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National Front to visit Oakington Detention Centre and Cambridge
The Nazi National Front are planning to visit Oakington detentioncentre this Saturday, August 14th at 1pm, to protest against the presence of
asylum seekers. They then plan to visit Cambridge city centre to hand
out their filthy propaganda.
Chelmsford Unite against BNP
Following the National humiliation of the BNP in a television documentaryand, on a local level, the politically catastrophic arrest of local European
elections candidate Matt Single at a Unite demo in Southend last month, the BNP
looked set to gain back some credibility by having Nick Griffin speak in
Chelmsford last Saturday.
Cafe Afrika safe for another 4 months
Cafe Afrika was successful in being granted an extra four months extension to their temporary Entertainment License on Thurs 5th August.Campeace vigil to remember Hiroshima and Nagasaki
At 8.30 this yesterday evening on midsummer common a vigil was held to commemorate the dropping of atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945. 30 people attended the Campeace organised event."Rebel Voices:" Photos, Art Needed for Unique Book Project
This is an international call for photos and art for us in an upcoming book called "Rebel Voices," to be published in 2005 in the u.s.Invitation to the Dissent! Network Gathering in Edinburgh 17th - 19th September

The G8 (Group of eight most industrialised nations) Summit will be held at Gleneagles Hotel in Perthshire, about 40 miles/70 kilometres away from Edinburgh, in Scotland from 6-8th of July 2005. In past years, everywhere they have tried to meet they have been met with a massive response from the world's social movements. Now, in Britain, a network of groups and individuals is emerging that resists the Summit, and forms a lasting movement against capitalism.
The next Dissent! Gathering will take place in Edinburgh on 17th-19th September 2004.
Come along and get involved!
The Weather Underground: Film screening in Cambridge

Showing of 'The Weather Underground' at 7:30 pm, Sun 15th August, The Geldart, Ainsworth Street, Cambridge
Protest against BNP fascists & Griffin, this Saturday! Chelmsford, Essex.
The Fascist BNP are holding a meeting in Chelmsford this Saturday. BNP wannabe fuhrer Nick Griffin may be speaking at this event. The facists have chosen Chelmsford railway station as their re-direction point. We will assemble here to stop them!Assemble: 6pm Outside Chelmsford Rail Station. Sat 7th August 2004.

Cambridge boatpeople revolt!
Cam residents step up campaignPublished on 03 August 2004
HOUSEBOAT owners have stepped up their campaign against plans to ban them from part of the River Cam in the winter.
Exposed George Bush
We caught the Bush clonies with their pants down at last.Peace camp at nuclear base to remember Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Press release from: Lakenheath Action Group, Fri 30th July 2004.From Friday 6th to Mon 9th August, there will be a peace camp at USAF Lakenheath to remember the victims of the nuclear bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945. Events will include remembrance vigils, street theatre, workshops, music, children's cooperative games and non-violent direct action.
Southend: Protest against privatisation of home care
Home care workers, members of Unison, Southend Pensioners Group and others joined forces to protest outside a Southend council meeting last week. They want to stop the councils plans to privatise home care services. It was a lively protest, with pensioners and trades unionists waving banners, chanting and handing out leafletts which warned how privatisation will mean a worse service for the elderly, as well as attacks the jobs, pay and conditions of the care workers.East Anglia workers strike threat beats turkey corporation!
Around 1,000 workers had voted for strike action at the Holton and Great Witchingham plants in Norfolk and Suffolk. The strike was due to go ahead last Monday (19th July). However, in the face of this proposed action, their bosses at the giant Bernard Matthews Turkey corporation instead suddenly withdrawn its plans to change shift patterns and extend the working week from four days to five. The workers have shown that being organised in a Trades Union can win real results. There actions have now won a withdrawal of the shift changes, a 3 percent pay rise and a 1 percent increase in pensions.Braintree: Protesters demand baby care unit for hospital.
Protesters, including many mothers, have been marching and campaigning in Braintree Essex to keep their maternity unit open 24 hours a day. Organisers called on supporters to march in their hundreds to demand health bosses make WJC Hospital, in London Road, a fully operational unit. Local mums feel that the other nearest 24 hour unit, in Chelmsford, is too far away.Cambridge: remeber Hiroshima and Nagasaki
A vigil and simple lantern floating ceremony will take place onSunday 8th August to remember all those who were killed or who
suffered as the result of the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki
in August 1945
Biometrix Conference
The biometrics conference in London in October seems like a perfect opportunity to make people more aware of the dangers of biometric ID cards in Britain.Kings Lynn The Walks - Heritage Lottery Project
Critique of proposed bid for Heritage Lottery Funding to restore the Walks. The proposals envisage the removal of a total of 244 mature trees now with others to follow in 15 years. There is little sign, despite assurances from Heritage Lottery Fund that the proposals will take account of environmental/ecological/bio-diversity issues. The message once again is clear. Trees are the price of heritage lottery cash.EU shares Islamic Republic's crimes!

Yesterday the trial hearing an intelligence agent accused of her murder abruptly ended while the lawyers objected the proceedings.