The F$c$ Pandemic (Satire Or truth?)
Will Scarlet | 14.10.2008 18:03 | Analysis | Globalisation | World
A not so serious look at the history of the present world-wide financial crisis shows that our leaders may be unbalanced.

Wednesday, 15 October 2008
Weggie's World 7
This report has come to our attention, and we feel that you might be interested
The F$c$ Pandemic (Satire Or truth?)
At first, there was no money.
Then gold, silver, and precious metals were made into coins, for convenience.
Then somebody came up with a "get-rich-quick" scheme, and invented paper money, because precious metals (henceforth called gold) were too heavy and inconvenient.
Of course, there was no limit to the supply of paper money, other than the speed at which trees could be turned into paper. So in order to convince people that this was a good scheme, a deal was struck whereby a piece of paper was said to be exchangeable for an equivalent amount in gold, and in order to keep things sensible, there had to be enough gold to match the paper issued. This at least saved a few trees for a while.
But then, carrying all that paper around became inconvenient, and accounting for and storing the gold became cumbersome.
With the advances in technology, it became possible to represent the paper money by numbers in computers which in turn removed the necessity for digging up all the gold, and destroying the environment in the process. This, thankfully, saved a few more trees, and mountains.
Then people became confused by the manipulation of numbers in computers. There became a need for number manipulators (accountants, and corporate planners), and because they didn't always agree, a need for arbitration, so many jobs for lawyers, judges, and law courts.
Incredible schemes were created or enhanced, based on these numbers in computers. These schemes included government budgets, the stock exchange, foreign exchange - (the biggest joke of them all - where we carefully distinguish between an American number in a computer, and a New Zealand number in a computer), and then create a whole scenario whereby people can become emotionally involved with these numbers in computers. (F$C$ - the medical term for a mental disease created by an Attachment To Numbers In Computers (atnic), otherwise known as the Financial Crisis).
The Wunch* are particularly susceptible to F$C$.
All of this number manipulation, along with the associated manipulators, bankers, insurance companies, credit companies, advertising agencies, lawyers and other "service' industries, have caused our cities to expand so significantly, that much of the earth's previously productive land is now covered with concrete, and useless for food production. It is usually valued at a higher number than food producing land, yet it is land that produces nothing except pollution and waste. All of this to satisfy the citizen's greed for numbers in computers!
Many people cannot imagine a world without money.
Well, such a huge leap of the imagination is no longer necessary. All you have to do is to imagine a life that is a natural life, and not based on some numbers in computers.
Just try to think about life without money. Don't say "impossible!". You know already that if there is a power cut there is no money, so it's not too difficult to imagine a power cut that lasts long enough for people to find an alternative way of survival.
Of course, there will be serious problems, created primarily by those people who have become emotionally attached to these numbers in computers.
So we must take a careful look at the likely scenario of the easiest way of getting round this emotional attachment to numbers in computers, otherwise known as "The Financial Crisis", or F$C$.
Most of the people who wield power are included amongst the group suffering from this attachment disorder. This creates a very dangerous situation. We now know that those to whom we have delegated responsibility for our livelihoods, and lives, are emotionally unbalanced by the pandemic of F$C$, and as a result, so is much of the world's citizenry.
In fact, so much of the citizenry supports the unbalanced leaders, and this support, maintained by the equally-unbalanced mass media, that F$C$ has created the environmental mayhem that all of us are now experiencing. Don't forget, money is the root of ALL evil.
We must be gentle with these unbalanced people, because there are so many of them. We must create a support system for them, maybe something similar to Alcoholics Anonymous, so that they can slowly wean themselves from their irrational emotional attachment to numbers in computers.
Perhaps this could be done by arranging for power-cuts of ever increasing length and frequency. Living without power is perhaps one of the easiest ways of helping people to become realigned with reality, or nature as it is sometimes called.
Suddenly, in the absence of this attachment-to-numbers-in-computers syndrome (F$C$), recovering patients have been known to think different thoughts, adopt different lifestyles, and experience true freedom and happiness for the first time in their lives.
Surely it is incumbent on every person who is a lert (the world needs more lerts) to help their brethren who are suffering from F$C$, so could you please forward this to all your alert friends, and ask them to do the same.
For peace in our time
Will Scarlet
* a Wunch is a collective noun for a group of bankers,
as in a wunch of bankers.

Will Scarlet