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Police attack Police! Thug on anti war demo exposed as police officer
Police violence on demo may have been aided by agent provocateurs present in the crowd of Stop the War demonstration against Bush visit.Full Story | 1 addition | 17 comments >>
McDonalds Protest and Arrest – Pictures


for a VIDEO and more details.
Action Alert: Top HLS Investor - Part 3

Eagle Asset are now Huntingdon Life Sciences' largest investor with over 15 million dollars in shares.
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Artspace Exhibition at Social Centre.

Below are some samples of the work to whet your appetite.
Arrested & Charged McLibel Protester!
Campaigner arrested. McLibel protest. See the video at:
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Anti McD Day comes to Cambridge!

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Fast for justice in India
I want to alert folk in the UK to a couple of campaigns that are happening right now. Both relate to India and both are of particular interest in that they are using the technique of fasting as a way of drawing attention to the struggle. I have pledged to support the first campaign by participating in the fast; others may be interested in how they can offer their support.All-Day Friday
A new non-profit café opens in Cambridge on Jesus Lane. The café will serve a healthy affordabe meal, cakes, coffees and teas from 10am to centre attacked (again)
report of attack on mill rd social centre
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Fire at Campsfield
Sorry to have just pulled this off the BBC website but it looks like something is going on at Campsfield and this is all I can see about it.Mill Road Social Centre May Stay For Flippin' Ages
A possession order was granted to Tesco today in court, yet representatives of the Mill Road Social Centre had apparent confirmation of indefinite leave to remain from Tesco's solicitors.Mill Road Social Centre's days are numbered.
This morning at approximately 10:30am in room 2 of East Road Court, a judge presiding over the case of a repossession order for the premises currently occupied by the Mill Road Social Centre granted possession to Tescos, meaning that the current occupants will have to vacate the premises some time in the near future, thereby soon ending an era of community occupation of the old Wilco store premises.SHAC National March & Rally - 1 month away!

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Climate Camp meet-up / film showing Thursday 12 June 6pm
We will show a short film about last year's Climate Camp at Heathrow, have a Q&A for people who want to know more about the Camp, and then have our local planning meeting for this year's camp near Kingsnorth power station in Kent, Aug 3-11.Thu 12 June, 10am - Court hearing to decide social centre’s future
On Thursday 12th June, at 10am there will be a court hearing where Tesco’s application for an eviction order will be decided. It would be swell if we could turn up with lots of support to make it clear what this space means to us. The hearing will be the main point of discussion in next week’s general meeting, on Monday at 7pm at the social centre.Activist occupy labs associated with GM trials

Midsummer Common Cows Protest – Go Veg!
Protest held on the Saturday 24th May 08.Mill Road Social Centre website up and running
The Mill Road Social Centre now has its own website, where news, events, pictures, etc. from Cambridge's new social centre will be posted. The address is:Mill Road Social Centre Open Meeting this Friday 7 PM

Former Wilco building squatted - to be turned into social centre

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