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Details of lineup for PGA benefit gig in Hitchin, Herts on Sunday 11th April.Cambridge Palestine Solidarity Campaign Meeting
On Saturday 27th March Cambridge Palestine SolidarityCampaign will hold its weekly stall at Jaffa Net Cafe
on Mill Road
Telestreet Conference
[This is a preview of the Telestreet meeting Etera 2][Below this introduction I have posted a provisional program for the meeting]
Etera 2 meeting, March the 25th 2004 in Sennigallia, will be the second meeting of the Telestrade or Telestreet. A national movement of micro-tv stations (sometimes transmitting to no more than a few blocks) scattered across Italy. Telestreet operates between the legal and technological cracks of the Italian mediascape. Literally squatting the shadows or blank spots where the signals of terrestrial broadcasters cannot reach, leaving shadows on the spectrum which the Telestreet groups occupy.
Boycott Bayer Campaign
Boycott Bayer has been launched by anti-GM campaigners: posters and leaflets availableWho's Capitulating to Terror?
Since the bombings in Madrid on March 11th and the subsequent removal of the government in Spain, consumers of mainstream media have become used to references to `the Spanish capitulation to terror' and `votes for appeasement'. Within the UK, the Daily Telegraph has been particularly vociferous in its condemnation of the Spanish electorate's decision to oust Aznar's government, but they have certainly not been the only ones.Interview with London Demonstrator, March 20 Anti-war Demo

Interview with a demonstrator in London on the March 20 anti-war demonstrations, touches on Blair, the war, lying, etc.
London M20 Demo Video

One-Year-On Demo

Wolrd Day for Lab Animals

The Ground Under Overtown - Miami anti-FTAA segment

The Free Trade Area of the Americas is a trade pact that is currently being negotiated by the 34 countries of North, Central, and South America, and the Caribbean. It is an important plank in the neoliberal platform for the western hemisphere, an attempt to stack the rules of the game against democratic self-governance and towards legally binding multinational corporate control over about 800 million people.
For more info on the FTAA, visit

Cambridge TUC forges links with Iraqi trade unionists
A speaker from the Iraqi Federation of Trade Unionists spoke to Cambridge TUC and a decision was made to create a twinning with trade unions in Iraq.The Balata Project comes to Cambridge

Caterpillar Shut down by Human Rights activists (Pics)

Cambridge hunger strike against property developers
A Cambridge priest is on hunger strike in an attempt to keep a community space. MPM Properties have siezed posession of the space, which they intend to redevelop, locking out charitable and community organisations.Cambridge screening of "We Interrupt This Empire" to mark one year of occupation

The defeat of the grey men: Spanish elections
Last days have been very intense for everyone here. We wentthrough the worst nightmare ever in Europe. An attack of fundamentalist
islamic group that has killed many and injured more and hurted everyone
with sensibility. But the story about the following elections and results
I've been reading in some media can lead to a somehow biased image.
Sainsburys as a focus for anti-GM campaign
A couple of weeks ago there was a national day of action against sainsbury's (see