UK Workers' Movements Newswire Archive
Free Murad Akincilar! Demonstrate Wed 2 June
26-05-2010 21:35
Murad Akincilar is a Turkish trade unionist and human rights activist, who is currently in prison in Istanbul awaiting trial on 3 June.DEMONSTRATE ON THE EVE OF MURAD’S TRIAL
OUTSIDE THE TURKISH EMBASSY, 43 Belgrave Square, London SW1X 8PA
Wednesday 2 June 5-6pm - Called by FRFI and Gikder
Called by Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! and Gikder
Sod the world cup...
26-05-2010 20:15
live music and football night - May day fundraiser - Friday June 4thAnnounced inspection of Harmondsworth Immigration Removal Centre
26-05-2010 07:16

Save Courage Idiagbonya from deportation!
25-05-2010 13:47

UK KFA Picket of South Korean puppet embassy May 21st
24-05-2010 05:37
A report of the picket held by UK Korean Friendship Association of the south Koreanpuppet embassy on May 21st
G20 Defence Needed
23-05-2010 14:23

Participate in the NUJ and ‘38 Degrees’ Nationwide Day of Action
22-05-2010 21:57

Join the local NUJ Branch protest against cuts by the BBC
PHILIPPINES: Sabotaging the path to the strategic stalemate
22-05-2010 02:16

Sehar Shebaz and Wania belong to Scotland
20-05-2010 06:31

Athens, Bangkok, where next? Revolt now!
18-05-2010 20:13
from the mouth of a protestor in bangkok (allegedly):"People of higher class look down upon us even though we serve them," said the slingshot-wielding Sakhorn, who has spent the last four nights sleeping on the streets behind the tire barricades, without a shower or a change of clothes. "They think we are stupid because we are poor."
With a flourish, he pulled the slingshot and white pebbles from the pocket of his jeans, which are shredded at the left knee.
"This is all I have got, and the government calls me a terrorist!" he said. "I believe in negotiations if it done by our leaders. If not, we will keep fighting even if it takes years."
River workers' strike over - deal struck - but strike wave grows
18-05-2010 00:39

High court ruling scuppers BA strikes – another nail in the coffin of the 'right
17-05-2010 17:44
BA today won a high court injunction which ruled unlawful the cumulative 20-day strike called by the Unite union, on the grounds that it had not followed to the letter of the law the 1992 Trade Union Act.1st Communique of the People's Revolutionary Socialist Party
17-05-2010 13:32
Viva la revolution!Greece: Restaurant workers VS Banquet
17-05-2010 08:43

Workers' Fightback - War Without Frontiers
16-05-2010 18:11

We believe... workers know how to run our workplaces far better than business people, the government, or trade union leaders!
We aim for... workers' control over our own jobs and our own lives!
A Union For All Workers
16-05-2010 17:08
Building the One Great Union of all workers in the UKRiver transport strike paralyses Bangladesh
15-05-2010 18:43

Greece: Blood and tears for the proletariat!
13-05-2010 15:25

Second attempt to remove Huseini Abubakar
13-05-2010 13:02