and, on a local level, the politically catastrophic arrest of local European
elections candidate Matt Single at a Unite demo in Southend last month, the BNP
looked set to gain back some credibility by having Nick Griffin speak in
Chelmsford last Saturday.
of their plans and decided to picket the railway station, where they had
decided to re-direct likely converts to an undisclosed location for a bit of siege
hailing. Fifty people came to express their outrage, ranging from Stop the war
activists to trade unionists and members of the local community. Gathering
under the banner of Unite Against Fascism, one sentiment rang true throughout the
demo 'We will make sure they can't spread their lies in Chelmsford.'
Unfortunately for the more confrontational members of the group, the Nazi's did not
show, not trusting their 'respectable' façade to hold under pressure. But plans
were made for a follow up rally, and also for the creation of a local Unite
group to act as a cohesive force between local communities ready to fight the
BNP. So far on the streets of Essex the score runs Unite 3, BNP 0. A big
thankyou to everyone who came along and helped to build the demo.
Matt & Senan.
Just a note, we got an unexpected level of media coverage from local and
essex-wide media, so the press must be hungry for news of this type.
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