UK Workers' Movements Newswire Archive
Innocent Prisoners / The Scandal of Britain's Child Detainees
04-09-2008 11:44
No place for childrenThroughout its years in government - from Tony Blair's famous "Education, education, education" speech to the more recent "Every Child Matters" programme - Labour has claimed to champion the needs of the younger generation. For the 2,000 children who are sent to UK immigration detention centres every year, however, these claims ring hollow.
03-09-2008 18:24

12-3pm, Trafalgar Square (north pavement)
September 2008 marks 10 years since the arrest and incarceration of the Cuban
5, five men wrongly convicted in the US after peacefully defending Cuba from
terrorist attacks planned in the United States.
Come and show your solidarity for the Five and spread the word. Bring placards, stalls, whistles, drums and banners for a lively
demonstration, including street theatre and speeches to inform the British
public about the case.
Reinstate Chris Lockwood!
03-09-2008 13:32

Don’t let Unite leaders jail Gordon McNeill
02-09-2008 17:16
Senior officials of the Unite trade union are continuing in their attempt to have sacked Belfast Airport Shop Steward, Gordon McNeill jailed for the “crime” of protesting outside an empty building.MJB Support Group Meeting London 10/09/2008
02-09-2008 09:47
Meeting to set up a UK support group for MJB and Harlem tenants in their fight against London based landlords Dawnay Day Group ..Continuing Conflicts that Create Refugees - August 2008
02-09-2008 06:36
Twelve actual or potential conflict situations around the world deteriorated in August 2008 and only one improved.London Food Not Bombs feeds Wobblies
01-09-2008 21:30

Up-to-minute newsfeed from Republican Convention blockades
01-09-2008 18:49

Riot Police Defend the Mall of America from workers
01-09-2008 18:07
Starbucks workers and their supporters, 50 to 70 of them, converge for a rallytoday at the rail station at Lake and Hiawatha in downtown Minneapolis. The
crowd comes to stand in solidarity with Starbucks workers in their fight to
organize a union, the Starbucks Workers Union (SWU), with the Industrial Workers
of the World (IWW)*, and to escort Erik Forman back to work at the Mall of
Radical Response to Hurricane Gustav and the RNC: Statement
01-09-2008 17:45
Here in the Twin Cities, activists have been experiencing the suspension of civil and human rights through intolerable pre-emptive raids, and members and friends of the RNC Welcoming Committee have been on the run, seeking sanctuary from police terrorism. Now, residents of the Gulf Coast are will continue to be experiencing the suspension of civil and human rights on an even more massive scale, and seeking sanctuary not only from the weather but from a military invasion of their cities - the same kind which 3 years ago proved an even bigger calamity than Hurricane Katrina itself.Demonstration / Hands off Kurdish asylum seekers!
01-09-2008 14:11
Thursday 11th September 2008 - 12:30pm - 14:30pmLobby of the Home Office
2 Marsham St
Senior Nepali Maoist leader to address London public meeting
01-09-2008 11:05
C P Gajurel, head of the International Department of the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) will be speaking about recent developments and the current situation in Nepal in central London on Tuesday 16 September. The meeting has been organised by the Britain-South Asia Solidarity Forum.United Nations highly Critical of UK's treatment of women
01-09-2008 08:31 climate change and class
01-09-2008 00:43
climate change and class. strategy...there is also discussion on august aut-op-sy list

Global Action Against Enforced Disappearances
29-08-2008 08:52
Disappearances No / Convention NowSaturday August 30th marks the 25th anniversary of the International Day of the Disappeared. On this day human rights organisations and family members of the disappeared from all over the world call on their Heads of State to ratify the International Convention for the Protection of all Persons from Enforced Disappearances.
party sat night with the wobs, e. london
28-08-2008 14:52

A Climate Of Mistrust: The Working Class & The Climate Camp
28-08-2008 11:20

and during this years camp.
The Recession - London Public Mtg with Paul Mason and Graham Turner
26-08-2008 13:14
Paul Mason, Economics editor of Newsnight & Author of Live Fighting or Die Working - How the Working Class went Global and Graham Turner, author of "The Credit Crunch" will be discussing the recession and what it means for us. The meeting is hosted by the People Before Profit Charter. All welcomeFREE Monday Love Carnival After Party with Movimientos
23-08-2008 17:48