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Request - Photos from the weekend of Autonomous Actions

20-04-2008 10:29

The next issue of the Mule is out soon and we are looking for photos from the 11th and 12th of April.

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Dissident Island - Zine Special tonight

18-04-2008 18:00

Voices of Resistance from Occupied London...Rupture...Shift Magazine...Last Hours...London Zine Symposium

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The film police tried to ban in Wales

18-04-2008 17:56

On the Verge is a film about Smash EDO, an anti arms/anti war campaign from Brighton. For the last four years Smash EDO has used a variety of tactics including direct action to try and shut down an arms factory that was proud to supply weapons used against the people of Iraq, Palestine, Somalia.......The campaign is no stranger to dirty police tactics as it fought and won an injunction in the High court costing the company 1 million pounds!

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Solidarity with Iraq’s orphans

18-04-2008 00:10

Only silence has echoed through the corridors of power in Great Britain, in relation to the news that 4.5 million child orphans now exist in Iraq, according to the Iraqi Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs

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Royal Blackmail - This week's grapevine rumour

16-04-2008 21:49

David Armstrong Jones, Viscount Linley (12th in line to the throne!)
Could the Linley rumours be correct? No special treatment under the law for royals. Radar has named David Armstrong Jones, Viscount Linley (12th in line to the throne!), as the victim of England's new tabloid blackmail obsession.

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BBC1/ITN/CNN/Channel 4 London Mayor Candidate on Camden Death Lab

16-04-2008 17:18

Sian Berry fGreen Party Mayoral candidate speaks out on the Camden Lab which
"if built" will become the "world's largest ever, highest level, virus containment facility & animal testing lab due to be built on a deprived inner city Camden council house estate that needs homes & community facilities.

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Zimbabwe and the Power of Propaganda: Ousting a President via Civil Society

16-04-2008 11:44

As the case of 'democratic' interference in Venezuela has been well documented, this article will provide a critical – although by no means exhaustive – investigation into the complex issues raised by the current political interventions by foreign organizations into Zimbabwe’s political affairs. Initially, this article will examine how ostensibly progressive mainstream media have acted as imperial flak machines to legitimize ongoing inference in Zimbabwe. Subsequently, it will demonstrate how Western governments’ carried out an overt cultural war to successfully manipulate Zimbabwean civil society, and will then conclude by recommending how concerned citizens might best further the protection of human rights in Zimbabwe and elsewhere.

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You could be a Staffs Cold Turkey

15-04-2008 12:42

According to the Derby Evening Telegraph

Police are running an online recruitment campaign for more volunteer officers.

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Torture is US

14-04-2008 16:06

Scooter meets his customers
This film covers the adventures of our intrepid Guerrilla film maker, Scooter as he turns himself into a entrepreneurial master of war. Scooter Twomey endeavours to set up his own independent torture company in lieu of the CIA being banned from Europe for extraordinary rendition.

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Last Hours #17 out now - radical illustration & culture

13-04-2008 09:34

Cover of Last Hours issue 17
The new issue of Last Hours is out now. Once again its 116 pages jam packed with articles, interviews, DIY guides, comix and art on radical culture, punk rock, DIY, autonomy & revolution.

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S.T.O.P. will be orgainsing a protest against the MRC displays in Camden

13-04-2008 00:23

S.T.O.P. will be holding a demonstration aginst the MRC displays to be held in Camden {Somers Town} . We intend to take down the displays and let these arrogant scum know that we DO NOT want the lab or their people on OUR estate. It is OUR land.

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May 2005 Peak Oil Production Topped in Jan 2008

12-04-2008 19:27

World production (EIA data)
The following graphs are from, where they are introduced with the following text:

"The EIA’s newest International Petroleum Monthly ( ) shows World C+C (Crude Oil plus Condensate) production for January was 74,466,000 barrels per day, eclipsing the heretofore peak of May 2005 by 168,000 barrels per day. (thanks to Ron Patterson for the heads up and to Khebab for the quick graphics)."

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"The torch you probably will take from the Tibetan person"the spy whom China?

12-04-2008 15:32

the spy whom China?
The Tibetan person whom it tries probably to take the torch from the Chinese handicapped person woman runner it seems the coming man.

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Remember:reopen All the SFO enquiries . . . . Minderbinder Aerospace Slushfund!

12-04-2008 14:33

A little success in court could expose a lot of problems to solutions - if the serious fraud enquiry is told to relook at all its "we wont follow up these aspects" pronouncements - most of all in relation to the dodgy "networks" of ex-covert ops types or "dual-payment scheme" neighbourhood watch types ( QUIS CUSTODIAT CUSTODIES INDEED! )- in the British Isles as much as globally - that shook cash out of this corporation amongst others then hid its actions under such spurious excuses as commercial secrecy or national security - in this case - most weirdly - Saudi national security, allegedly!!!!

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Squatters In Tabloid Paper Shocker

12-04-2008 11:14

Mesho front page
MESHO, a spoof paper has been produced for the weekend of squatted autonomous spaces happening in cities across Britain (and everywhere else), this weekend.

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Your mortgage, the worlds hungry, the next wars . . . .Remember this weeks G7,

12-04-2008 10:49

Big picture thinking is a stretch for the people meeting in Washington, but it seems the bulk of the commentators in the newspapers this weekend havent added their 2 + 2 together - forgetting to remember the reason wars often happen, forgetting to see the "creditcrunch/ meltdown/ depression/ crash" is a bit of the same jigsaw as the disastrous, exponential increase in the "cost" of staple foods to the worlds poor.

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'War on terror' propaganda of the British press is in high gear

11-04-2008 22:52

The Times, 11 April 2008
Although the selected items below are from today's Times and Sun only, the British press as a whole is involved in this massive disinformation campaign.

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Islington council kept in dark over "Death Lab" on border with Camden.

11-04-2008 14:41

We contacted Islington council who it appears have not been informed by Camden council {or anyone else} about the plans for "The World's largest ever, highest level, virus containment facility and animal testing lab" to be built in Kings Cross on the Camden side just a few footsteps from the border with Islington. We wonder, what contingency plans, if any have been drawn up in the event of terror attack or virus leak at the site, scene of 7/7 and 21/7 bombings. Foot and Mouth disease was a govt lab leak.

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The dubious politics behind the Beijing Olympics protests

10-04-2008 20:23

An effort is under way to organize a campaign against the Beijing Olympics along the same general lines as the boycott of the Moscow games in 1980 engineered by the Carter administration as a propaganda weapon, supposedly in response to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan the year before.

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Resilient Communities: A Guide to Disaster Management

09-04-2008 12:43

Resilience: The ability to recover quickly from illness, change, or misfortune; buoyancy; the ability to absorb shocks.

The following is a proposal to help make communities better able to respond to the coming economic shocks from resource depletion, beginning with Peak Oil, and perhaps also to shocks from other causes (such as the ongoing subprime mortgage and credit collapse). In searching for a name for the strategy, I have settled on the phrase "Resilient Communities," which comes with considerable baggage—useful baggage in this instance. Once I have described and discussed the proposal, I will offer some background materials regarding the terms resilience and resilient communities, mentioning some other projects that have used the same title or that pursue similar goals.