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UK Globalisation Newswire Archive

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Economic Fascism and The United States

12-10-2008 00:46

If I do not believe in, trust, or support the US Federal Government, my home should not be in jeopardy. The Federal Government, whenever they choose, through the IRS, will take your home if you do not support them. This confiscation of property by the Federal Government is absolutely and unequivocally wrong, and it is illegal.

For the Federal Government to threaten me with stealing my home because I want them to fail, is economic FASCISM.

Let the Federal Government collect it’s taxes but to put my home in peril because of taxes - is ECONOMIC FASCISM.

I want the Federal Government to spend itself into bankruptcy and irrelevance; and it is my patriotic right as a human and and an American to have control over my money to do so.

I believe in local taxes, and local representation of those taxes; to me - the FED is DEAD.

The day a Trident Nuclear submarine pulls into port for salvage and dismantling, because the US Federal Government has no money, will be a day I open a bottle of champagne and christen my life. (I will drink it and not smash it on some battleship.)

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Roma no reason to congratulate Nobel Prize nominee

11-10-2008 18:09

In reaction to the nomination of the Finnish diplomat Martti Ahtisaari to the Peace Nobel Prize, Romano Them said that the Kosovo Roma have no reason to join the chorus of congratulants.

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Private research? - No thanks. Smash Berlusconi government

11-10-2008 08:25

Research in universities across the globe is becoming more and more privatised.

This must be stopped NOW!

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VIDEO: Bank of England protest - Friday October 10

11-10-2008 08:22

No bail out for the bosses protest outside the Bank of England.

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Anti-Capitalist Demonstration at Bank, London 10 Oct

10-10-2008 21:57

Going into the the Royal Exchange
A group of several hundred people, mainly students took part in a lively anti-capitalist demonstration about the financial crisis in the centre of the City of London this afternoon. Photographs (C)2008, Peter Marshall, all rights reserved.

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City of London clashes, London - Pictures.

10-10-2008 21:54

Police and the crowd clash in the City.
As financial markets continue to slump around the world, angry students and activists gather in the City of London to voice their anger over the British governments plan to commit over 50 billion GBP of public funds to shore up confidence in British markets.

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The Wall Street crisis (by Latuff)

10-10-2008 18:50

Rest in peace, Charging Bull...
Copyleft artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff.

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PANIC DECLARED Empty store shelves, gas pumps, ATMs ahead -

10-10-2008 16:23

The Rise of the Finance Economy and Fall of Manufacturing
Forget debating a 1929-style stock crash. It just happened, and the banking "holiday," if it happens, won't wait 4 years as it did in the Depression because THIS crisis started with banking. If it weren't for World War II, we would still be in the Depression. Capitalism as we have known it is dead -- Bush & Co. are proving it by socializing the insurer AIG and talk of buying into banks, etc. Our only hope that the finance and service economy (see chart) would take up the slack left by the end of WWII. But the finance economy just failed. The tech (computer) industry is sure to follow its partner down the drain. Empty store shelves and unavailability of cash to you as well as businesses are possibilities we deal with here.

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Global Meltdown Derby

10-10-2008 11:31

Courtesy of Jason Parkinson

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Petition on cconomic crisis: 'buying in instead of bailing out'

10-10-2008 10:55

Please consider signing and distributing

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Saving Private Banks (by Latuff)

10-10-2008 02:32

U.S. bank crisis
Copyleft artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff.

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Comrade Bush

09-10-2008 16:44

They don't call him President Bush in Venezuela anymore.
Now he's known as "Comrade"....

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"We are at an epoch shift": Peter Bofinger

09-10-2008 16:34

Free markets became wild markets. The post-socialist blessing became the turbo-capitalist curse. The state allowed the monitoring of banks to be de facto privatized. Politics allowed the markets to run wild. In turbo-capitalism, contracting debts was trendy and saving was Philistine.

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Transitions towns

09-10-2008 15:11

Transition towns support energy reduction, localisation, why therefore the criticism?

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The Coming Financial Collapse

08-10-2008 16:28

Love him or loathe him, you've got to love this comment Gorgeous George made in the House of Commons after the Chancellor's statement today. This is an article about the global debt crisis, the financial bubble and the coming financial catastrophe which today's measures by the government have merely delayed for another day.
See also: The coming financial collapse, interview with Martin Summers, Former East European projects officer for the New Economics Foundation talks about present day money matters as we slide down a slippery slope:

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Collapse Faster! - Friday 10th, City of London

08-10-2008 16:24



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The real reasons behind the global "bailout" plan

08-10-2008 12:31

The bailout “solution” to delay the deepening of the crisis is not simply the wrong solution; it is the "solution" to accomplish the worst, as it is continuing the same path that has led to the current stage. It will inevitably drive the world-economy into its final collapse by further weakening of the production sphere and strengthening the speculative sphere.
The signs of the above can be read in the recent warnings of "a slow and painful recovery", despite the accepted bailout bill in the US. What this means is that although there will be a long and painful process, it will not lead to recovery in the end, because, in addition to paying the bill to non-productive hands, the productive sphere will be forced to produce the values of what they pay.

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Third world Victory armed resistance to bankruptsUS Empire

08-10-2008 10:30

The Paulson plan is desperate second bailout attempt by the US imperialists to get their economy functioning again as"normal" .It is a brilliant victory for the Third world peoples fighting protracted guerilla type wars to assert their rights to national independence .US militarism,its wars financed by deficit spending,has bought the imperialist economic system already running on credit to the point of economic meltdown.The UK partner in crime has a bank bailout too.But US imperialism plans to use this Crisis as oportunity to plunder the worlds weakend finance institution.

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The imperialist “bailout bill” and its communist roots

08-10-2008 09:33

Regarding the current trillion-dollar “bailout bill” that has stricken the US and is threatening the EU countries - especially the UK - at present, there is an important fact to remember:
The main reason why the former communist system in Europe could exist while it existed: because the communist regimes and their banks were continuously rescued by a long series of “bailout bills”. They survived because they were kept alive by the global financial-political oligarchy; by the very same oligarchy that is at present regulating the global economy and which is ultimately responsible for the current crisis.

Ironically, the very same oligarchy that has been driving the world-economy toward a final collapse is at present blackmailing and threatening the world-economy with a final collapse, if it is not allowed to continue its course to drive world-economy into collapse.

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Dollar is over

07-10-2008 20:07

Carlos Lessa
To Lessa, "dollar is over" and it’s necessary that a new "Bretton Woods" establishes new parameters to global economy