UK Other Press Newswire Archive
REEL NEWS is now online!
24-05-2007 18:20
Reel news is a monthly DVD with 90 minute sof reports from the movement in Britain and the rest of the world. Issue number 7 is coming out today with reports from Mayday 2007, Workers memorial day, G8, Mark Thomas' socpa demos, the anti deportation campaigns and some easy listening and gentle visuals from anarcho punks CONFLICT.Pentagon Propaganda Occupies the Guardian's Front Page:
24-05-2007 15:32

"Today's article was based on statements made by several senior US officials who are intimately familiar with the problems facing coalition forces in Iraq. I requested the interviews, not the other way round. These officials asked not to be identified. I am confident that they were telling the truth as they see it, on the basis of information received from a variety of sources." (Simon Tisdall Email to Ian Thomas, May 22, 2007)
Guardian promotes Bush administration war propaganda against Iran
23-05-2007 19:17
The Guardian offered its May 22 front page as a propaganda conduit for the Bush administration to provide preemptive justification for an escalation of the US military “surge” in Iraq and possible military action against Iran.Holocaust Iraq: An inconvenient Truth
23-05-2007 03:26
Today, the American public is no longer able to claim ignorance over the real cost of filling their SUVs with gas nor are they able to deny their status as a hypocritical, ungodly, pariah nation. Few people anywhere are unaware of America’s dirty little grab for the resources of weaker nations. For every full tank of gas INNOCENT human blood has been spilt, particularly the blood of those least able to defend themselves, CHILDREN. When faced with undeniable and unpleasant realities Americans seek refuge in the unreality of their televisions or other distracting entertainments. The cost of the American lifestyle today is served to local populations for breakfast, however, the media is careful to neatly package all distasteful material in justifications, propaganda and flagrant lies (that have no currency anywhere but America).By their Commission and Omissions you will Know Them
21-05-2007 13:16
We thank National Security correspondent to the Australian Broadcasting Commission (‘our’ ABC) Leigh Sales, for revealing her flagrant bias in relation to the David Hicks case. We were almost tempted to read her book, “Detainee 002 …”, until today’s extremely revealing report.Hicks has Landed
20-05-2007 06:52
Hicks has landed, the Eagle is moulting, the Roo has been shot, the Emu has impaled itself on a boundary fence and local mass media outlets are falling over themselves to toe the propaganda line. The first hysterical element of local reporting is the strained phraseology in use by servile journos, “convicted terrorism supporter … confessed terrorism supporter … Australian Qaeda supporter”, etc. Few media outlets seem to have any idea of the implications of the word “convicted”, which implies the result of a legitimate, legal process; a process that was clearly denied David Hicks. History will record it thus as the Truth is widely known!Rod Poole RIP 1962-2007
19-05-2007 21:22
Oxford expat Rod Poole brutally murdered in Hollywood.Interview with Mumia Abu-Jamal's lawyer
19-05-2007 08:41
This is a "DEMOCRACY NOW" interview with Mumia's attorney Robert Bryan following the Federal Appeals Court hearing on Thursday."Attorney Robert Bryan says a racist judge and racist jury practices contributed to the sentencing of Abu-Jamal to death row. Bryan joins us in New York one day after he argued before the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Philadelphia."
The Art of Flower ArrangingFull story:
18-05-2007 11:53
The uninformed are rejoicing over the forced resignation of Paul (bouquet of flowers) Wolfowitz from the World (US) Bank; the resignation of Tony (45 minutes) Blair as British prime minister; the foregone demise of George (WMD, mission accomplished) Bush and the likely elimination of John (aluminium tubing) Howard as Australian prime minister. However, rejoicing may be premature as the gangrenous infection in the body of humanity has not been completely excised.AFP Challenged on False News Story Regarding Iran's Nuclear Energy Programme
18-05-2007 08:06
Campaigners have today demanded that the Agence France Presse (AFP) retract an incorrect and misleading news item regarding Iran's nuclear programme. Despite the immediate rebuttal of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) against AFP's false report last week alleging Iran's non-cooperation with the IAEA inspectors, the AFP has continued to publish the item on its website and refuses to issue an apology or a correction. The IAEA has confirmed that Iran has never denied access to its nuclear facilities by the inspectors.Announcing Flash Radio G8 2007 Podcast
17-05-2007 00:27

Remember gagging democracy? THE ODD SNEER-SPIN AGAINST MCDONNEL.
16-05-2007 14:35
If you are to EITHER side of the political spectrum from John Mcdonnel, you should see the "influencers of opinion"s PR spin as very, very worrying. . . .Remember Democracy ? Err, Err, See the Fakes ? USA scam unravels!
16-05-2007 11:49
LATEST : resignations, sackings, jail, State Inquiries. . . .AS WATERGATE WAS "A MINOR BURGLARY" (. . . . for a bit), this is a "THAR SHE BLOWS" moment for the Ohio computer election vote fraud - that swung the entire states into the dubious grips of the inept "Big Lie" ideology of a few of the "neo cons", acting as front puppets for ex-spooks, Minderbinder Warbux types, that were addicts to the dodgiest slushfunds, scams or fiddles of the cold war era . . . .
The Great Fellator: Kevin Rudd
16-05-2007 06:13
The Australian opposition leader Kevin Rudd is proving to be more servile, passive and accommodating than even the current Australian prime minister, John Howard – many would have thought it impossible to top Howard’s effort but Rudd has proven them all wrong! Rudd, desperate to please all will eventually please none if he persists with his supremely passive, non-assertive and thoroughly despicable behaviour. It‘s simply not fitting for an aspiring Australian leader to unashamedly kowtow to the wishes of China over the relatively benign visit of the exiled theocratic leader of Tibet, the Dalai Lama.The Crime of the Century
14-05-2007 13:02
Nicholas Sarkozy, newly elected President of France is a fraud and criminal according to Lord Justice Clarke's evidence in a criminal trial in the Brussels Court of Human Rights recently.The nature of God – and I ought to Know!
09-05-2007 16:02
[No apologies for the title, as it applies to everyone.] In today’s world far too many killers and murderers are utilising religion as a method of social manipulation, control and (believe it if you would face the reality of your ‘religion’) to JUSTIFY MURDER, THEFT and WAR! If that in itself doesn’t sound an alarm in the heads of all devotees of the ONE nameless, peerless, INFINITE God of ALL, then please go for a walk or entertain yourself with something else, this paper is NOT for you!Deconstructing the Australian Broadcasting Commission
08-05-2007 15:20
The once public Australian broadcaster (ABC) is proving to be a brazen propaganda medium for the government. The latest overt propaganda issuing from ‘our’ ABC is clearly designed to soften public resistance to biometric and other intrusive forms of identification. Senator Stott Despoja is currently debating the uses and abuses of an identification smartcard in the Senate. With that debate in progress and unresolved we now witness BIOMETRIC ID ‘softening’ techniques by the ‘public’ broadcaster, ‘our’ ABC:The Insular Conservative: John Winston Howard
06-05-2007 06:32
The Federal Minister of Employment and Workplace Relations (big) Joe Hockey was forced this week to draw his leader’s attention to the oppressive reality facing average working Australians. Crushing debt, loss of penalty rates and other entitlements have forced many Australian families to the wall. Mortgagee sales in working class areas throughout the nation have increased at an alarming rate. John Howard, the darling of big business and the Corporate sector wondered why the common people were not eating cake!Greens and Lefties vote nationalist in Scotland
04-05-2007 23:22
6 socialists (all of them) and 5 greens (all but 2) lose their seats in Scotland due to a tactical vote for the SNP according to the Guardian.Pledge £20 towards a 7/7 investigative documentary
04-05-2007 19:56
"I will pledge £20 towards the production costs of a balanced DVD documentary examining the many suspicious circumstances of the London bombings of 7th July 2005 but only if 250 other people will do the same."