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Take action on Rafah
The Israeli Army have killed many Palestinians in their recent activities in Rafah. The Palestinian Solidarity Campaign has asked people to attend a vigil this Friday and also to do some virtual lobbying. See:
European Nuclear Weapons Free Zone workshop
Cambridge Student Pugwash will hold an interactive workshop on "A European Nuclear Weapons Free Zone" as part of the National Nuclear Weapons Awareness Project. The Workshop will be held at Queens' College, Cambridge on Saturday 12th June. All are welcome.The Danger of Software Patents
This is a report from the FIPR meeting on software patents on 21 May 2004 in LondonEast Anglia activists go online.
Trades Unionists, environmentalists, peace campaigners, anti-racists and many more recently gathered to begin a Social Forum Process in East Anglia. They have produced a website to facilitate this networking.article from The Scientist and oxford demo/Colin Blakemore report
Demo report on Colin Blakemore and the Oxford Two - Monday 17th Mayand an article from The Scientist
Big Brothers Little Brother
Blunkett has announced that a company called PA Consulting Group(

Roger Morris: A Call to Conscience
Please circulate this article widely, to friends, family, lists, the papers (Guardian and Independent?) and American Embassies, MPs...Audio: US Marine Speaks Out on Iraq
Ex-Marine Staff Sergeant Jimmy Massey talks about his time in Iraq where he admitted the U.S. treatment of Iraqi civilians is fueling the Iraqi resistance. In a recent interview he said "I felt like we were committing genocide in Iraq."computer sweatshops
workers making computers in Thailand, Mexico andChina are being exploited
Paxman interviews Chomsky
A short interview with Noam Chomsky, including transcript and video stream (Realplayer, low bandwidth). Jeremy Paxman, conducting the interview, is obviously trying to do what he can to hit Chomsky with the "tough questions", in notable contrast to his extremely subservient interview with Tony Blair before the war started...personally, I'd appreciate it if Mr. Paxman would secure another interview with Mr. Blair and ask some real questions this time.G8 2004:Savannah placed under state of emergency

Protest Israeli atrocities in Gaza
If you're going to be in London for the Iraq demo tomorrow...Cambridge Activists Scream Against War, Occupation, and Torture

Scream against Occupation
An informal group of Cambridge residents, sickened by the rising tide oftorture and human rights abuses committed by British and American troops in
the illegal occupation of Iraq, are taking their anger onto the streets of
Cambridge on Thursday in an unusual protest.
cambridge film poster

alien contact