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Essex Students Reclaim Their Union

Student Climate Launch Event Takes Cambridge By Storm
The Student Climate Project launched the first event of their Tour of Climate Action in Cambridge today. The flurry of climate activities saw a banner drop, street theatre, a flash mob are more...Full Story | 1 addition | 1 comment >>
Midsummer House – Valentines Protest
Valentines Day demo at Midsummer House, Cambridge.Cambourne School Competition: public meeting

Next East Anglian Social forum announced in Ipswich
Ipswich is to be the next venue for the East Anglian Social forum, which will be taking place on Saturday, March 1st.Peaceful Climate Action Greeted With Heavy Handed Approach From Police
Activists involved with The Student Climate Project are deeply concerned that the police's Special Branch has being monitoring their operations, and now plans to send over fifty police to a peaceful outreach event in Cambridge this week.Full Story | 1 addition | 1 comment >>
Midsummer House – Thugs Staff…
Midsummer House civilised? No it’s just Midsummer McDonalds when it comes down to it!What a load of rubbish

And maybe the pics will help to stoke the fire in your belly...
Student Climate Project launching their Tour of Climate Action! Come along!
The Student Climate Project's Tour of Climate Action will see events at campuses around the country in 2008. The first event is being held in Cambridge from the 15th to 17th of February, and will see an exciting three days of arts, action, education, and also a chance to for everyone to get involved in the planning for the tour's future. The aim of the Student Climate Project, run through consensus decision making, is to encourage the wider body of students to take radical action against climate change. The Project came out of talks held at the Heathrow Climate Camp in August.SHAC Trial
“I CAN’T WAIT FOR SHAC TRIAL”, SAYS HEATHER“I wish it were tomorrow. A wonderful opportunity to tell the world the truth about Huntingdon Life Sciences” (HLS), says Heather Nicholson, who along with co-leaders of Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty (SHAC) Natasha and Greg Avery , has been on remand since May, charged with “conspiracy to blackmail”.
Benjamin Zephaniah calls on Midsummer House to go Foie Gras free!
Midsummer House demo report and statement from poet, Dr Benjamin Zephaniah!Food Not (Bio)fuel protest Cambridge

Police were in attendance, but soon left, leaving Tesco staff so concerned about protester's safety that they repeatedly threatened to call the police when they stepped onto the forecourt. They finally got so fed up that just as we were about to leave they asked us to leave, in the process delaying our departure.
US Candidate Positions on Animal Rights
The presidential candidates in the US with the worst records toward animal rightsare Mitt Romney, John McCain, Mike Huckabee, and Hillary Clinton.
Cambridge biofuels protest this Saturday Feb 2
Everyone is welcome to come and join a protest against unsustainable biofuels, which will be held at the filling station in front of Tesco in Milton this Saturday Feb 2 from 1-3pm. We will display our nifty 'FOOD NOT FUEL' banner and hand out leaflets, as part of a UK-wide day of action called by biofuelwatch ( House demo - This Saturday!
THIS SATURDAYMidsummer House demo in Cambridge, please come and support the campaign.
socpa 128 Lakenheath 8 trial

Midsummer House – Diseased Meat, Taking Public Land and Animal Cruelty
At the last Midsummer House demo protesters were told about another reason some people dislike the ‘diseased liver restaurant’… they are taking over our common!Cambridge Action Network Gathering, 7th Feb
Cambridge Action Network GatheringThursday 7th February, 7pm, Friends Meeting House, 12 Jesus Lane
Map -

Norwich Protesters target Tesco - UK’s ‘market leader’ in biofuels

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