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UK Workers' Movements Newswire Archive

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Post workers speak out against union management agreement at Royal Mail

27-10-2007 17:16

The World Socialist Web Site has been speaking to postal workers about their reaction to the Communication Workers Union calling off industrial action against the Royal Mail and the deal agreed with management. A ballot of members has been set for just under two weeks’ time, a period in which the CWU will attempt to dissipate and stifle opposition to its sell-out amongst the rank-and-file.

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Rumblings in the depths of the UAW

26-10-2007 17:59

They still prevail but the contract rejections at Chrysler shook the UAW bureaucracy and the employers and are a glimpse of what is to come. And many of the new hires will likely be in the forefront of it.

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NHS whistleblower Stands Up for Journalism

26-10-2007 14:56

A nurse victimised for her trade union activity joins journalists for a day of protest.

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Founding Statement of London ABC

26-10-2007 12:02

founding statement of London ABC

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Removal of Ethnic Tamils' from Sri Lanka - Stayed!

26-10-2007 11:44

No Government in the European Union should expel any ethnic Tamils' refused asylum pending a decision from the European Court of Human Rights

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France calling, Sedat Tastan needs your help

26-10-2007 11:41

Sedat's story is emblematic of the daily hardship inflicted upon 'sans-papiers' in France.

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The Myth of “Co-Management” in Venezuela: Reflections on Alcasa and Invepal

25-10-2007 12:46

* With a lot of rhetoric and propaganda the Chavez administration has advanced different examples of co-management which, they claim, demonstrate their desire to transform Venezuela’s relations of production. A compañero from Europe visited us recently and got to know two of the most celebrated cases: Alcasa and Invepal. Here is the report he prepared for El Libertario # 51 about the actual working conditions in the country’s most “important” co-managed businesses.

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TUC Work in Freedom Conference

24-10-2007 00:25

A TUC conference to commemorate bicentenary of the abolition of the slave trade
Contribuitions at the conference will be made by speakers from Africa, American and the Caribbean and the UK. A number of workshops will be organised on:Captialism, Slavery & Abolition; Slavery, legacy and Education; Forced Labour and the Olympics; Black Women & Slavery; Forced labour & Domestic Workers; and · Trafficking

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SWP collaborates in union’s betrayal of postal strikes

23-10-2007 16:15

On October 17, the web site of Britain’s Socialist Workers Party published the first detailed depiction of what was then only a proposed management offer to settle the ongoing post dispute. It was published as the response “from Socialist Worker supporters in the Royal Mail” and was only available online, as it came out after the party’s newspaper had gone to press.

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Oppose efforts by Communication Workers Union to end postal strike

23-10-2007 16:14

The Communication Workers Union executive has endorsed a rotten deal with the Royal mail to bring an end to the postal workers’ dispute.

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23-10-2007 00:28

Wednesday 24th October 2007 7pm-9pm

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Sussex students pass motion in support of posties

22-10-2007 07:14

The University of Sussex Students' Union just passed a motion of support for the strike, with reference to scab student labour in Liverpool, and with the intention of increasing student awareness about union organising. A letter is also being written to be sent to the Liverpool students' unions informing them about this and asking them to take some sort of action.

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Rolls Royce to close Merseyside plant

20-10-2007 15:52

Workers at the Rolls Royce plant in Netherton today claimed the company had given them notice to close the factory with the loss of 220 jobs.

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Chinatown against immigration raids.

19-10-2007 14:22

On Thursday October 11th the Gerrard street area of Soho (better known as Chinatown) received some unwelcome guests. Dozens of immigration officers dressed in body armour and backed up by dozens of cops raided 5 Chinese restaurants and detained 49 people working in them. The people concerned have not been heard of since. Community leaders are furious about the raid describing it a victimization of an established law abiding community.

Some of those held were initially taken to Dover though their lawyers now been told that they are elsewhere in the immigration system. The lack of information is causing serious anger. It is thought that several individuals have been deported already.

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Solidarity with prisoners, not with screws!

19-10-2007 11:48

Prison officers’ national strike
Article published in Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! 199 October/November 2007

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Reject the deal - restart the strikes

18-10-2007 15:43

Sell out deal is a stab in the back for striking postal workers and threatens to derail the strike - for a rank and file conference of postal workers to campaign for a no vote and fight to restart the strikes!

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Manchester nurses continue strikes in defence of suspended colleague

18-10-2007 13:39

Karen Reissmann
Manchester mental health UNISON members will be on strike again on Thursday 18th, Friday 19th and Monday 22nd October.

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Free film screening in London this Monday...

18-10-2007 09:03

...a documentary about lives and struggles of migrant cleaners on the London Underground, at 7.30pm at the Good Ship, 289 Kilburn High Road

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Standing up for the right to know

17-10-2007 11:56

A protest in the North West against greedy media bosses who don't care about journalism.

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Students in Liverpool cross Royal Mail Picket Lines

17-10-2007 08:38

A temp agency in Liverpool has been employing 300 students to sort the

mail after workers walked out in wildcat strikes. The students have been

picked up in the town centre and driven through picket lines in Royal

Mail vans.
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