UK Other Press Newswire Archive
DIY Guide - Afghan appeal subverts - Bring 'Em Home before Xmas
30-10-2009 14:26
Around the country billboards containing Poppy Appeal posters from the Royal British Legion are displaying images of British soldiers in Afghanistan, or their greiving widows and family. While the appeal tried to raise it's annual £30 million, most people think the best way to help the troops is to bring them home and prosecute the politicians who sent them. Below we outline how to modify these billboards yourself to carry the messages 'BRING 'EM HOME' and 'PROSECUTE BLAIR'Subvertising hits the big time - media outrage at poppy appeal subverts
30-10-2009 02:09
The power of simple subvertising was demonstrated this week when a little cut and paste work on a few billboards became a national media story. Elevated from a being noticed by just a few passers by to tens of thousands of readers and TV viewers, the subvertisement of poppy appeal posters has apparently hit a chord.Climate Emergency Conference
29-10-2009 19:57
There will be Climate Emergency Conference at South Camden Community School on November 7th 2009. Vegans have pointed out the the meat and dairy industry contribution to Cliamte Chaos has not been included on the agenda for the meeting. So please attend if you have any contribution on the subject of carbon emissions via animal methane etc. 12 noon to 6pm, MEP speakers etc.Murdering lying copper
29-10-2009 16:28
A copper who lied about being on an emergency call when he knocked over and killed a member of the public in Kent,Didcot protest over - 20 arrested
28-10-2009 09:44
At 4.30 am, the nine occupiers of the chimney stack at Didcot power station came down and were immediately arrested. That brings the total arrests to 20, after the 11 locked on to the coal conveyors were arrested in the first 24 hours.'Do you want to die?': environmental activists at risk
26-10-2009 12:14
Recent abductions and threats against activists trying to prevent logging in South-East Asia are part of a worrying trend of violence against those exposing environmental issuesParkwood Springs Steering Group Thursday 12th Nov 2009
25-10-2009 16:14

Guildford Book Festival 2009
23-10-2009 16:43
Now in its 20th year, the Guildford Book Festival is a ten day event held in the autumn.The establishment mugs Nick Griffin, but only to steal his political clothes
23-10-2009 12:52
What entertainment! What a fascinating and gruesome TV spectacle! Griffin the fool on the box! What a ratings boost for ‘Mentorn’ (the private company that runs question time, that’s been begging the BBC for years to have the Griffo freakshow). Yes it was great to see Nick Griffin look ridiculous on TV. He really is an unctuous buffoon. But it was still a bad idea to give him a platform on Question Time. The only mitigating factor was being able to see a huge, angry demonstration by anti-fascists outside the BBC TV centre to show how we all feel. (The woman seen being dragged along the floor still wagging her finger at a copper is my especial hero).Do anarchists exist in the class struggle?
23-10-2009 12:39

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Griffin torn apart, but not literally unfortunately
23-10-2009 09:42
Yesterday, Thursday the 23rd October saw unprecedented protests outside BBC television centres across the country over the planned appearance of the fascist BNP party leader Nick Griffin on the current affairs programme Question Time. Numbers eclipsed even the protests sparked by the BBC's refusal to air a Gaza aid appeal last January. Crowds gathered to hear the usual speeches and chant the usual slogans, but after a car entered the television centre a large crowd surged forward towards the main gates to be met by police. Soon enough the cops were overpowered and pushed aside with officers climbing over the gates to escape. The gates were forced open, officers on the other side struggling to hold them shut. Seconds later the crowd stormed the gates and headed towards the BBC entrance with dozens of activists entering the building. Protestors were seen being dragged outside by security. As the evening wore on the scene became moody with reports of police using CS gas. Inside the television studio the scene was not much calmer.I saw a rather succinct review of Question Time: "Griffin came across as a blithering idiot while the other three politicians acted like a bunch of kids fighting over a bag of sweets, Jack Straw seemed to drop most of his sweets on the floor when asked about immigration. Bonnie Greer was hilarious". This about sums up what happened, but here follows a more in depth analysis.
Iran makes significant concession to defuse nuclear standoff
22-10-2009 13:26
After three days of haggling in Vienna, a draft agreement was finalised yesterday to ship the bulk of Iran’s low-enriched uranium to Russia and France for further enrichment and processing into fuel for its research reactor in Tehran. The talks conducted under the auspices of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) involved the US, Russia, France and Iran.Freedom of Speech: Peer-Style
21-10-2009 02:10
There are been a number of recent developments around the issue of freedom of speech that should be noted.Confronting censorship in prison
20-10-2009 21:46
The suppression of political literature and material considered ‘subversive’ is a long-established habit on the part of prison administrations who view the spread and dissemination of radical ideas amongst prisoners as a real threat to the authority of prison staff and the system they enforce.Hereford Heckler #10 out now...
19-10-2009 09:33
The October/November issue of the Hereford Heckler (bulletin of the Hereford Solidarity League) is out now...Iraq returns Iraqi deportees to the UK
16-10-2009 18:19
The Iraqi refugees who were just deported from the UK have been denied entry in Iraq. The BBC seems to have the only report of this unique debacle.Bulgaria: Plovdiv Accepted False Animal Birth Control Too
16-10-2009 14:35
Today, it was published on the website of the Sofia News Agency, . Sinse 1990, in Bulgaria there is trend of increased pet keeping and roam, while good practice of animal birth control (ABC) remain unaccepted. In 2006 Sofia accepted catch-neuter-releace method to control local dog population size. Plovdiv is considered as the second most populous city.Full article | 1 addition | 3 comments
Phone security Q&A
16-10-2009 12:29
The following advice from New Scientist is just a useful reminder that activist security means more than just removing your phones battery when discussing shit. It requires one caveat. When it says "Without direct access, they can still monitor your phone usage remotely, but not eavesdrop on your conversations" that this doesn't apply to the security services who can eavesdrop on turned off phones remotely.STREET FESTIVAL Against Police attack
15-10-2009 19:57

The Peanut Man Returns on World Food Day
15-10-2009 15:20