The European Social Forum (ESF) for 2004 is to take place in London this October. This is part of the process started in 2001 at the World Social Forum (WSF) in Brazil. Since this launch, ESF and WSF gatherings in Mumbai (Bombay), Florence and Paris have brought together hundreds of thousands of activists. These come from a huge diversity of movements, including Environmental, Peace, Trades Union, Anti-Racist, and many others.
From peasant’s movements in Brazil and India to pensioner’s movements in the UK, people find themselves resisting a rampant and global free market that seems intent on privatising nearly everything. From biodiversity, land and genes, to pensions, health and education, multinational corporations want to profit by turning everything into commodities. Instead of prioritising human welfare and need, it is warfare and greed which are placed first. However, more and more people are gathering in resistance to this, inspired by the common idea that ‘another world is possible’.
The social forum process is intended to provide a common space for these diverse movements to gather and meet in parallel. In this open meeting place different campaigning groups share their ideas and proposals, in a festival of workshops, debates, films and many other forms, building stronger networks to fight for a world that is more equal, just, sustainable, and peaceful.
Peace campaigns from Colchester and Essex University have decided to issue a combined call for other social movements and campaign groups from across Essex and East Anglia region to initiate a social forum process for this area. As part of this initial process we propose: 1) Beginning a dialogue about a future social forum event for the region. 2) Promoting participation from the region in the forthcoming London European Social Forum. 3) Facilitate an ongoing general networking of activists in the area to help promote and publicise information about different campaigns more widely.
Colchester Peace Campaign
Essex University Peace Campaign.
Please come to the first meeting in the process, which will be:
Sat 24th April. 12 noon - 4pm.
Friends Meeting House, Church St, Colchester. (Between Arts Centre and Mercury Theatre).
We are also setting up an e-mail bulletin and an e-discussion list to facilitate networking in the region.
Meanwhile, please contact:


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