UK Globalisation Newswire Archive
Another Education is possible!
25-07-2003 10:13
In all European countries (and also in other countries) education is changing rapidly. Since the mid-eighties the neo-liberal tendencies have achieved a big influence on the paradigm shift in the education policy.The SHORTWAVE REPORT 7/25/03 ¡Listen Globally!
25-07-2003 00:15
A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files- broadcast quality (13.3MB) and quick download (3.3MB). With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, Spain, China, Russia, Germany, and Cuba.Bush's Backyard Surprise Hits a gwb Fundraiser
23-07-2003 05:49
EU constitution: GATS and education
22-07-2003 17:30
In the proposal for the first EU constitution there is a change in the clausel for trade-treaties like GATS for education and other public services. Time for a new campaign...Doing It For Themselves: Social Entrepenuers in Uganda
22-07-2003 12:28
IMF and World Bank restructuring was suppose to pull Uganda into the globalised world, but the rollback of healthcare and education has hit the country hard. With increasing health problems in the country, the government run hospitals and clinics cannot always treat the poorest or those most in need. In response to this has been a surge in social entrepenuerialim in Uganda society from people not prepared to let international institutions dictate their peoples health.The 2005 G8 Summit will be held in Britain.
22-07-2003 12:04
The 2005 G8 Summit will be held in Britain.This is not a rumour
The summits run on a cycle – each G7 country hosts every 7 years...
Coke cola North london processing plant brought to a standstill by six protestor
22-07-2003 11:39
Breaking news North London Coke cola processing plant shut down and brought to a stand still as six amazing people lock onto the gates and trucks at the plant in solidarity with the global day of action against coke!Regaining world balance urged
21-07-2003 23:47
The world today is suffering a lot because of the devastating impact of unilateralism, racism and Zionism. Nothing at present indicates that world peace and security will prevail soon. Still, some would like to advocate otherwise in a bid to convince others that they are working for the promotion of liberty, sovereignty, and stability!World Trade Organisation Meeting
21-07-2003 13:54
Meeting for Oxford activists against the WTO ministerial in Cancun.Really Dodgy Dossier
20-07-2003 18:51
Much has been made recently of the "Dodgy Dossier" that was used by HMG to justify its participation in the invasion of Iraq. But nobody seems to have seen fit to ask about the Really Dodgy Dossier, the one put forward by Number 10 in the days immediately following the 9/11 massacre. The PMO's "Responsibility For The Terrorist Atrocities In The United States," are 70 points presented without any citations of sources or references, that are mainly unsupported innuendo. If this dossier is also Dodgy, then the whole Bin Laden Conspiracy Theory begins to unravel.Larzac Festival Against WTO - France 8-10th August 03
19-07-2003 10:42
Against the world trade organisation
8 - 10 august 2003
18-07-2003 20:00
Breaking News 18/07/03: The WEF Summit in Dublin has been cancelled! The WEF propose to merge it with the next Davos (switzerland) Summit in January 2004, which will be during Ireland's presidency of the EU.Wake Up! Wake Up! It's Yer Chips With Everything
18-07-2003 16:39
Repost from Schnews Issue 415Friday 18th July 2003.
WEF Dublin: Cancelled
18-07-2003 14:26
Just in - The October summit of the WEF in Dublin has been cancelled. Must have been run out of town by them anarcho's![](/img/extlink.gif)
Microsoft v Open Source software
18-07-2003 14:08
You have just bought your new computer, it comes with Windows XP (Microsoft's first attempt at building a stable operating system), but as you quickly discover, without application software, you have acquired a very expensive paperweight. Why beg, borrow or steal a copy of Microsoft Office and help to propagate the Microsoft monoculture when you can download for free Open Office?Farnborough Airport Consultative Committee
18-07-2003 12:56
The second meeting of Farnborough Airport Consultative Committee took place 2pm Thurs 17 July BAE Systems. Another meeting, another farce.World Summit on Information Society: Draft Declaration Discussions
18-07-2003 10:05
Official latest from yesterdays discussion in Paris. Expect Civil Society evaluation soon.More info on WSIS @
Should African American’s Take Over Liberia (Again)
17-07-2003 23:49
Picture one nation under bling bling. P Diddy and Master P buying off a war criminal like Charles Taylor who controls part of the diamond trade in West Africa and establishing a Hip-Hop-cracy in Liberia. Everyday a holiday of Cristal and beautiful women. A rap video applied to international politics. Not gonna happen. But the issue of whether to send U.S. troops into Liberia raises the specter of interest in the former U.S. Colony...The SHORTWAVE REPORT 7/18/03 ¡Listen Globally!
17-07-2003 23:42
A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files- broadcast quality (13.2MB) and quick download (3.3MB). With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, China, Russia, Germany, and Cuba.CropScience v GeneWatch - York's "great GM Debate"
17-07-2003 22:29
As the - how far removed? - camps debated their postions about GM...The "non-governmental" organisation's "GM? Debate" rolled into York. Genewatch and Bayer did the lead-in...
An interesting meeting ensued... [report from imc-york's e-mail list]