UK Other Press Newswire Archive
Does Cheney Make Obama Look Good Enough?
24-05-2009 07:06

Carbon Trading and Copenhagen: the Climate Camp message the media ignored
23-05-2009 10:53
The next Climate Chaos Cafe will be at 6.45pm on Wednesday, 27th May, at the Common Place, Leeds. The topic of the evening will be "Carbon Trading and Copenhagen: the Climate Camp message the media ignored"CCTV (ANPR) systems used to track anti-war protesters
23-05-2009 10:00
Link to short video report on BBC - features EDO/ITT protesters.Anonymous joins Scientology in press release recycling campaign
23-05-2009 03:42

CACI disowned by insurers
19-05-2009 21:42
The CACI corporation, a preferred UK government contractor, has been legally disowned by it's own insurer over already proven yet unprosecuted allegations it tortured Iraqis in Abu Ghraib. This is more significant that it may seem at first glance. It's also a bit of a tease, I'll add more when the Telegraph has finished exposing MPs.Obama: I understand why Israel considers Iran an existential threat
19-05-2009 13:02

So, we are led to believe that President Obama, who was elected as “the peace candidate”, will restrain the nakedly belligerent Israeli government.
In his Newsweek interview published online the same day, whilst reiterating the same old propaganda, Obama’s tone was more blunt than usual…
Linamar Workers Prepare for Strike
18-05-2009 09:28
DATE: 17th May 2009LOCATION: Linamar plant, Swansea
Rob Williams spoke at a rally of Linamar workers and union members on Sunay 17th May to remind everyone of the need to fight to protect workers' rights, pay and conditions.
Spacehijackers have been hijacked?
11-05-2009 14:30
Is the "Face Hijackers" on Facebook anything to do with the real Space Hijackers? There is one [we need a tank] with what appears to be the REAL Spacehijacker people....Mayday and so on as the admins then there is another one run by other people including William Hudson from Housmans Bookshop which looks like a fake...they too are asking for donations for a tank! What is going on? Who is the real Spacehijackers? What is going on? will the real Spacehijackers please stand up?Visteon Swansea Update - Protest/Campaign Meeting at Swansea
11-05-2009 10:10
Although convenor Rob Williams has officially been sacked from the Visteon plant, the workers, socialists and union supporters still haven't given up the fight, and another rally/protest will be held in a couple of days.The End of the Age of Greed?
10-05-2009 10:57
Tom Watson MP recently reviewed the book 'Meltdown: The End of the Age of Greed' on his blog last month. He describes the book as an 'uncomfortable read for any politician', without a trace of irony.
Media Lens: The Left-Wing Media Fallacy
10-05-2009 08:57
Jeremy Bowen, The BBC, And Other National Treasures
It is a mistake to imagine that media corporations are impervious to all complaints and criticism. In fact, senior editors and managers are only too happy to accept that their journalists tend to be 'anti-American,' 'anti-Israel,' 'anti-Western,' indeed utterly rotten with left-wing bias.
08-05-2009 13:44
Radar is an online listings system for non-commercial events, used mainly by activists, squatters, social centres and similar types.Hereford Heckler #8 out now...
07-05-2009 13:35
The May issue of the Hereford Heckler (bulletin of the Hereford Solidarity League) is out now...Swansea Visteon Update 6th May 2009
06-05-2009 12:10
An update of events at the Visteon plant in SwanseaA Delaration of Separation
05-05-2009 17:23
We want to live in peace and are very tired of beinf exploited by banksters and corporations and we advise those thugs to leave us alone.GCHQ update
05-05-2009 11:46
"Spy chiefs are already spending hundreds of millions of pounds on a mass internet surveillance system, despite Jacqui Smith's announcement earlier this week that proposals for a central warehouse of communications data had been dumped on privacy grounds."Anonymous provides tangible support for Blue Heart Campaign
04-05-2009 13:13

Sheffield Live World Press Freedom Day Interview
02-05-2009 00:04

Policing of the G20 Summit 2009
30-04-2009 09:53
Patting themselves on the back, glossing over the facts... the police report on their policing of te G20