UK Globalisation Newswire Archive
The Art of Flower ArrangingFull story:
18-05-2007 11:53
The uninformed are rejoicing over the forced resignation of Paul (bouquet of flowers) Wolfowitz from the World (US) Bank; the resignation of Tony (45 minutes) Blair as British prime minister; the foregone demise of George (WMD, mission accomplished) Bush and the likely elimination of John (aluminium tubing) Howard as Australian prime minister. However, rejoicing may be premature as the gangrenous infection in the body of humanity has not been completely excised.5th citizen inspection of the NATO Response Force base in Valencia
17-05-2007 23:41
citizen inspectors entered the main facilities of the NATO Response Force base
despite security vigilance measures, demand its closure and conversion into a
social and ecologically friendly space, as part of a week of actions against
military installations.
Refuting the Deafs: Chavism and Anarchism in Venezuela
17-05-2007 23:16
* From the publishers of El Libertario goes our reply to the habitual expressions that the coarse right or the easy-going left used to attribute us; the same left that, inside and outside of Venezuela allows that the mirage of the Chávez pseudo-revolution impressed them. We could and would like to say very much more about this subject, however currently here there is the essential and concise information about our point of view that, even when it was expressed several times it does not implies that it does not have to be repeated.Refutando a los sordos: Chavismo y anarquismo hoy en Venezuela
17-05-2007 23:13
* Desde El Libertario va nuestra réplica a las habituales requisitorias que suelen endilgarnos la derecha rústica o esa izquierda plegable que, dentro y fuera de Venezuela, se encandila con el espejismo seudo-revolucionario del chavismo. Bastante más deberíamos, podríamos y querríamos decir sobre este tema, pero de momento aquí se condensa y actualiza lo esencial de nuestra perspectiva, que no por expresada antes deja de ser necesario repetir ahora.Stop the nazi demonstration to the G8 in Schwerin
17-05-2007 22:17
Announcing Flash Radio G8 2007 Podcast
17-05-2007 00:27
Dancing Down the Borders!
16-05-2007 21:52
The shake g8 bike caravan to the G8 Summit passed the German-Polish border in Schwedt today (16.05.07). In fancy-dress, with cheerleaders, dancers and a dj we danced down the border, quite literally! We were taped by the associated press and local tv station. There was a large amount of police, and they were clearly expecting us. But all managed to pass eventually except for our support vehicle, the police who claim it is "unroadworthy".Remember gagging democracy? THE ODD SNEER-SPIN AGAINST MCDONNEL.
16-05-2007 14:35
If you are to EITHER side of the political spectrum from John Mcdonnel, you should see the "influencers of opinion"s PR spin as very, very worrying. . . .Remember Democracy ? Err, Err, See the Fakes ? USA scam unravels!
16-05-2007 11:49
LATEST : resignations, sackings, jail, State Inquiries. . . .AS WATERGATE WAS "A MINOR BURGLARY" (. . . . for a bit), this is a "THAR SHE BLOWS" moment for the Ohio computer election vote fraud - that swung the entire states into the dubious grips of the inept "Big Lie" ideology of a few of the "neo cons", acting as front puppets for ex-spooks, Minderbinder Warbux types, that were addicts to the dodgiest slushfunds, scams or fiddles of the cold war era . . . .
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PFI: a get rich scheme for the city
16-05-2007 11:22
the rich get richer, the poor get poorer: PFI the corporate scandalThe Great Fellator: Kevin Rudd
16-05-2007 06:13
The Australian opposition leader Kevin Rudd is proving to be more servile, passive and accommodating than even the current Australian prime minister, John Howard – many would have thought it impossible to top Howard’s effort but Rudd has proven them all wrong! Rudd, desperate to please all will eventually please none if he persists with his supremely passive, non-assertive and thoroughly despicable behaviour. It‘s simply not fitting for an aspiring Australian leader to unashamedly kowtow to the wishes of China over the relatively benign visit of the exiled theocratic leader of Tibet, the Dalai Lama.Lessons we learned from the 6th Hemispheric Meeting in Havana...
15-05-2007 14:38
![A new World is possible and necessary](/icon/2007/05/370771.jpg)
Democracy and its Enemy, Capitalist Globalization
15-05-2007 11:37
The core problem of globalization is the dismantling of democracy. The elected are without power and those with power are not elected. The bonds between the generations and between the past and present burst. An absolute asocial individualism dominates in the most progressive states of capitalism (cf. Hobsbawm).London Solidarity Protest Against G8 Repression
14-05-2007 11:53
![protesters standing on the pavement by the Kempinski hotel](/icon/2007/05/370624.jpg)
About 50 people gathered at the Kempinski Hotel in London on Friday, 11 May, to show their solidarity with the victims of the G8 raids in Germany last week, and to express their opposition to the G8, capitalism and all that [call]. Kempinski is the hotel group hosting the G8 Summit in Heiligendamm, Germany, next month.
The Met had 'designated' a pen on the opposite side of the street, but protesters refused to be penned in and stayed by the hotel, without entirely blocking the pavement. Some leaflets were given out and not much more happened.. well, apart from the FIT struggling to get good shots of people's faces.
Brazil: Bush-Lula biofuel plans based on conditions worse than slavery
14-05-2007 09:33
The recent proclamation of an “ethanol alliance” between US President George W. Bush and Brazil’s President Luiz Inacio “Lula” da Silva has been hailed by apologists for both governments as an advance in the development of alternative sources of energy and a gain for both countries’ economies. In Brazil, this sector is expected to record export earnings of $7 billion this year, and both countries are mounting a drive to increase the production of Brazilian sugarcane.Now More Than Ever: Smash G8!
13-05-2007 22:44
Arguments For Dismantling The U.S.-Arroyo Killing Machine In The Phillippines
13-05-2007 17:29
Somalia: The Hidden War for Oil
13-05-2007 15:56
Carl Bloice elucidates the failure or unwillingness of the Western media to accurately report the invasion and occupation of Somalia by a US backed Ethiopian government. He asserts that behind the US-Ethiopian political alliance lies a strategic move to secure positioning in this oil region.National Day Of Action For Refugees: 2 London Events
13-05-2007 11:19
Friday 18th May demostrate outside Communication House, Old Street, 1- 2pmSaturday 19th May street event in front of Wood Green library, 1- 3 pm
All welcome! Bring your bannesrs, your friends, musical instruments and nosiy objects.
Is porn a left issue?
13-05-2007 09:13
“No woman was put on this earth to be hurt or humiliated in order to facilitate male masturbation.”-Gail Dines quoted in Not For Sale
“When you suffer from childhood sexual abuse or were severely abused as a child, you usually repress those memories. You are unable to say, ‘I am doing this because I was abused as a child and this is all I know how to do. This is all I know how to feel.' I think a lot of the women are in denial…and they don't realize what post-traumatic stress disorder is. You either totally go a whole different direction and turn your life around and get as far away from that abuse as you can – or you re-live the experience, and a lot of these women are re-living what they know how to feel.”
- ex-porn performer Carol Smith, in Not For Sale