegan Free Food Giveaway at Exchange Walk, and in London by Vegan Campaigns with a protest at Regents Street.

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Global Winding

15-10-2008 19:06

"Global winding" - is blowing really hard due to - "localized wind-bags" ;

Scientists say.

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REMEMBER EACH ELEVENTH, remember censorship, remember solutions PRESS

15-10-2008 16:33

More background information - google/scroogle ""remember each eleventh" campaign". . . . a good opener is "to remember, does that help".
See also "remember the "pull the rug" scam", posted here this october 2008

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The White House Ghost

15-10-2008 14:13

The President of the United States, George Bush, enters today his last 100 days in power overshadowed by very high unpopularity rates and one of the worst economic crises in recent decades.

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Stopping the city.

14-10-2008 22:14

Outside the Royal Exchange.
On Friday a demo in the City of London was met with far fewer MET than expected. So the mixture of trots, students and activists went on a tour of some of our more wealthy institutions, much to the alarm of the outnumbered cops who got increasingly sweaty over the next hour as they tried and failed to control the crowd.

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The F$c$ Pandemic (Satire Or truth?)

14-10-2008 18:03

A not so serious look at the history of the present world-wide financial crisis shows that our leaders may be unbalanced.

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AFRICOM: America's Military Foot in Africa's Doorway

14-10-2008 16:59

On October 1 the US launched AFRICOM, the Pentagon's outpost in Africa.
Commanded by a Black American general and incorporating State Department and
other civilian personnel from top to bottom it is billed as a "new kind" of
US military command.

Incorporating nearly all US civilian programs in Africa under its umbrella,
from trade to aid to public information, AFRICOM marks the militarization of
US policy toward what is already the most war-torn region in the world.
AFRICOM's planners offer their twelve year intervention in Somalia, where a
million out of ten million have died due to US intervention, as a "model"
for the continent.

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Clowns in the City.

14-10-2008 16:00

On Friday as share prices tumbled it became clear that the individuals running the financial markets were little more than a bunch of clowns. A team of experts was dispatched to the financial district to investigate.....

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The Law of the Jungle

14-10-2008 11:27

The current crisis of the developed capitalist system is taking place when the empire is about to change leadership in the elections to be held in a few days; it was all that was left to see.

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Animal Farm Economics - Economic Fascism in the United States of America

13-10-2008 19:46

It is very simple economic fascism, animal farm economics 101.
IRS property confiscation for taxes; this is the definition of economic fascism; IRS property confiscation for taxes.

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Rotten Borough of Rushmoor loses 2 million

13-10-2008 16:41

The Rotten Borough of Rushmoor has lost 2 million of local taxpayers' money in the Icelandic banking crash.

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United States Claims Bankrupcy!

12-10-2008 22:54

Economic Fascism and The United States
Fascism, or: The Limited Liability Corporation of The United States Of America.
We own your home!

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Dick Cheney rampages through London - Pictures.

12-10-2008 10:39

Hang your head low, Mr Cheney.
Campaigners gather outside the Shell oil company HQ in London to protest against the contracting of Iraqi oil reserves by US occupation forces in Iraq on behalf of US and British private oil corporations.

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£42 million missing in Iceland

12-10-2008 01:06

Apparently, Nottingham City Council has £42 million pounds invested in Icelandic banks.