Saturday, 12 June 2004, Bowett Room, Queens’ College, University of Cambridge
9:30-11:00 Introducing Nuclear Weapons Free Zones as an alternative to the logic of nuclear weapons proliferation
a.What is a nuclear weapons free zone (NWFZ)? Legal, political, moral, geographical issues.–JoelienPretorius
b.What is the relationship between NWFZs and other non-proliferation treaties? – Paulo Luzzatto-Fegis
11:00-11:30 Tea
11:30-13:00 A European Nuclear Weapons Free Zone: Wishful Thinking or
Within Reach
c. What would a European NWFZ entail (geographical; political; legal; accommodation of Cold War legacies, such as NATO?) – Tom Brown
d. What are the perceptions of different European countries and the EU of a ENWFZ?
Luca Ciciani
13:00-14:00 Lunch
14:00-15:00 The Way Forward
e. What to do to promote the idea? (civil society, governmental- and inter-governmental levels; a Plan of Action)
Format of the workshop: Prof. Peter Nicholls will be facilitating the workshop. He is Visiting Professor of Biological Sciences at the University of Essex and immediate Past President of Science for Peace, the Canadian organization concerned with the responsibilities of science and scientists to ensure that scientific ideas and technology are used in humane and life-enhancing ways. Members of Student Pugwash will introduce each theme, to which Prof. Nicholls will respond and lead-in a discussion of the theme.
The workshop is free of charge. For more information or confirmation of participation, please send a message to Joelien Pretorius (