The End of the Age of Greed?
Danny | 10.05.2009 10:57 | Analysis | Other Press
Tom Watson MP recently reviewed the book 'Meltdown: The End of the Age of Greed' on his blog last month. He describes the book as an 'uncomfortable read for any politician', without a trace of irony.

Tom is minister for Digital Engagement, presumably because he has a finger in every pie. £4,800 worth of pies every year, according to the leaked MPs expenses.
"Two Labour ministers, Iain Wright and Tom Watson, have used their parliamentary allowances to lavish more than £100,000 on a shared central London crash pad since the last general election."
The hypocritical oppulence of these thieving champagne-socialists has todays Labour party's poll ratings at the lowest ever recorded level. With Labour 'heartlands' wiped out just a year before Scotland votes on independence, chances are the corruption of Tom and his colleagues will seal the fate of the United Kingdom.
"Two Labour ministers, Iain Wright and Tom Watson, have used their parliamentary allowances to lavish more than £100,000 on a shared central London crash pad since the last general election."

The hypocritical oppulence of these thieving champagne-socialists has todays Labour party's poll ratings at the lowest ever recorded level. With Labour 'heartlands' wiped out just a year before Scotland votes on independence, chances are the corruption of Tom and his colleagues will seal the fate of the United Kingdom.